
  1. 不得到最终警告,他就不写读书报告。

    Book reports weren 't written until the final threat .

  2. 开展读书报告会实现知识共享的做法与效果

    Practice and effect of a reading meeting to realize knowledge sharing

  3. 她会圈阅我们的读书报告,并且标出里面的精彩部分。

    She would mark them up with check marks and highlights .

  4. 养成定期阅读并做读书报告的习惯。

    To form a habit of reading and writing book report .

  5. 他的读书报告抽象的讲法太多使我生厌。

    Too many abstract statements made his paper very tedious to me .

  6. 我计划明天写读书报告。

    I 'll start out to write my paper tomorrow .

  7. 珍妮问我写完读书报告了没。

    Jenny asks me if I finished the book report .

  8. 护理人员读书报告会的组织方法与体会

    The practice and experience of reading report meeting among nurses

  9. 你怎么把读书报告丢到垃圾袋里去了?

    Why did you throw your book report in the garbage bag ?

  10. 方法开展读书报告会,实现一人读书,知识共享。

    Method Holding a reading meeting to realize knowledge sharing .

  11. 知识的价值与高等教育哲学&布鲁贝克高等教育哲学读书报告

    The Value of Knowledge and the Philosophy of Higher Education

  12. 汤姆交上去一份满是文法错误的读书报告。

    Tom handed in a paper sown with grammatical mistakes .

  13. 我很紧张,因为我忘了我的读书报告。

    I 'm nervous because I forgot my book report .

  14. 席拉为求准时完成读书报告而拼命赶工。

    Sheila worked like a dog to complete the book report on time .

  15. 还有你答应过指导我写读书报告的,忘了吗?

    And you promised to help me with my book report , remember ?

  16. 秘诀:如何写读书报告?

    Tips : How to write a book report ?

  17. 写读书报告的作者是否建议其他人读此书?

    Does the writer of the report think others should read the book ?

  18. 每一位高年级班的学生需要写两篇读书报告。

    The more advanced students are required to write two reading essays per semester .

  19. 英语课的读书报告怎么样?

    How about a book report for english ?

  20. 英语课外作业是写一份读书报告。

    The English assignment is a book report .

  21. 问题出在你的口头读书报告上

    The issue is your oral book reports .

  22. 研究生读书报告质量管理体系的研究与实践

    Study on the Quality Management System of Graduate Student 's Seminar and It 's Application

  23. 读书报告与护理临床专科带教

    Reading report assisted clinical teaching of nursing

  24. 结论读书报告会是一种可行、有效的学习方法。

    ConclusionThe reading report meeting was proved to be a feasible and effective learning means .

  25. 了解读书报告的基本内容,养成定期阅读习惯。

    To have a primary idea about book report and form a habit of reading .

  26. 他们不必非得看完一本书或者写读书报告之类的东西。

    They do not have to finish the book or report on it in any way .

  27. 上课证明书〔海外教育津贴〕英语课外作业是写一份读书报告。

    Certificate of Attendance [ overseas education allowance ] The English assignment is a book report .

  28. 把书读了两遍之后,他决定写一篇读书报告。

    Having read the book twice , he decided to write a book report about it .

  29. 英语墙报将出新版,欢迎大家写文章或读书报告。

    Oral English will be a new , welcome you to write articles or book reports .

  30. 珍妮需要再给她一天完成她的读书报告,但老师不允许她拖延。

    Jenny needs another day to finish her book report , but the teacher won 't hear of any delay .