
háng dang
  • trade;profession;line of business;type of role;game
行当 [háng dāng]
  • (1) [trade;profession]∶行业。指百工技艺所做的职业

  • 每个行当都有杰出人物

  • (2) [type of role]∶戏曲演员专业分工的类别,主要根据角色类型来划分,如京剧的生、旦、净、丑

行当[háng dang]
  1. 我的一个朋友干起了古董行当。

    A friend of mine went into the antique trade .

  2. 乔治是干油漆和装潢这个行当的。

    George is a painter and decorator by trade .

  3. 你干这行当多长时间了?

    How long have you been in this game ?

  4. 音乐行当将艺术和商业结合在一起。

    The music business marries art and commerce .

  5. 从许多方面来说,表演无疑是吃青春饭的行当。

    Acting is definitely a young person 's profession in many ways .

  6. 波度尔斯基加入美国海军当上了飞行员,不仅改了国籍还换了行当。

    Podulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator , adopting a new country and a new profession .

  7. 干这行当吃不得苦可不行。

    People of this profession have to endure a lot of hardships .

  8. 一年后,当他加入伦敦的经纪公司e.f.hutton时,偶然转到了可可行当。

    But a year later , when he joined London-based brokerage firm E.F. Hutton , he turned by chance to cocoa .

  9. 经常写有关工作与生活的博客、曾在招聘和保险行当做过个人助理的路易斯•马修斯(LouiseMatthews)认为,如今中年危机开始得更早了。

    Louise Matthews , a work and lifestyle blogger and former personal assistant in recruitment and insurance , believes that the midlife crisis is beginning earlier these days .

  10. 经常写有关工作与生活的博客、曾在招聘和保险行当做过个人助理的路易斯•马修斯(LouiseMatthews)认为,“如今中年危机开始得更早了”。

    Louise Matthews , a work and lifestyle blogger and former personal assistant in recruitment and insurance , believes that the " midlife crisis is beginning earlier these days . "

  11. 芬迪在做工要求高的行当以新奇著称,它推出的高级定制皮草时装(HauteFourrure)将是展示终极版的“梦幻皮草”——如同芬迪的双F标识一样。

    For Fendi , already fabled for its novel treatment in a highly technical field , Haute Fourrure will be the ultimate expression of " fantasy fur , " as represented by the house 's double " f " logo .

  12. 欧洲足联公然抗命之前,国际足联道德委员会作出了暂停普拉蒂尼和国际足联主席塞普布拉特(SeppBlatter)职务90天的决定,两人在足球这个行当的职业生涯面临结束。

    Europe 's defiance came after Mr Platini and Sepp Blatter , the Fifa president , faced the end of their careers in football following their suspension for 90 days by Fifa 's ethics committee .

  13. 然而这正是我生来该干的行当。

    But that was the thing that I was born for .

  14. 这是个节日销售旺季的好行当。

    This is a great one going into the holiday season .

  15. 我不抱希望当某个行当的专业人员。

    I had no hope whatever of being a professional man .

  16. 我非常讨厌我的这一行当,非常讨厌我的生活方式。

    I am disgusted with my calling and with my life .

  17. 干这行当有台收音机才美哪。

    It would be wonderful to do this with a radio .

  18. 他们把我干这一新行当所需要的用具安放得井井有条。

    They put in place the tools of my new business .

  19. 你要改行当新闻记者了?

    Are you going to switch over to being a reporter ?

  20. 看来我在这行当里有前途了?

    Think I 've got a future in the biz ?

  21. 我很高兴你决定不干侍者这一行当。

    I 'm glad you decided against a career as a waiter .

  22. 是要从一个急剧衰落的行当中挤压利润?

    A way to squeeze profits out of a rapidly sinking business ?

  23. 你一定相信,设计这个行当是靠脑子的。

    You must believe that the game is designed by the brain .

  24. 有趣的是赛车什么都行当他不假思索的时候

    Funny what a racer can do when he 's not overthinking things

  25. 我可以打赌,他又干起老行当来了。

    He 's up to his old tricks , I 'll bet .

  26. 只有当这个行当赚不到什么钱了,它才会停止。

    And only when it becomes unprofitable will it stop .

  27. 她说:“我不是为我的老行当竞选,我是为人民的利益竞选”。

    I 'm campaigning on behalf of the people , she said .

  28. 多年来,棺材铺是此地唯一的生意行当。

    For years , the only businesses here were the coffin shops .

  29. 他因体力日衰已放弃演戏这一行当。

    He had given up acting because of failing health .

  30. 兽医是一个一般的医生行当。

    A veterinary surgeon is a doctor of a sort .