
zhēn ɡōnɡ fu
  • True Kung Fu;true skill/accomplishment
  1. 我们下了真功夫,把它办成了一场内容丰富、为时三天的展览。

    We really went to town on it , turning it into a full , three-day show

  2. 师兄们才是真功夫呢。

    My senior fellow disciples are capable of real skills .

  3. 韩佳:大牛,你说的要显示真功夫。

    Daniel , you said you wanted to show off your real skill .

  4. 学车来鸿景!鸿景学到真功夫!

    Learning driving skill in hongjing as you could learn real skill here .

  5. 大家都在为了成为大师而努力的时候,先掌握真功夫。

    Work on mastering the pieces when everyone else is working on a masterpiece .

  6. 真功夫快餐成立于15年前,当时的创始人只有22岁。

    The Kung Fu fast food chain was started 15 years ago by a 22-year-old Chinese man .

  7. 艾伦说,他曾在印度待过三年,但这才是真功夫。

    Allen said he had been in India for three years , but this is the real thing .

  8. 真功夫副总裁兰刚13日接受采访时表示,会议资料是真的。

    Lan Gang , vice president of Zkungfu , confirmed during an interview Tuesday that the documents are true .

  9. 这些社交工具让社交变得更加方便,但是要维持这些关系需要投入真功夫。

    Tools provide a convenient way to establish connections , but to maintain those connections you still have to put in the work .

  10. 真功夫一份套餐约标价20元,包括一碗米饭,一碗汤,白灼蔬菜和一份肉食。

    The set meals cost about 20 yuan , and include a rice bowl , soup , boiled vegetables and a meat dish .

  11. 在接受《中国日报》采访时,导演郑保瑞表示:每一个你看到的武打场景都是实打实的真功夫。

    In every action scene you see , real kung fu fighting skills are on display , film director Pou-soi Cheang told China Daily .

  12. 对于英语学习而言,诵读更是硬道理兼真功夫,诸多英语学习成功者对此深有体会。

    For English learning , reading is the last word , and really work , a lot of English language learning success of this deep .

  13. 增强新闻用语的色彩作用,是写好新闻报道的重要一环,也是一名优秀记者写作上的真功夫。

    It is an important part of writing well news report and actual skill in writing to a correspondent to strengthen the modifying action of news language .

  14. 我们决定下一番真功夫去观察自己的思想,把我们在自己“心园”里种下的东西看个真切。

    We decided to make a real effort to watch our thoughts and see exactly what it was that we were planting in our own " Mind Gardens " .

  15. 据《北京晨报》报道,昨天,又有永和豆浆和真功夫两家知名快餐企业被曝出使用豆浆粉调制豆浆。

    Two more fast food restaurants , Yonghe Soybean Milk and Kungfu , were found to use soybean milk powder to make soy milk yesterday , the Beijing Morning News reports .

  16. 以前这个考试一般都由各个驾校自行组织,此次,合肥在全省率先开展统一考试,就是为了检验教练员到底有没有下真功夫提高自己。

    But this time , Hefei took the lead in Anhui Province to implement a unified standard test for the driving coaches to check whether they have really worked hard enough to improve themselves .

  17. 今天,如果你要在上海赶时间的话,你可以吃到既健康又美味的中式快餐,例如:永和大王、真功夫或东方既白。

    Today , if you are on a tight schedule in Shanghai , you can have healthy and tasty Chinese fast food , such as Yonghe King , Kung Fu Restaurant or East Dawning .

  18. 因此如果一个人只会摆出漂亮的姿势,却不能结合内在的力量和精神,我们会说他是“花拳绣腿”,没有真功夫。

    Therefore , if one can only make some beautiful poses but without combining the inner strength and spirit , his martial arts are showy but not practical and he has no real Kungfu .

  19. 中央电视台报道,麦当劳和真功夫的冰块里细菌含量分别为每毫升120菌落单位和900菌落单位,均超过每毫升国家标准100菌落单位。

    The amount of bacterial colonies found at McDonald 's and Kungfu ice cubes reached 120 CFU and 900 CFU ( colony-forming units ) per milliliter respectively , exceeding the national limit of 100 per milliliter .

  20. 中国中央电视台报道,快餐巨头肯德基、麦当劳和总部设于广州的真功夫北京分店出售冰块里的细菌含量远远超过国家标准,甚至有些比马桶水还要脏。

    Ice cubes used by fast-food giants KFC , McDonald 's and Guangzhou-based Kungfu at branches in Beijing contained bacteria far in excess of the national limit , according to China Central Television . Some were even dirtier than toilet bowl water , CCTV said .

  21. 这就表明,一个人只要真下功夫,就能做成什么事情。

    It just goes to show what you can do when you really try .

  22. 如果我真的下功夫,今天就可以把这工作做完。

    If I really put myself to it , I can finish this work today .

  23. 麦克:看来我还还真得下点功夫才行。

    Mike : It seems I really have to work hard on it .