
dú wù
  • reading;reading material;reading matter
读物 [dú wù]
  • [reading material;reading matter] 供阅读的材料,书籍、报纸、杂志等的统称

  • 儿童读物

读物[dú wù]
  1. 几个月前,Bridgewater对冲基金的创始人雷伊戴利奥(RayDalio)交给员工一个同样愚蠢的读物。

    A couple of months ago , Ray Dalio founder of the Bridgewater hedge fund presented his staff with equally nutty reading matter .

  2. 他们的读物包括《库克船长航海记》。

    Their reading matter included'the voyages of captain cook ' .

  3. 《哈姆雷特》是这门课程的指定读物。

    ' Hamlet ' is required reading for this course .

  4. 她最初是以儿童读物作家成名的。

    She first made her name as a writer of children 's books .

  5. 这是一本非常好的读物。

    This book is a rattling good read .

  6. 你怎么能看这种淫秽读物?

    How can you read such filth ?

  7. 这是本儿童读物。

    It 's a book for children .

  8. 她看起来像19世纪插图读物中的公主。

    She looked like a princess in a nineteenth-century illustration .

  9. 1987年《国会季刊》出版了一系列美国政治指南读物。

    In 1987 Congressional Quarterly published a series of guidebooks to American politics .

  10. 《绿色环保的假期》是本生动有趣、增长见闻的读物。

    ' Holidays That Don 't Cost the Earth ' is a lively , informative read .

  11. 人们通常把它看作“男孩读物”,它当然是,而且还是本很不错的男孩读物。

    People usually think of it as a ' boys ' book ' , which of course it is , and a very good one too .

  12. 这本书是科学的入门读物。

    This book explains the ABC 's of science .

  13. 儿童读物五花八门,不可能一概而论。

    It 's impossible to generalize about children 's books , as they are all different .

  14. 这些是她选出的推荐读物:

    Here she picks her top reads .

  15. 他写了70多本儿童读物。

    He has written over 70 children 's books .

  16. 另一种展位可以允许用户收听有声读物,甚至录制自己的声音。

    Another kind allows users to listen to audiobooks ( ) and even record their own voices .

  17. 和埃里克的儿童读物一样,他的"ArtArt"也充满了鲜明的色彩。

    Like Eric 's children 's books , his " ArtArt " is full of bright and clear color .

  18. BookRiot网站建议你在早上读书,或者尝试一下有声读物。

    Book Riot suggests reading in the morning , or trying an audiobook instead .

  19. 原子集市》是关于这个极令人不安的话题的一本优秀的入门读物

    The Atomic Bazaar is an excellent introduction to this most discomfiting topic .

  20. 我还有另一个理由:这个大人什么都懂;即使儿童读物也懂。

    I have another reason : this grown-up understands everything , even books about children .

  21. 你也可以听一些音乐,看一部电影或听一本有声读物(当然是英语)。

    You can also listen to some music , watch a movie or listen to an audio book ( in English of course ) .

  22. 本文只是一个入门级读物,旨在让您体验了在Scheme等面向列表的语言中列表处理是何等简单。

    This article has been just a primer to provide a taste of how easy list manipulation is in list-oriented languages like Scheme .

  23. 旧的Server/WorkstationExpert中有一个精彩的关于存储器概念和实践的专栏,它仍然是有价值的读物。

    The old Server / Workstation Expert had a great column on storage concepts and practice that remains valuable reading .

  24. 牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)出版的佩里茨教授的著作《美国的竞争政策》(CompetitionPolicyinAmerica),被视为该领域的经典读物。

    Professor Peritz 's book Competition Policy in America , published by Oxford University Press , is considered a classic in the field .

  25. 这不是一本关于Java语言的书,而是Java语言开发人员重要的思想读物。

    This isn ? t a Java language book , but it ? s a critical mindset book for Java language developers .

  26. 基于DAISY的数字有声读物资源建设与传递

    Development and Distribution of DAISY-Based Digital Talking Books

  27. DAISY是基于互联网文档格式的数字有声读物开放式标准。

    DAISY is an open standard of digital talking books based on web document format .

  28. 他也是“红色星球有声读物”(RedPlanetAudiobook)公司的创始人兼CEO,iPhone和iPad用户对该公司的发展起到了巨大的推动作用。

    He 's also founder and CEO of Red Planet Audiobook , which has gotten a huge boost from iPhone and iPad users .

  29. 她目前正在读小学五年级水平的读物,甚至使用家里的iPad自学西班牙语。

    She 's currently consuming books at a 5th grade reading level and even taught herself Spanish on the family 's iPad .

  30. PW帮助个人从浩瀚的网络信息资源中迅速、方便地拿到他确实有用的读物;

    PW will help individual capture reading materials that are assuredly useful to him rapidly and conveniently from vast network information resources .