
  • 网络Water stop curtain;curtain for cutting off water
  1. 提出了仅考虑主动土压力作用情况下止水帷幕厚度计算方法。

    Calculation methods of thickness of curtain for cutting off water are proposed when only active earth pressure is considered .

  2. 场地水位高且与闽江有直接水力联系,砂层渗透系数大,设计最大坑内水位降深为11m,通过设置水泥搅拌桩悬挂止水帷幕,采用深井降水系统成功地降低了坑内水位。

    Because of the high water level and large permeability in sand , the cement mixing pile was also used as the anti-seepage pensile curtain , and deep-well system was set up at the same time to depress the water line .

  3. 化学注浆在泵房基础止水帷幕中的应用

    Application of chemical grouting to water-sealing curtain in pumping house foundation

  4. 多头小直径水泥深层搅拌止水帷幕的应用

    Application of waterproof curtain of multi-head & small-diameter deep concrete mixture

  5. 止水帷幕对基坑渗流场影响分析

    Analysis on Influence of Waterproof Wall in Seepage Field of Foundation Pit

  6. 深层水泥土搅拌桩止水帷幕施工浅析

    Analysis on construction of water - resisting curtain with deep cement-mixed pile

  7. 止水帷幕环保效果的影响因素分析

    Study on Influencing factors of Environmental Protection for Waterproof Wall

  8. 高压旋喷桩常用于基坑止水帷幕中。

    High-pressure rotating pile is usually used in waterproof curtain .

  9. 超深三轴搅拌桩止水帷幕关键技术在深基坑中的应用

    Application of Extra-deep Triaxial Mixing Pile Water-stop Curtain in Deep Excavation Pit

  10. 止水帷幕对基坑环境效应影响的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of environmental effects of waterproof wall on foundation pit

  11. 深层搅拌桩止水帷幕施工的监控

    Construction control of curtain for cutting off water of deep stirring pile

  12. 桩间止水帷幕在深基础围护结构中的运用

    The Application of plie-spanning Water-proof Heavy Curtain in the Deep Foundation Extensor-protected Construction

  13. 止水帷幕深度对控制周围地面沉降的影响研究

    Research on the influence of depth of water cut-off on controlling ground settlement

  14. 深基坑止水帷幕施工技术比选

    Make Choice of Construction Technique of Water Stop Curtain for Deep Foundation Pit

  15. 悬挂式止水帷幕插入深度的数值分析

    Numerical analysis of inserted depth of suspended impervious curtain

  16. 深基坑工程止水帷幕设计概要

    The Summary of the Cut-Off Wall Design in the Deep Foundation Pit Engineering

  17. 地下工程渗透注浆格构式止水帷幕施工技术

    Constructive technology of waterproof curtain of seeping & grouting form in underground project

  18. 止水帷幕技术在管线施工中的应用

    Application of Water Stop Curtain Technique in Pipeline Construction

  19. 建筑夜景的景观营造某大厦基坑止水帷幕工程

    The Water - sealed Heavy Curtain Construction of Foundation Pit in a Building Project

  20. 止水帷幕和管井降水在深基坑支护中的应用

    Application of water-seal curtain and tube well dewatering in support of deep foundation pit

  21. 格栅式水泥土搅拌桩支护及止水帷幕施工技术

    The support of grid type cement-soil mixing pile and the technology of waterproof curtain

  22. 高层建筑深基坑土钉与止水帷幕联合支护施工

    United construction of deep basic pit soil nail and waterproof curtain in high architecture

  23. 高压旋喷桩止水帷幕在深基坑中的应用某基坑搅拌桩止水帷幕失效的分析与处理

    Application of water-seal drapery for high-pressure spiral spraying piles in deep foundation pit support

  24. 深基坑止水帷幕新技术及工程实践

    Theory and practice of new technology of water blocking in deep foundation pit excavation

  25. 地铁基坑止水帷幕摆喷桩施工技术

    Construction of the water sealing curtain of swing jet grouting pile in subway foundation pit

  26. 过滤管、止水帷幕对周边地面沉降影响的研究

    Research on Effect of Filter Tube , Stop Water Heavy Curtain to Surrounding Ground Settlement

  27. 新二管法在深基坑止水帷幕中的应用

    The Application of " New Two Pipe Method " in Deep Founda-tion Pit Watertight Curtain

  28. 旋喷桩止水帷幕在地铁基坑中的应用

    Application of Rotary Injected Pile as a Water-Seal Drapery for a Foundation Pit in Subway Work

  29. 深基坑工程水压力计算及止水帷幕设计

    Water Pressure Calculation and Design of Keeping off Water Heavy Curtain in Deep Foundation Pit Engineering

  30. 文章介绍高压喷射注浆止水帷幕在基础施工中的应用。

    This paper introduces the application of water-stopping curtain by high pressure spraying in foundation construction .