
  1. 这意味着曼齐宁将有可能劝说俱乐部董事会为了全队的利益而放弃特为兹。

    That means Mancini will end up having to tell the board to get rid of him for the sake of the team .

  2. 曼齐宁一直认为超级马里奥是世界上最好的球员,只是现在曼齐宁的耐心被消磨光了。

    Mancini believes Balotelli can be the best player in the world , but right now he has run out of patience with him .

  3. 而曼齐宁则事先有令,特为兹被排队在明日飞往意大利的比赛阵容中。

    And Mancini has left orders for him not to join up with the rest of the squad tomorrow when they fly out to Italy .

  4. 他随后去到了曼城,并且在伯明翰完成了一个成功的租借赛季,这使得曼齐宁最后选择了他而不是基文。

    He was brought through under Sven-Goran Eriksson and had a taste of the Premier League before the successful loan spell at Birmingham that convinced Roberto Mancini to pick him ahead of Shay Given .