
  • 网络walker
  1. 中国摇滚行走者形象分析

    On the Image of the " Walker " of Chinese Rock

  2. “行走者”是贯穿中国摇滚始终的一个形象。

    The walker is an image throughout the growth of Chinese rock .

  3. 让我们来会一会现实生活中的天空行走者。

    Let 's meet the real-life sky walker .

  4. 不要穿太高的鞋,容易增加腰部的劳累,长期站立、行走者尽量少穿。

    Do not wear shoes too , tired easily increase the waist , long-term standing , walking , as far as possible Shaochuan .

  5. 同步行走者猜测的照片中的男人身高比随意走的人所猜矮1英尺,体型要小10%,而且不是很强壮。

    Marchers guessed the mug-shot man was an inch shorter and about 10 percent smaller and less muscular than did the subjects who simply strolled .

  6. 当行走者在新学院大学的楼上挂出“占领”字样的横幅时,警察们试图沿着第五大街设置路障,但是也没能阻挡行走的继续进行。

    Police attempts to erect barricades along5th Avenue failed to block the march , as banners reading " OCCUPIED " were seen along New School buildings .

  7. 每个”太空行走者“在真正起飞前都接受了为期几个月的培训,学习遇到外太空中可能存在的奇怪情形时如何控制自己的动作。

    Both of these " space walkers " had spent months previous to their flight learning how to control their movements under the strange conditions which exist in space .

  8. 涉及行走障碍者家庭的卫浴产品通用设计研究

    Study on Universal Design of Family Bathroom Products for the Wheelers and Slow Walkers

  9. 然后,提出了涉及行走障碍者家庭卫浴产品的通用设计原理及流程。

    Thirdly , the principles and process of family bathroom products universal design for wheelers and slow walkers were proposed .

  10. 其次,通过通用的家庭卫浴产品描述模型的建立,以及对涉及行走障碍者家庭卫浴产品通用设计的影响因素进行的调查分析,获得了涉及行走障碍者家庭卫浴产品通用设计的可靠依据。

    Secondly , by building a descriptive model of the universal bathroom product and through the survey and analysis of the impact factors of the universal design of family bathroom products for wheelers and slow walkers , a reliable design basis was received .

  11. 随着生产和分发鞋垫的地点越来越多,那些对预防足部溃疡和保留足部行走功能的研究者是很重要的。

    With increased numbers of sites making insoles and dispensing shoes , researching who has a special interest in preventing foot ulceration and preserving ambulation and function is important .

  12. 结果盲人定向行走社区康复训练的总有效率为98.7%;训练后能够进行短距离、长距离和不同路面独立行走者分别为44.5%、34.5%、19.7%;

    Results 98.7 % of subjects improved their mobility skills after receiving O & M skills training , that was 44.5 % could walk independently in short distance , 34.5 % in long distance , and 19.7 % in complex surroundings in detail .