
shǒu lún
  • handwheel;hand wheel;pilot wheel
手轮 [shǒu lún]
  • [handwheel] 手操作的轮子

手轮[shǒu lún]
  1. 如果有弹簧,手轮的枢轴会装在弹簧上。

    If a spring is present , the hand wheel will pivot on the spring .

  2. b起吊时,绳子不要系在手轮或阀杆上。

    B lifting , the rope not tied hand wheel or valve stem .

  3. PLC在数控机床手轮控制中的应用

    The Application for PLC in Handwheel control of Numerical Control Machine

  4. 基于PMAC数控系统手轮脉冲跟随功能的实现

    Realization of the Position Following Function of Handwheel Impulser in the CNC System Based on PMAC

  5. 如果要订购304不锈钢轭架阀门的旋转手轮或锥齿轮执行器,则要把选型表代码中“CS”更改为“S1”。

    To order rotary manual or bevel gear actuators on valves with the304 stainless steel yoke , replace the " CS " code from the sizing table with the code " S1 " .

  6. 输入输出模块包括开关和指示灯接口电路,数据输入输出模块、手轮输入切换电路。通信模块包括串口通信、USB通信和以太网通信。

    Input and output modules include a switch and indicator light interface circuit , data input and output modules , the hand wheel input switching circuit , the communication module includes serial communication , network communication and USB communication .

  7. 铸钢手轮是用于起重机的一种工具。

    Steel hand wheel is used as a tool for cranes .

  8. 所有通径的阀门都配置手轮执行机构。

    Valves are supplied with a handwheel actuator on all sizes .

  9. 加长件包括连接件和加长管件,带手轮安装。

    The extension includes fittings and extension pipe with handwheel mounted .

  10. 这是煤油炉炉芯的手轮调节处。

    It is the handwheel adjustment of the kerosene stove wick .

  11. 注明从阀门中心到手轮的所需加长件的长度。

    Specify required extension length from centerline of valve to handwheel .

  12. 依轿厢所需上下方向转动盘车手轮。

    Turn winding crank for required direction of movement of car .

  13. 铝青铜拨叉、手轮超塑成形及模具设计

    Superplastic Forming and Die Design of Aluminium-Bronze Fork and Hand - Wheel

  14. 手轮式天窗传动装置求援信号装置者携带的一种手动装置

    Hand wheel type skylight controlling gear distress signal warning device

  15. 手动开启:顺时针旋转手轮;

    No.1 open by hand : revolve the handle clockwise ;

  16. 在整个活动范围内,手轮应该能够旋转自如。

    Handwheel should turn freely over full range of travel .

  17. 锤击手轮接合器可以配置在手轮或链轮结构上。

    Hammerblow handwheel adapters can be furnished with handwheel or chainwheel construction .

  18. 手轮力对炮手工作负荷及系统工效的影响

    The effect of gun handwheel resistance on gunner 's workload and system

  19. 要做到紧密关闭,最经济的机械装置就是冲击式手轮。

    The most economical mechanism for tight shutoff is the impactor handwheel .

  20. 起动空气主操纵手轮主动权掌握在我们手里。

    Starting air master handwheel The initiative rests with us .

  21. 不应在装有手轮的钢瓶上使用扳手。

    Wrenches should not be used on valves equipped with a hand wheel .

  22. 海相碳酸盐岩锶同位素及微量元素特征与海平面变化水平安定面配平手轮

    Strontium isotope and trace element characteristics of marine carbonate and sea level fluctuation

  23. 齿轮齿条式转向装置手轮式天窗传动装置

    Pinion-and-rack steering device hand wheel type skylight controlling gear

  24. 阀门启闭靠启动(手轮)气动装置来完成。

    Valve on activated ( hand wheel ) pneumatic devices to be completed .

  25. 包括带有闸板指示器的地轴承架,手轮,连接件和加长件。

    Includes floorstand with gate position indicator , handwheel , fittings and extension .

  26. 如果不订购地轴承架,则最小长度尺寸为阀门中心至手轮的长度。

    Minimum dimension from centerline of valve to handwheel when ordered without floorstand .

  27. 手柄,手轮,拉手。

    Handle , Hand Wheel , Pull Handle .

  28. 重新安装手轮,用固定螺栓加固。

    Reinstall handwheel and secure with retaining bolt .

  29. 针对数控车床的手轮移动操作方式进行研究。

    The movement and operation mode of hand wheel of CNC lathe were researched .

  30. 手轮脉冲驱动均匀化控制

    The Uniform Control of Hand Wheel Pulsed Drive