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  • 网络samskara-skandha;fabrications
  1. 第四蕴即为行蕴(sankhara-khandha),也就是有动机的造作的聚集体。

    The fourth aggregate is the sankhara-khandha , the aggregate of volitional formations .

  2. 经典上把行蕴定义为六类动机(chacetanakaya):即与色、声、香、味、触、法相关的动机。

    The texts define the sankhara-khandha as the six classes of volition ( cha cetanakaya ): volition regarding forms , sounds , smells , tastes , tactile objects , and ideas .

  3. 正念和智慧这两个是心所(行蕴),是无我的。

    These two , sati and panna ( mindfulness and wisdom ), are mental factors ( sankhara ) which are not Self .

  4. 尽管这些“行”与十二因缘公式中的“行”密切对应,两者并非处处等同,因为行蕴的范畴更为广泛。

    Though these sankharas correspond closely to those in the formula of dependent origination , the two are not in all respects the same , for the sankhara-khandha has a wider range .