
qí chàng
  • sing in unison;sing in chorus
齐唱 [qí chàng]
  • [unison] 齐声而唱

齐唱[qí chàng]
  1. 本文叙述的是在听课、评课、专题讨论中发现的标准现象和齐唱现象。

    This thesis is to narrate the criterion phenomenon and the unison phenomenon , which exit in the process of the teaching and discussing .

  2. 也可以利用音乐中齐唱、轮唱、对唱等多种方法,来认识美、体验美、掌握美、表现美、创造美,达到以美导行效果。

    Various musical means such as unison , troll and antiphonal singing can also be used to realize beauty , experience beauty , master beauty , express beauty and create beauty so as to achieve the result of beauty leading the action .

  3. 歌词的最后部分要齐唱。

    The last verse will be sung in unison .

  4. 两位独奏者和唱诗班的齐唱搭配自始至终都很和谐动听。

    The two soloists2 and the choir3 sang beautifully in unison throughout .

  5. 共有1631人聚集在利物浦的城市中心齐唱《爱我吧(LoveMeDo)》,这些狂热追随者中不乏千里迢迢来到这里的秘鲁人与日本人。

    Aficionados poured in from as far afield as Peru and Tokyo for a weekend of live music and Beatlemania , which kicked off with 1631 people singing " Love Me Do " outside the city 's central Liver Building .

  6. 运动改善健康,奥运凝聚世界。(谢幕时齐唱)

    Sports improve health and Olympic Games unites the world .

  7. 美国青年女子联盟协会各位,一齐唱国歌!

    Association of Junior Leagues of America Ladies and gentlemen , the national anthem !

  8. 股民齐唱大风歌?

    Shareholders : Chorusing Song of Gale ?

  9. 众神齐唱哈利路亚。

    Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia .

  10. 众军齐唱哈利路亚。

    Heav'nly hosts sing Alleluia ;

  11. 从齐唱到自己进行原创歌曲,发挥学生学习的主动性。

    Make a new song Encourage students to make a new song using other animals or adjectives .

  12. 在一些城镇,人们于圣诞之夜在适当的露天场所进行烛光下齐唱颂歌的活动。

    In some towns on Christmas Eve , @ Carols by Candlelight @ are held in suitable settings outdoors .

  13. 参加升旗仪式,衣着整洁、脱帽致礼,齐唱国歌。

    Be neatly dressed , take off your hats in salutation and sing national anthem in unison at the flag-raising ceremony .

  14. 全文对畲族民歌的种类和特点进行了论述,并介绍了独唱、对唱、齐唱三种演唱形式,尤其是对畲族民歌的双条落作了详细的分析。

    The text discusses the types and features of the She nationality songs , and introduces three kinds of singing forms which are solo , antiphonal singing , and singing in unison , especially analyses the " Antiphonal singing " in the She nationality songs in detail .