
  • 网络reading error
  1. 混合溶液法的精密度、反应现象、读数误差、试剂用量及费用等方面均优于KI溶液法。

    Several as-pects were compared , such as accuracy , phenomenon , reading error , cost and the use level of reagent . Mixed solution method was superior to KI solution method .

  2. 介绍了电流比较仪检定电流互感器线路,分析了比较仪附加负荷ZF及对校验仪读数误差的影响,提出了相应的解决方法。

    This paper introduces the checking current for transformer with current comparator , analyses the additional impedance of current comparator . The influences of additional impedance on the comparer-type transformer calibrator 's reading error were concluded .

  3. 锚索张拉千斤顶标定值与测力计读数误差分析

    Calibration of anchor rope stretching jack and reading error analysis of dynamometer

  4. 利用标准性能曲线板手工绘制往往具有较大的作图和读数误差。

    Drawing in hand with the standard French curve usually has drawing and reading errors .

  5. 实现了自动化操作,消除了人为操作和读数误差。

    Realizes the automation operates , dissolving the factitiousness operate with read the few error margin .

  6. 其方向可以在应变计的圆形刻度尺上读出,读数误差约在5°内。

    Their directions can be read to within 5 ° from a circular scale attached to the strain gauge .

  7. 该方法利用计算机进行数据采集和处理,避免了转化误差和读数误差。

    Using a computer as data sampling and processing device , errors in converting and reading can be avoided .

  8. 自动化测试的实现,减小了人为因素造成的读数误差,并且大大节省了时间,提高了测试效率。

    This automated testing reduces the reading errors caused by human factors , and signification savings in time and increases test efficiency .

  9. 可摘要以减小仪器本身的瞄准误差、角度和坐标的读数误差,减小测试人员的主观误差和工作强度。

    Besides , the use of image measurement method , not only the aiming error and reading error of measurement instrument but also the personnel errors are reduced .

  10. 试验结果表明本系统增加了试验过程的稳定性,避免了人为的读数误差、计算误差以及相关数据不能同时记录所引起的试验结果偏差,提高了测试精度和试验效率。

    The experiment results showed that the stability of the experiment process increased , the reading error was avoided and the measurement accuracy and experiment efficiency were improved .

  11. 传统的光学自准直比较测角仪都是依靠人眼从仪器的目镜中观察分划板,长时间操作容易造成测量人员眼睛疲劳,增大瞄准读数误差,降低工作效率。

    The traditional method to use Autocollimator is to interpret the pattern on the reticle through the eyepiece of the instrument . A long time operation is likely to cause eyestrain , increase the alignment error and reading error , and reduce efficiency .

  12. 影响度盘读数的误差分析

    Analysis of the Effects of Errors on the of the Graduated Circle

  13. 一些新的自动抄表技术虽具有自动读表、集中管理等优点,但也存在抗干扰能力差、读数累计误差大、改造成本高等缺陷。

    Some of new meter reading technologies have many merits , such as automatic reading meter , centralized management and so on , but also have many faults , such as high reconstructing cost , big accumulative error and so on .

  14. LaCoste-Romberg(G)型重力仪读数系统的误差分析

    The error analysis of the reading system on LACOSTE-ROMBERG ( g ) gravimeter

  15. 测头读数及定位误差对三点法圆度测量精度的影响

    On the Effect of Reading Errors and the Angular Misalignments of the Probes on the Accuracy for Roundness Measurement with Three-Point Method

  16. 实验表明:该读数方法绝对误差为零,非常适合于高精度指针式仪表自动跟踪判读。

    The experiment shows that the absolute error of the reading approach is zero , which is applicable to automatic tracking reading of high-precision meter very well .

  17. Hough变换在指针式仪表判读中的应用含读数的判读以及误差分析两步。

    Application of Hough transform to reading determination of dial instrument includes reading determination and error analysis .

  18. 接着,分析了采用低精度仪表自动判读方法对高精度仪表进行自动读数时,引入误差会增大高精度仪表的读数误差。

    Secondly , the paper analyzes that importing error will increase reading error when the automatic recognition method of low-precision meters is used to recognize the reading of high-precision meters .

  19. 歼×飞机攻角位置误差校准的试验研究详细分析了三点法中测头的读数及角位置误差对圆度测量精度的影响。

    The effect of the reading errors and the angular misalignments of the probes on the accuracy for roundness measurement with three point method has been analyzed in detail in this paper .

  20. 该法还可控制光度读数范围,减小读数误差,提高测定结果的准确度。

    It can control the photometric range . it can de-crease the photometric error and increase the accuracy of the results .

  21. 导出了溶液浓度与标尺读数的关系式及标尺读数误差引起溶液浓度测量的相对百分误差的关系式。

    The expressions for the concentrations of fluorescent substance and the readings of measure , and for the relative errcr ( % ) of concentration caused by error of readings are derived .

  22. 同时,简要说明了影响谱线质量及波长读数精度的因素,并讨论了补偿波长读数误差的方法。

    Factors influencing line image quality and wavelength accuracy are investigated and the method of compensating for wavelength errors is discussed .

  23. 单板机收到瞬时温度读数乘以修校正系数,单板机输出的测温读数其误差不超过5%。

    The single trigger receives the temperature to read that the number multiplies to fix to correct the coefficient in a moment , the single trigger output 's Measure the temperature number its error margin is not over 5 % .

  24. 通过应用信号分析技术对圆分度测量系统中适当布置的两个读数头的读数信号进行分析处理,可分离出由测量系统主要误差源引起的前几十阶读数谐波误差并予以修正。

    By using the signal analyzing technology to deal with signals read by two read heads of the angular indexing measuring system , the harmonic errors caused by main error resources of the measuring system can be detach and correct .