
  1. 比如手机外观设计、务器机箱外观设计,外墙清洁机器人外观造型设计、纹锁外观造型设计等。

    Such as cell-phone appearance design , server machine case appearance design , outer wall clean robot appearance shape-designing , fingerprint lock appearance shape-designing , etc.

  2. 最后,以手机外观为例进行了潜在需求获取的实证分析,并将该方法在网络平台上予以实现,构建了基于网络的潜在需求获取系统原型。

    Lastly , it takes an example of acquiring customers ' subliminal need to mobile phone appearance and builds up a web-based system prototype so as to implement it on a web platform .

  3. 最后针对最符合当下大学生期望的感性语意形容词,根据语意对应的造型法则,设计出一款符合该群体偏好的手机外观造型。

    Finally , on account of the college students ' most expected semantics adj . to design the mobile phone sculpt which suits the preference of this certain population by using the corresponding sculpt rules .

  4. 目的:通过比较手机外观喜好度主观评价(问卷法)与客观评价(眼动测量法)之间是否存在一致性,寻找产品外观设计视觉评价的有效指标。

    AIM : Through the comparison of the cell phone appearance , to assess if there is concordance between the subjective evaluation ( questionnaire method ) and objective evaluation ( eye movements scale ) by the favorite . To find the effective index of products appearance design with visual evaluation .

  5. 解决方案之一是带一部诺基亚(Nokia)105,这是一款超低价、超简单的手机,外观采用了诺基亚“经典”的直板造型设计。

    One solution is the Nokia 105 , an ultra-cheap , ultra-simple phone with a " classic " Nokia candybar design .

  6. 马伯远表示,对苹果来说,令人担忧的是,从据说是iPhone7泄露的照片看,这款手机的外观似乎与iPhone6S没有多大不同。

    Mr Ma says the worry for Apple is that supposedly leaked images of the iPhone 7 appear to show little difference from the iPhone 6S .

  7. 三星手机的外观设计是硬伤。

    Samsung 's vice is exterior design .

  8. 另一位铺层手机的外观。

    Another look at the Ply phone .

  9. 系统很好的视觉效果,能够很好的展示手机的外观功能等信息。

    1 , the system very good visual effects , can be a very good appearance of the display function of mobile phones and other information .

  10. 因为诺基亚一向以满足各种消费族群的需求为设计目标,我们的手机虽然外观和感受各异,但仍然非常有诺基亚的风格。

    Nokia has always designed for people from all walks of life , so our devices all look and feel different , but still very Nokia .

  11. 这并不会改善你手机的外观或者在以旧换新时将价值最大化,但这可以让你在寒冷的流感时节不会出现流鼻涕或者更糟糕的症状。

    This won 't improve the look of your device or maximize value at trade-in but it might spare you the sniffles or worse during cold and flu season .

  12. 该检测过程主要包括对手机整体外观、手机屏幕、键盘,以及手机在耳机模式、通话模式和放音模式下音频回路的检测。

    Specifically , the detection process mainly include checking on the overall appearance of the handsets , like screens and keyboards , and testing on the audio loops when the handsets are in headset mode , discrete mode and playback mode .

  13. 首先从项目整体方面介绍了本滑盖手机的外观图和结构的堆叠图,对主天线和蓝牙天线做了内部评估同时天线厂也给出天线评估结果。

    First , the external view of the project and the stacked figure of the structure from the overall situation is introduced , main antenna and bluetooth antenna is internally assessed and the antenna supplier shows the assessment result about main antenna .

  14. 苹果此前指控三星抄袭其iPhone手机的整体外观,令其品牌蒙受损失。

    Apple had accused Samsung of diluting its brand by copying the overall look of its iPhones .

  15. 风靡一时的Infobar直板手机因为靓丽的外观而赢得了国际设计大奖。

    The once popular Infobar candy bar phone even won international design prizes .

  16. 不同性别类型的人群对手机消费具有不同的需求,对于手机的外观形态要素进行分析、考量,进而对手机设计要素进行考量,找到各要素之间的对应关系,无疑对手机设计具有重要的指导意义。

    To find the corresponding connection of consumption need and the designing factor has much significance to the mobiLe phone design .

  17. 一款手机在市场上的生命周期越来越短,消费者更加关注手机的外观、功能和使用性,这就加快了手机的更换频率。

    A cell phone in the market short life cycle , Consumers pay more attention to the appearance of mobile phones , functionality and usability , That has accelerated the replacement of mobile phone frequency .