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  1. 我说呀,什么娱乐也抵不上读书的乐趣。

    I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading !

  2. 我正在打羽毛球。我喜欢游泳。我享受读书的乐趣。

    I am playing badminton . I like swimming . I enjoy reading .

  3. 这些问题导致学生在学习过程中体会不到读书的乐趣,个别学生将注意力转向电子游戏,有些甚至到了一发不可收拾的地步。

    Many students have no interesting in learning and a few students pay action to video games because of these problems .

  4. 那个绿黄的标志,开场的歌曲和彩色的木偶教会了我和同龄的孩子们数数和享受读书的乐趣。

    The green and yellow sign , opening song and colorful Muppets taught me and generations of children to count and to enjoy learning to read .

  5. 对于低收入家庭的孩子来说,在校阅读的这段时间或许尤为重要。这些孩子报告说,相较于在家中,他们更有可能在学校享受读书的乐趣。

    Such reading time at school may be particularly important for low-income children , who reported that they were more likely to read for fun at school than at home .

  6. 记者海因莱因在埃塞俄比亚一个叫做阿瓦萨的小镇上,遇到了一名埃塞俄比亚裔的美国人。这位埃裔美国人回到自己的出生地,把读书的乐趣带给那里渴求知识的孩子们。

    VOA 's Peter Heinlein visited the Ethiopian town of Awassa , to meet an Ethiopian-American man who returned to the land of his birth to Make a Difference with youngsters hungry for learning .

  7. 她从读书中获取乐趣。

    She takes pleasure from reading .

  8. 我觉得快乐紧身衣会使我快乐。读书可以得到乐趣,获得文采,学会本领。

    I had thought happy tights would make me happy . Studies serve for delight , for ornament , and for ability .

  9. 相反,该书观点冷静,资料详实。清晰的文笔和构思也增添了读书的阅读乐趣。

    On the contrary , it is sober and well-informed . It is also a pleasure to read because of the lucidity of its writing and structure .

  10. 老师应当使儿童懂得读书的重要性和乐趣。

    A teacher should bring home to children the value and pleasure of reading .

  11. 他马上确信读书是一种乐趣。

    He instantly convinced himself that reading was a pleasure .

  12. 如果你希望的话,读书也能充满乐趣。

    Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be .

  13. 读书所得到的乐趣。

    The pleasure to be gained from books .

  14. 中学的老师令他明白勤奋用功的好处,而他觉得科大的环境很适合读书,享受个中乐趣。

    He says his secondary school teachers made him realize the benefits of working hard and he found the environment at HKUST very suitable for both studying and enjoying his work .

  15. 教科文组织希望激发人们,特别是年轻人的读书欲望,发现读书的乐趣,尊重那些曾改变世界的人物。

    UNESCO wants to encourage young people in particular to discover the unique pleasures of reading and respect the authors who have helped shape and change our world .

  16. 从幼儿园到高中,学生们被谆谆教导要珍惜读书的机会和享受读书的乐趣。

    Since kindergarten up to high school we were always told to love and cherish the pleasure of reading .

  17. 我爱读书,我觉得读书是一种乐趣,让我在书中找到了快乐,是书让我的生活更充实、更灿烂。

    I love reading , I think that reading is fun , I found happiness in the book is the book to make my life fuller and more brilliant .

  18. 爱莉丝似乎总是能自得其乐。一个人读书必须出其自然,才能够彻底享受读书的乐趣。

    Alice seems to always be able to enjoy herself and have a good time . To be thoroughly enjoyed , reading must be entirely spontaneous .