
  • 网络natural water content;natural moisture content
  1. 建立了天然含水量与天然孔隙比的回归方程。

    A regression equation between the natural water content and the natural void ratio is established .

  2. 指出对于四个地区来说,天然含水量对黄土湿陷性的单项湿陷强度是最大的。

    For 4 regions , Natural water content is the biggest for the individual collapsibility strength of loess collapsibility .

  3. 实验研究了合肥膨胀土抗剪强度指标c和Φ与天然含水量之间的关系,并提出合肥膨胀土随含水量变化的抗剪强度公式。

    Through tests the paper studies the relationship between shear strength and water content of Hefei expansive soil .

  4. 天然含水量的扰动土与风干土抗剪强度的分析

    Analysis of disturbed soil with natural moisture and air-dried soil shear strength

  5. 盐渍土的压缩变形是指地基土在天然含水量条件下受外荷载作用产生的变形。

    Compressive deformation of the salty soil means the soil with natural water content will be compressed under the action of load .

  6. 软土地基具有天然含水量大、空隙比大、压缩性高、抗剪强度低等特点。

    The soft ground has characteristics such as rich natural water content , big air space ratio , high compressibility , low shearing strength and so on .

  7. 对某浅海海域的72份表层底质沉积物样品的天然含水量测试和贯入阻力测定值进行了分析对比。

    The test of natural water content of surface sediment in a shallow sea area of China is taken and the penetration resistance data of the seabed sediment are compared and analyzed .

  8. 采用掺加砂石料改良高液限粘土时,则须考虑高液限粘土的天然含水量,并使改性后的高液限粘土含水量趋于最佳含水量。

    The field experimentation suggests that we should consider the nature water content of the high liquid limit of clay and make sure the water content tend to best water content when dash with gravel to it .

  9. 不过,现场粘土天然含水量低,加水困难,难以保证掺合均匀,缺乏达到设计要求的控制指标。

    However , the two materials can not be admixed together uniformly , as the water content of the clay therein is too low and difficult to be watered and is lack of the control index to meet the design requirement concerned .

  10. 不同植被类型根系的不同径级总含根量与土层深度呈指数函数关系或线性关系。在天然含水量情况下,植被较之裸地能提高土壤抗剪强度。

    There is a exponential function relationship or linear relationship between gross root content including different diameters of different vegetation types and soil depth . At the state of natural moisture contents , vegetation can improve shear strength of soil , contrasted with bare soil .

  11. 软土具有软松、孔隙比大、天然含水量高、压缩性高、强度低、渗透性小和结构性灵敏的特点,因此,软基处理是道路工作者必然要面临的问题。

    The soft soil is characteristic by relaxtion , the large hole ratio , the high natural water content , the high compressibility , the low intensity , the small permeability and the sensitive configuration . Therefore , soft base processing is a question which the worker must face inevitably .

  12. 水泥浆的沉降稳定性;天然气含水量的估算

    Water content estimation of natural gas

  13. 应用状态方程求解天然气饱和含水量

    The Application of State Equations to Calculate the Saturation Water Content of Natural Gas

  14. 试论西宁地区湿陷性黄土的天然孔隙比及含水量对湿陷性的影响

    Influence of nature porosity and water content to collapsibility of the collapsing loess in Xining District

  15. 因此,在工艺设计、置核算中都需要确定天然气的含水量。

    Therefore it is necessary to know the water content of sour natural gas in design and operation .

  16. 天然气饱和含水量的计算是天然气工业有关工艺设计、生产装置考核、水合物抑制剂的使用等过程中经常用到的主要计算。

    Calculating the saturation water content of natural gas is important for process design , industrial equipment evaluation and hydrate inhibitor application in natural gas industry .

  17. 天然密度、含水量、内摩擦角及内聚力均呈正态分布。

    The results are that the landfill is radical changing and the natural density , the water content , angle of internal friction and cohesion are all normal distribution . 2 .

  18. 长输管道内天然气最大允许含水量的预测

    Prediction of Maximal Allowable Water Content in Long Distance Pipelines

  19. 辽东湾表层沉积物天然湿容重和含水量的分布及其与粒度的关系

    Distribution of Natural bulk density and water content of surface sediments in Liaodong Bay and the relation with grain size

  20. 太平洋西部3个岩芯沉积物的粒度组成及其天然湿容重和含水量的变化

    Composition of granularity and the changes of Natural bulk density and water content of three cores from western of Pacific Ocean

  21. 本文论述了南黄海表层沉积物天然湿容重和含水量的分布,并利用回归分析的方法讨论了容重和含水量与粒度之间的关系。

    In - this paper , distribution of natural bulk density , water content , and the relationship of grain size with bulk density and water content are studied by regression analysis .

  22. 天然中间土天然含水量与液限之比几乎与软质天然海相黏土相似,但是前者相对后者的灵敏度和现场强度更高。

    The natural intermediate soils have almost the same ratios of natural water content to liquid limit as those of the soft natural marine clays , but the former have much higher the in-situ strength and sensitivity than the latter .

  23. 结果表明:该路段上部土层分布不均匀,厚度变化大,密实性差,天然孔隙比大,且天然含水量较高。

    The solution indicates that the superstructure of this highway segment distributes unhomogeneously , the soil thickness changes greatly , and the soil layer has high water content .