
  1. 精简和规范各类议事协调机构及其办事机构,减少行政层次,降低行政成本,着力解决机构重叠、职责交叉、政出多门问题。

    We will downsize and standardize various organs for deliberation and coordination and their working offices , cut down levels of administration , minimize its costs , and address the problems of overlapping organizations and functions and conflicting policies from different departments .

  2. 管理中的最优控制幅度我国行政管理层次幅度合理化的探讨

    The Optimal Span of Control in Management On the Appropriate Levels and Extents of Administration in China

  3. 乡镇是我国行政管理层次中最低一级的行政建制,它责任重大,但处境窘迫。

    Town is at the lowest level of the administrative hierarchy in China . It bears important responsibilities but find itself now in a very difficult position .

  4. 降低政府运行成本的根本出路在于转变政府职能,减少行政管理层次,实行决策机构和执行机构分离,并大力推动第三部门即非政府组织的发展。

    The essential way to solve it is to change the government power and responsibility , reduce the levels of administration , separate the policy-making institutes with implementation institutes and push forward the development of the third department , that is non-government organization .

  5. 行政效率具有层次性、统一性和政治性等特点,可以分为组织效率和个人效率、经济效率和社会效率。

    Administrative efficiency has hierarchy , consistency and political characteristics , and can be divided into organizational efficiency and personal efficiency , economic efficiency and social efficiency .

  6. 从形式上看,大多是行政法规,立法层次低,不利于规范我国外资并购行为。

    Most of them are administrative regulations with lower level of legislation and are not in a good position to control the acquisition and merge behavior .

  7. 在我国,《暂行规定》中虽然有反淡化的内容,但由它作为行政法规,立法层次较低,这就使反淡化保护的力度不够,不利于保护驰名商标。

    There is regulations of counter-dilution in the temporary regulation in our country , but its effect in practice is too low to regulate well-known trademark desalt and is goes against the protection of well-known trademark .

  8. 其中,立法层面的主要问题有:行政给付立法分散;行政给付立法层次较低;行政给付法律规范的比例失调;行政给付的内容存在问题。

    In the legislative level , the main problems are : legislation dispersed , lower level of legislative , imbalance of legal norms ; existing content problems .