
huā fèi
  • spend;expend;cost;money spent;expenditure;expense


huā fei
  • money spent;expenditure;expenses
花费 [huā fèi]
  • [spend;expend;cost] 用掉;占用;付去

  • 花费金钱

  • 花费时间

  • [money spent;expenditure;expense] 费用

  • 花费不少

花费[huā fèi]
花费[huā fei]
  1. 商店每年在防止犯罪方面的花费越来越多。

    Stores spend more and more on crime prevention every year .

  2. 父母为孩子买玩具的花费每年平均为220元。

    Parents spend an average of $ 220 a year on toys .

  3. 这一年要花费纳税人100亿英镑。

    This is costing the taxpayer £ 10 billion a year .

  4. 二手车的花费只是新车的零头。

    A second-hand car costs a fraction of a new one .

  5. 这每年要花费纳税人100亿英镑。

    This is costing the taxpayer £ 10 billion a year .

  6. 最好的设备花费大,但这种开支很值得。

    The best equipment is costly but is well worth the outlay .

  7. 我们估计要花费大约5000欧元。

    We estimated it would cost about € 5 000 .

  8. 她在一些无关紧要的事情上花费精力太多。

    She spends too much effort on things that don 't matter .

  9. 显而易见,这将比我们以前了解到的花费要多得多。

    Clearly , this will cost a lot more than we realized .

  10. 这家公司成千上万地花费在大摆酒宴款待潜在的客户上。

    The firm spent thousands wining and dining potential clients .

  11. 这座新房子确实不值这么多的花费。

    The new house really wasn 't worth all the expense involved .

  12. 在外出期间,把你的花费都记录下来。

    Keep a tally of how much you spend while you 're away .

  13. 取得这种水平的成就需要花费时间和精力。

    Achieving success at this level requires a commitment of time and energy .

  14. 这大约花费了500元。

    It cost in the neighbourhood of $ 500 .

  15. 我们今年的花费少于预算。

    We 've underspent our budget this year .

  16. 这工作需要花费很大力气,但是值得。

    The job involves a lot of hard work but it 's worth it .

  17. 这个项目花费了一大笔钱。

    The project cost a shedload of money .

  18. 我没有钱应付那些非必要的花费。

    I have no money for non-essentials .

  19. 贫困家庭大约花费收入的80%到90%购买食物。

    Poor families spend about 80 to 90 per cent of their income on food .

  20. 这值得花费力气吗?

    Was it worth the effort ?

  21. 那么它究竟要花费多少钱?快点告诉我吧!

    How much is it going to cost , then ? Come on , hit me with it !

  22. 你说这无所谓当然容易,可是我却已经花费很大力气而且想要取得成功。

    It 's all very well for you to say it doesn 't matter , but I 've put a lot of work into this and I want it to be a success .

  23. 必须对所有花费进行记录并存档。

    You must record and keep a file of all expenses .

  24. 清除垃圾每吨要花费100美元。

    Getting rid of rubbish can cost $ 100 a ton .

  25. 这道简单的鸡肉菜肴每人的花费还不到1英镑。

    This simple chicken dish costs less than £ 1 a head

  26. 这将花费他们75英镑巨款。

    It 'll cost them the princely sum of seventy-five pounds .

  27. 现在输入数据花费的时间少多了。

    A lot less time is now spent entering the data .

  28. 彩绘墙壁看上去更有趣而且花费也不高。

    Painted walls look much more interesting and doesn 't cost much

  29. 为期两周、包括所有费用的度假大约每人花费880英镑。

    An all-inclusive two-week holiday costs around £ 880 per person .

  30. 英国花费在对外广播上的财力高于其他国家。

    External broadcasting soaks up more resources in Britain than elsewhere .