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  • 网络Flower table;Flower stand
  1. 过去,他们走同样的路程要花几天或几周的时间。

    In the past , it took them days or weeks to travel the same distance .

  2. 洗个热水澡,或者找个舒服的椅子,花几小时读一本好书。在你当地的图书馆里有很多免费的书。

    Run a hot bath , or find a comfortable chair and read a good book for a few hours — there are quite many , for free , in your local library .

  3. 但是如果你的目标是前期投资成本最低,那么你可以少花几百块去买Windows电脑生产商制造的台式机和笔记本。

    But if the lowest upfront cost is your objective , you can pay hundreds less for desktops and laptops from Windows PC makers .

  4. 如果您正在处理需要提供警报的应用程序,那么请花几分钟的时间来学习警报API并使用它。

    If you 're doing an application that needs to provide alarms , take the few minutes to learn the alarm API and use it .

  5. 和大部分成功的移动游戏一样,尽管《精灵宝可梦Go》是免费的,但它让玩家可以花几美元购买虚拟物品,加速升级过程。

    Like the most successful mobile games , while " Pok é mon Go " is free to play , it gives players opportunities to buy virtual items for a few dollars to speed up their progress .

  6. 最后想出的就是可用微波炉烹制的BobEvans通心粉、奶酪和冷冻豌豆,这顿饭只要花几分钟时间准备,而且孩子们都很喜欢吃。

    Out comes the microwavable Bob Evans Macaroni and Cheese and frozen peas , a meal that takes minutes to prepare and that her kids love .

  7. 如果一个集群成员出错并停止发送信号,WASDN可能需要花几秒钟检测丢失的信号。

    If a cluster member goes down and it stops issuing its heartbeats , it may take a few seconds for WAS ND to detect the missing heartbeats .

  8. 《美国管理学会学报》(AcademyofManagementJournal)即将发表的研究显示,人们在工作结束时花几分钟写下一天的成果,以及这些成果何以让他们感觉良好后,晚上反映出的压力水平有所下降。

    Forthcoming research from the Academy of Management Journal shows that workers reported lower stress levels in the evenings after spending a few minutes jotting down positive events at the end of the day , along with why those things made them feel good .

  9. 依我看,只花几秒钟的时间搜索100MB的文件(搜索多个同时出现的字)已经算得上非常快了。

    Taking just a couple seconds to search100MB of files ( for multiple simultaneous word occurrences ) is quite fast , methinks .

  10. VFS和UNIX的“一切均是文件”的概念也很相似,因为这个想法很容易理解和模仿,但是要意识到它能将应用程序设计简化到哪种程度,还需要花几年工夫。

    VFS is also like UNIX 's " everything is a file " concept , in that it 's easy to understand and imitate the idea , but it might take years to appreciate how much it simplifies application design .

  11. 但罗布森撞上了大运:团队负责人爱德华希尔-伍德(EdwardHill-Wood)要他花几天时间统计一下朋友们使用媒体和通讯设备的习惯。

    But Mr Robson struck lucky when Edward Hill-Wood , the head of the team , asked him to spend a few days pulling together an account of his friends ' media and communications habits .

  12. 所有的修道士,如Iakovos神父,都要从见习修道士做起,有时要花几年的时间到不同的修道院实习,然后才能在最适合他的一所修道院长期生活下来。

    All monks such as Father Iakovos start as novices , sometimes spending several years in different monasteries before settling in the one that suits them best .

  13. Idiotheim似乎是一个非常聪明的主意,以Yatzer仔细一看,克里斯·维克尼的工作中,我们不会介意花几天在这个遥远的宇宙!

    Idiotheim seems a pretty clever idea to Yatzer and , taking a closer look to Chris Vicini 's work , we would not mind at all to spend some days at this far away universe !

  14. 因此花几分钟阅读整个试卷。

    So take a couple minutes and read the entire test .

  15. 需要花几分钟的时间使眼睛适应昏暗。

    The eyes need several minutes to adjust to the dimness .

  16. 拜托您,大夫,只要你花几分钟时间。

    Please , Doctor , it 'll only take a moment .

  17. 让我们花几分钟来设置您的计算机。

    Let 's spend a few minutes setting up your computer .

  18. 我要花几天的工夫来处理这些申请。

    It 'll take days to go through all these applications .

  19. 只需要在现在花几分钟的时间,可以在之后为你节省几个小时的时间。

    A few minutes now , can literally save hours later .

  20. 麻烦你花几分钟时间回答下面的问题。

    Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions .

  21. 一些人要花几年时间搞上去。

    Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got .

  22. 花几分钟来想一个聪明的反击。

    Take a couple minutesto think of a witty retort .

  23. 学生要花几年的时间才能掌握英语惯用法。

    It takes several years before a student can master English idioms .

  24. 掌握日语要花几年时间。

    It takes years to gain a mastery of Japanese .

  25. 这个要花几天才搭好。

    He needed a few days to complete this structure .

  26. 你在易趣网花几块钱就能买到

    You could pick them up for a few dollars on eBay .

  27. 如果需要花几年的时间那我也没有办法

    And if it takes years , it takes years .

  28. 是不是她常常在浴室里化妆,一化就花几小时?

    Does she spend hours making up in the bathroom ?

  29. 害我花几块钱还买顶帽子!

    And to think I bought a new hat just for her !

  30. 这些障碍物可能要花几周时间才能从运河中清除掉。

    These obstructions could take some weeks to clear from these canals .