
  • 网络Fancy coffee;Cappuccino;special coffee
  1. 花式咖啡可在美食店和咖啡店买到。

    Flavored coffee is sold at gourmet food stores and coffee shops

  2. 麦当劳向花式咖啡的进军是其策略的一部分,目的是在早餐时间吸引更多的顾客,以其低廉价格的饮品从咖啡连锁店抢夺顾客。

    McDonald 's expansion into fancy coffees under the McCaf é brand is part of a strategy to capture more customers at breakfast time and win them over from coffee chains to its lower-priced drinks .

  3. 他给人一种有自知之明、谦逊和憨憨的感觉。坐下来之后,他把一盘马卡龙和花式小蛋糕从咖啡桌那边推过来。

    The place was impeccable , and , after sitting down , Mr. Stallone , who comes across as self-aware , self-effacing and a little silly , slid a plate of macarons and petit fours across the coffee table .