
  • 网络antenna input impedance;input impedance of antenna
  1. 线天线输入阻抗的变分原理结合FDTD求解

    Simulating antenna input impedance by applying variational principles in FDTD

  2. 本文基于Green函数法导出了双馈点角馈及边馈方形贴片天线输入阻抗与互阻抗的计算公式。

    Based on the Green function approach , new expressions for the input impedance and S parameters of patch antennas corner fed by single and double microstrip feeders are obtained .

  3. 文中结合平面电路技术、腔模理论,用Green函数法导出了双边馈电方形微带天线输入阻抗与互阻抗的计算公式。

    The input and mutual impedance formulas of a dual polarized square patch element are derived based on the cavity model and planar circuit theory by using the Green function method .

  4. 天线输入阻抗是个极易变化的参数,而传统的手工匹配技术很难对动态负载做到实时、快速的匹配,限制了RFID技术在很多领域的应用。

    Traditional manual matching technology is difficult to statify dynamic load impedance immediately and fast , which largely limit the RFID technology applications in many fields .

  5. 船用短波发信天线输入阻抗远洋实船测试

    The Input-Impedance Test of Short Wave Transmitting Antenna on Ocean-Going Vessels

  6. 双环电视发射天线输入阻抗的矩量法解

    A Moment Solution for the Input Impedance of Double-loop Reflector Antenna

  7. 中波天线输入阻抗计算机分析

    Analysis of input impedance of medium wave antenna with computer

  8. 位于任意形状导体上的天线输入阻抗分析

    Input Impedance of an Antenna on an Arbitrary-shaped Conductor

  9. 实验结果表明柱形等离子体天线输入阻抗曲线具有明显的谐振特性。

    The experimental result shows the resonance behavior of the impedance curves is prominent .

  10. 双锥体天线输入阻抗的计算

    Calculation for input impedance of biconical antenna

  11. 扫频仪测圆环天线输入阻抗值的可行性研究

    Study on the feasibility of using sweeping meter for measuring input impedance of Loop antenna

  12. 圆柱共形微带天线输入阻抗及方向图分析的新方法

    A New Method for Analyzing the Input Impedance and Radiation Pattern of Cylindrically Conformal Microstrip Antennas

  13. 应用改进矩量法,只取较少的基函数项的情况下,导出了矩形微带贴片天线输入阻抗的计算公式,并进行了软件实现。

    Using improved moment-method with fewer terms of basis functions , formulae for calculating the impedance are derived and software is achieved .

  14. 本文从对单圆锥天线输入阻抗的分析入手,讨论了一种在降低轮廓的设计中,采用阻抗变换来改善单圆锥天线的阻抗匹配,以获得尽量宽的匹配带宽的方法。

    On the basis of imput impedance of conical antenna , impedance exchange is employed in outline design to improve impedance for wide match band .

  15. 比较了在强噪声环境下测量甚低频发射天线输入阻抗二种方法,提出一种新的矢量谐振测量方法,这种新方法比传统的阻抗电桥法具有更高的精度。

    By comparing two traditional measurement systems used to measure VLF transmit antennas impedance in intensive atmospheric noise entironment , a new measurement method based on vector resonance is proposed in this paper .

  16. 本文利用模式匹配理论和积分方程法对在同轴口面上具有不同间隙电容的同轴馈电微带天线输入阻抗特性进行了分析。

    In this paper the analyses for the input impedance of the probe-fed microstrip disk antenna with a diaphragm at the coaxial aperture have been made by means of mode matching theory and integral equation method .

  17. 运用近年来发展起来的矩阵束法得到空间域格林函数的近似解,并结合感应电动势法,给出了有耗介质半空间上垂直放置的线天线输入阻抗的闭合表达式。

    The Matrix Pencil Method is used to get the polynomial approximations of the spatial Green 's function , and the close form solution for the input impedance of thin-wire antennas above lossy media is derived through the induced EMF method .

  18. 本文介绍用扫频仪测量天线输入阻抗和驻波频率特性的原理和方法,导出了简便的计算公式,分析了误差来源和校正方法。

    In this paper , we will discuss the principle and the method of measuring impedance and standing wave ratio of an antenna by using a frequency scanning instrument . We will develop a simple and convenient calculating formula , and will analyse its main sour - ces of errors .

  19. Matlab实现矩量法计算框形天线的输入阻抗

    Calculating Input Impedance of Rectangle Antenna by Method of Moment with Matlab

  20. 研究了这种新型套筒天线的输入阻抗、电压驻波比(VSWR)、增益及辐射方向图等电特性。

    The electric characteristic parameters of this novel sleeve antenna are calculated , including the input impedance , voltage standing wave ratio ( VSWR ), horizontal gain and radiation pattern .

  21. 叙述了矩量法(MOM)结合渐近波形估计(AWE)技术快速求解天线宽带输入阻抗的一般步骤,并将AWE技术拓展应用到阵列方向图的求解中。

    The method of moments ( MOM ) in conjunction with the asymptotic waveform evaluation ( AWE ) technique to calculate the wide-band input impedance fleetly is depicted briefly . And then the application of AWE technique is expanded to calculate the antenna array pattern .

  22. 对用网络分析仪(HP8510C)扫频测量色散馈电天线系统输入阻抗的方法进行了研究;

    The method for the network analyzer ( HP8510C ) to sweep input impedance in the dispersive feed antenna system is discussed .

  23. 双圆柱体结构天线阵列输入阻抗计算和阻抗匹配

    Input impedance and impedance matching of a DUAL-CYLINDRICAL antenna array

  24. 渐变开槽天线阵列输入阻抗的矩量法分析

    Input Impedance Analysis of Tapered Slot Antenna Arrays by the Moments Method

  25. 混合结构平面天线的输入阻抗

    The Input Impedance of Planar Antennas with Hybrid Structure

  26. 角馈方形微带天线的输入阻抗与散射参数

    Input Impedance and S-Parameters of Corner-fed Square Microstrip Antenna

  27. 有耗介质半空间上线天线的输入阻抗

    The Input Impedance of Thin-Wire Antennas above Lossy Media

  28. 角馈微带天线的输入阻抗及振荡函数的数值积分

    Input Impedance of Corner fed Microstrip Antenna and Numerical Integration of Oscillating Functions

  29. 微带天线的输入阻抗宽带模型由微带天线的腔体模理论得到;

    The input impedance wide-band model can be calculated from the antenna 's cavity model .

  30. 矩形微带贴片天线的输入阻抗

    Input impedance of rectangular microstrip patch antenna