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  1. 能除一切苦,真实不虚。

    It can remove all suffering ; it is genuine and not false .

  2. 据说才是真实不虚的佛法。

    I was told is the real Dharma .

  3. 对我们所有的关系来说,这是真实不虚的。

    This is true for all our relationships .

  4. 据说这才是真实不虚的佛陀。

    I was told is the real Buddha .

  5. 看看我们周遭的世界,再看看我们的内心,就知道六道是真实不虚的。

    Looking at the world around us , and into our own minds , we can see that the six realms definitely do exist .

  6. 这是你们化身于此的真实不虚的事实,每次你开始另一次人生,它都是小心的被计划好的,确保你继续的进化。

    That indeed is the object of your incarnations , and each time you commence another life it is carefully planned to ensure that you continue to evolve .

  7. 你可以看清小我的把戏想要做什麽,然后决定用不同的眼光来看待「更年期」的现象,深信《课程》所教导你的都是真实不虚,值得你的信赖。

    You can see clearly the tricks the ego is up to , and make a decision to look at menopause differently , believing that what the Course is teaching is in fact true and worthy of trust .