
zhǐ tòng
  • relieve pain;stop pain;stop one's pain
止痛 [zhǐ tòng]
  • [relieve pain;stop one's pain] 减轻、缓解疼痛

止痛[zhǐ tòng]
  1. 止痛起效时间治疗组与对照组分别为(0.82±0.4)h、(1.12±0.6)h;

    Initial time of relieve pain : treatment group and control group are respectively 0 . 84 h , 1 . 12 h.

  2. 温阳散寒止痛,善用附子。

    Warming Yang and dispelling cold to relieve pain , processed aconite root can be used well .

  3. 这种药膏应有助于止痛。

    This cream should help to relieve the pain .

  4. 他被迫服用鸦片来止痛。

    He was forced to take opium to kill the pain .

  5. 刚出现征兆时,就服用止痛片来预防疼痛。

    You can pre-empt pain by taking a painkiller at the first warning sign

  6. 一片药就可止痛。

    One pill will deaden the ache .

  7. 治是治不好的,只能止痛。

    There was no cure , only pain relief .

  8. 这种药用来止痛。

    The medicine is used to assuage pain .

  9. 科学家们认为,咒骂引发情绪反应,该反应引起被称作“压力诱发止痛”的现象。

    Scientists believe swearing elicits an emotional response which leads to what is known as " stress-induced analgesia . "

  10. 目的探讨经前腹壁进针CT导向腹腔神经丛阻滞止痛的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate CT guided celiac plexus block analgesia via an anterior approach in clinical practice .

  11. 高效液相色谱法测定活血止痛胶囊中人参皂苷R(g1)含量

    HPLC Determination of Ginsenoside R_ ( g1 ) in Huoxue Analgesic Capsules

  12. 目的评价CT引导下弯针穿刺技术在腹腔神经丛阻滞止痛中的应用价值。

    Objective : To validate the clinical value of CT-guided curve-needle percutaneous ethanol injection ( CNPEI ) for celiac plexus block analgesia .

  13. 2组作随机单盲对照试验。结果:吲哚美辛组止痛作用优于曲马多组,总有效率分别为92.5%和82%(P<0.05)。

    RESULTS : The pain_relief effective rate in indometacin group was 92.5 % , higher than that ( 82 % ) of tramadol group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  14. 应用吗啡止痛治疗后,脊髓c-Fos蛋白表达明显减少。

    After relieving pain treated with morphia , the expression of c-fos protein significantly decreases .

  15. 在ESWL中比较不同的止痛技术,已有大量的研究报道出现。

    Compared with the ESWL in a large number of different research techniques reported pain appears .

  16. 熏蒸后0、2、4h评估两组止痛效果。

    The antalgic effects of fumigation were evaluated at 0 , 2 and 4 h after fumigation .

  17. 结果比较三组患者止疱、止痛、结痂、痊愈时间比较,B组和C组都与A组存在显著性差异(P<0.05);

    Results There were significant difference showed in Group B or Group C compared with group A from the time of cure of herpes , pain , scab and the shingles clear up ( P < 0.05 );

  18. Losec治疗食管源胸痛止痛效果的评价

    Evaluation of the efficacy of Losec in relieving esophageal chest pain

  19. 同时,在磷酸根的存在下可以减弱Hoechst33258与DNA的非特异性作用.矿泉浴通过矿泉水对人体的特异性和非特异性作用,起到按摩、收敛、消肿和止痛的作用;

    The main interaction sites of Hoechst 33258 is between base pairs of A and T. Mineral bath make impacts on massage , restrain , repercussion and acesodyne by the specificity and non-specificity of mineral water on human body ;

  20. 结论:EOW是一种新型的口腔局部杀菌止痛含漱剂。

    CONCLUSION : EOW is a new bactericidal gargle that can relieve pain in oral cavity .

  21. 目的比较肋间神经冷冻镇痛与患者自控硬膜外镇痛(PCEA)在开胸术后的止痛效果和安全性。

    S : Objective To compare the efficacy and safety of cryoanalgesia and patient-controlled epidural analgesia ( PCEA ) after thoracotomy .

  22. 对照组采取病人静脉自控止痛法(PCIA)止痛,观察组采取肋间神经冷冻术止痛。

    Control group was given PCIA and observation group was given intercostal nerve freezing to ease their pain .

  23. 结果:MEBO组在平均治疗次数、治愈率、止痛效果等方面明显好于对照组。

    Result : In MEBO group , pain relieving and curative rate were significantly higher and treating time was shorter than that in control group .

  24. 结论:理气活血止痛法对催产素所致痛经大鼠扭体反应有镇痛作用,其机制与血浆βEP的作用有关。

    Conclusions : The method of regulating Qi and activating blood has close correlativity to the mechanism of easing pain caused by oxytocin and increasing β EP in blood plasma on rats .

  25. 非类固醇消炎止痛药(NSAIDs)已被广泛用于治疗炎症发热、止痛及抗血小板活性。

    Non steroidal Anti inflammatory Drugs ( NSAIDS ) have been extensive used for treatment of inflammation , fever as agents of analgesia and anti platelet activity .

  26. 方法:对3个批号元胡止痛微丸的制备工艺研究、TLC分析、崩解度及体外溶出度的测定,并与元胡止痛片作比较。

    Methods : The preparation procedure of 3 batches of Rhizoma corydalis Analgesic Pellets was studied by TLC analyzing and determining of their disintegration time and dissolution rate in vitro , and comparing of the results between pellets and tablets .

  27. 治疗后VAS积分的两组结果差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),治疗组止痛疗效明显优于对照组。

    There was a significant difference in VAS score between the two groups after treatment ( P < 0.01 ), indicating that the analgesic effect was significantly better in the treatment group than in the control group .

  28. 结论60Co外照射治疗胰腺转移癌,方法简便,病人痛苦小,止痛效果确切,但存有不能立即止痛,需配合其它止痛药之缺点。

    Conclusion 60 Co external irradiation therapy of pancreatic metastatic carcinoma is simple and almost painless with obvious analgesic effect , but there are short-comings of not relieving pain instantly and of needing other pain-relieving drugs .

  29. 结论:1.电针与温针均能有效缓解KOA患者临床症状,改善患者生活质量,电针侧重于止痛作用,而温针侧重于散寒作用。

    Both electro-acupuncture and warm-acupuncture can effectively release patients ' clinical symptoms and improve life equality , electro-acupuncture particular emphasis on stopping pain and warm-acupuncture emphasis on dispersing cold . 2 .

  30. Ome组服药后1-2d止痛者57%,4d内为100%,Fam组分别为21%和62%(P<0.01和P<0.05)。

    Pain relieved 1-2 din 57 % and 4 d in 100 % of the patients in Ome group , but were 21 % and 62 % of the patients in Fam group , respectively ( P < 0.01 and P < 005 ) .