
  • 网络Chiral solvent;CSA;CSAL
  1. 实验部分主要包括三部分:(1)来源于天然产物酒石酸和乳酸的CIL的合成,以及其作为手性溶剂在查耳酮和丙二酸二乙酯的不对称Michael加成中的应用。

    While in the experiment section , we described three parts : ( 1 ) synthesis of new chiral ionic liquids from natural acids and their applications in enantioselective Michael addition .

  2. 手性溶剂萃取分离布洛芬对映体

    Separation of ibuprofen enantiomers by chiral extraction with hydrophobic tartaric esters

  3. 手性溶剂-NMR法测定2,4-滴丙酸对映体纯度的定量分析

    Quantitative determination of the enantiomeric purity of dichlorprop by NMR spectroscopy utilizing a chiral solvent

  4. 以上研究结果表明本文建立的模型是模拟药物对映体手性溶剂萃取体系的有力工具,并能为工程计算和设计提供参考。

    The presented data indicates that the model is a powerful tool for modeling chiral solvent extraction system and can provide information for the engineering calculation and design .

  5. 手性离子液体可以作为手性溶剂,催化剂载体或手性诱导剂,应用于手性合成、手性分离和手性催化等领域。

    Chiral ionic liquids are used as chiral solvents , catalyst carrier or chiral inducer in chiral synthesis , chiral separation , chiral catalysis and other fields .

  6. 但是,在与手性物反应或在手性溶剂中或是有手性催化剂参与的反应的反应速率、旋光性等都是存在差别的。

    But , when they react with chiral compounds , in the chiral environments or catalyzed by a chiral catalyst , the reaction rate and optical rotation is distinctly different .