
  • 网络behavioral modification;Behavior Modification;behaviour modification;ABA
  1. 应采取药物、行为矫正及心理治疗等综合措施。

    Comprehensive measures , including medicine , behavioral modification and psychological treatment , should be taken .

  2. 多动综合征患儿的脑电图分析③心理教育及行为矫正治疗可以减少儿童多动综合征的并发症。

    Analysis on EEG of 150 Children with Hyperkinetic Syndrome ③ The psychological education and behavioral modification can reduce the complication of hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood .

  3. 流动人口子女偏差行为矫正的介入研究&基于厦门市J社区的青少年社会工作实践

    Intervention in the Deviate Behavior of Mobile Population ' Children & Based on Adolescent Social Work Practice in Community J of Xiamen

  4. MyndPlay公司首席行政长特里·阿桑(TreAzam)说,除了给电影观赏带来新奇体验之外,这项技术在行为矫正方面也能发挥作用。

    In addition to being a novel twist on the moviegoing experience , the technology has implications in behavior modification , Chief Executive Tre Azam said .

  5. 问题儿童不良行为矫正的案例研究

    Case Study about the Rectification for Distorted Behavior of Problem Children

  6. 国有企业企业家失范行为矫正研究&政府主导下的制度变迁

    Study on Rectifying the Inappropriate Behavior of Entrepreneurs of SOEs

  7. 学生偏常行为矫正方案探讨

    Exploring the Scheme about Correction of Students ' Deviant Behaviors

  8. 行为矫正对慢性精神分裂症衰退型康复疗效分析

    Rehabilitation effect analysis of behavior rectification on waning inpatients with chronic schizophrenia

  9. 汽车驾驶员行为矫正指导量表的研究

    Research on the guiding variation table of driver behavior rectification

  10. 行为矫正:行为矫正使用强化理论改变人类行为。

    Behavior Modification : Behavior modification uses reinforcement theory to change human behavior .

  11. 行为矫正对儿童肥胖症的控制效果

    Effect of behavior modification in controlling children 's obesity

  12. 强化对行为矫正有极其重要的价值。

    Reinforcement is of great value to behavior correcting .

  13. 干预内容包括支持性心理治疗、放松疗法、行为矫正疗法。

    The intervention contained psychological treatment , relaxation therapy and behavior modification therapy .

  14. 心理诱因对肥胖的影响与行为矫正

    Influence of psychological inducement on fatness and behavior modification

  15. 对照研究老年A型行为矫正训练的效果。

    Objective To study the efficiency of type A behavior rectification in elders .

  16. 有四个常见方法的行为矫正。

    There are four common methods of behavior modification .

  17. 大学生犯罪行为矫正机制的缺陷与完善

    Deficiency and Improvement in the Rectification Mechanism to Illegal Acts of University Students

  18. 行为矫正法在建筑火灾安全中的应用研究

    Application of Behavior Modification in Safety of Building Fire

  19. 论运用行为矫正改变儿童行为

    Behavior Modification for Children - Theory and Practice

  20. 陕北区域经济发展中地方政府的行为矫正

    The Local Government Behavior Modification in Regional Economic Develop - ment in Northern Shaanxi

  21. 对网络成瘾的治疗,目前多以行为矫正和认知行为治疗的方法为主。

    Behavior therapy and cognitive behavior therapy are the popular methods to treat IAD .

  22. 课程包括儿童心理学、心理测验、行为矫正和相关研究。

    Courses include child psychology , psychological testing , behavior modification , and related studies .

  23. 目的:探讨行为矫正治疗对慢性精神分裂症衰退型的康复作用。

    Objective : To explore rehabilitation effect of behavior rectification therapy on waning inpatients with chronic schizophrenia .

  24. 目的:探讨肥胖者的心理诱因与行为矫正的作用。

    AIM : To discuss the psychological inducement of fat people and the role of behavior modification .

  25. 结果显示:行为矫正对降低多动症儿童不注意行为的发生率有较好的效果。

    The result proves that behavior modification has a better effect on reducing the behavior of attention deficit .

  26. 行为矫正课堂管理模式与初中生学业成绩之关系研究

    A Research on the Relationship of the Behavior Modification Classroom Management Mode and the Junior School Students ' Achievement

  27. 在进行传统的行为矫正技术的同时采用自我指导训练,对于改进个案课堂注意行为可能有更为持续的效果。

    The self - instructional training based on behavioral corrective technology may have longer effect than the behavioral technology .

  28. 在规定的过程中,最好的方法是经常的自我反省。你最好尽可能多的利用行为矫正工具、支援小组。

    The best way to stay on course is frequent self-monitoring ; use as many behavior-modification tools , support groups .

  29. 目前,主要通过行为矫正、合理饮食和适量运动来控制儿童单纯性肥胖。

    At present , child overweight and obesity is mainly controlled by behavior modification , balance diet and fitting exercise .

  30. [方法]采用临床方法对有氧运动+合理饮食+行为矫正和医务监督等减肥方法进行评价。

    [ Methods ] The therapy of aerobic exercise , reasonable diet , behavior modification and medical supervision was evaluated .