
  • 网络Administrative Public Interest Litigation;lawsuit for commonweal of administrator
  1. 论NGO在环境行政公益诉讼中的法律地位

    NGO 's Plaintiff Status in Environment Administrative Public Welfare Lawsuit

  2. 环保NGO参与环境行政公益诉讼法律问题研究

    Study on the Legal Issues of NGO 's Participation of Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China

  3. 但是在我国当前的司法实践中,行政公益诉讼仍然存在着诸多困境。

    But in justice practice , there are still many difficulties .

  4. 文章第一部分是行政公益诉讼案例介绍。

    The first part introduces two administrative public interest litigation cases .

  5. 构建我国行政公益诉讼原告资格的思考

    Construction of China 's public administrative proceedings the plaintiff qualified Thinking

  6. 社会团体的行政公益诉讼原告资格

    Qualifications of Social Organization of Administration Litigation of Public - interest

  7. 行政公益诉讼的价值关怀与现实依归

    Value Consideration on Public Interest Litigation of Administration and the Reality

  8. 行政公益诉讼中的社会权力因素

    On the Social Right Factor in Administrative Public Welfare Litigation

  9. 行政公益诉讼是行政法学界关注的热点问题之一。

    Administrative public interest action is a hot issue in recent years .

  10. 我国环境行政公益诉讼制度构建研究

    The Research on Constructing Environmental Administrative Public Interests Litigation System in China

  11. 土地资源管理及其行政公益诉讼制度的构建

    Land Resource Management and the Construction of Administrative Public Interest Litigation System

  12. 行政公益诉讼在我国究竟是否可行?

    Is the administrative public interest litigation feasible on earth in our country ?

  13. 检察机关提起行政公益诉讼之探讨&从现实和法理的角度考察

    On Administrative Public Interest Suit Brought by Procuratorial Organization

  14. 论行政公益诉讼制度对我国传统文化的承载

    On the Inheritance of Administrative Public Interests Litigation System to Traditional Chinese Culture

  15. 论检察机关环境行政公益诉讼参加人的确立

    The Establishment of Environment Commonweal Lawsuit Partner of Procurator

  16. 论行政公益诉讼制度在我国建立的必要性和可行性

    The Necessity and Feasibility of Establishing Administrative Public-welfare Litigation System in Our Country

  17. 行政公益诉讼原告资格之构建&赋予检察机关的行政公益诉讼起诉权

    Qualifications of Administration Litigation of Public-interest & Administration Indictment Right of Prosecution Institution

  18. 新司法解释与行政公益诉讼

    New Judicial Interpretation and Administrative Public Interest Action

  19. 行政公益诉讼模式的选择

    Choice of the Mode of Administrative Public Litigation

  20. 论构建具有我国特色的行政公益诉讼制度

    On the Characteristics of Our Country to Build with Public Interest Litigation System Administration

  21. 中国行政公益诉讼制度刍议

    Discussion about China Administrative Public Welfare Litigation System

  22. 行政公益诉讼概念有四个方面的涵义。

    There are 4 aspects in the conception " administrative public welfare litigation " .

  23. 我国环境行政公益诉讼原告资格探析

    The Study on the Plaintiff Qualification of Environmental Administrative Public Interest Litigation in China

  24. 行政公益诉讼在这种社会背景下得以产生和发展。

    The Administrative Public Interest Litigation have been produced and developed in this social context .

  25. 构建行政公益诉讼原告资格制度,主要解决的是谁可以提起行政公益诉讼的问题。

    The construction solves the problem that who can bring administrative litigation of public interests .

  26. 试析行政公益诉讼制度设计

    Administrative Public Good Lawsuit System Design Analysis

  27. 行政公益诉讼在国外已被广泛接受且形成了较为成熟的诉讼制度,但在我国尚未得到立法上的认可,理论界也未形成一致认识。

    Administrative public benefit lawsuits have formed rather mature lawsuit systems abroad and are widely accepted .

  28. 文章第二部分是行政公益诉讼案件之相关理论问题研究。

    The second part is the related theory problems of administrative litigation of public interests case .

  29. 英国的行政公益诉讼制度及其启示&兼论我国行政公诉制度的建立行政诉讼中的检察监督与行政公益诉讼

    British Administrative Commonweal Litigation System and its Enlightenment-On the Establishment of Administrative Litigation System in China

  30. 文章第三部分是域外行政公益诉讼原告资格制度的现状分析。

    The third part is the analysis of administrative litigation of public interests in other country .