
  • 网络behavioral health
  1. 影响初中生行为健康的因素①单因素分析不同家庭环境及家庭关系的初中生CBCL儿童行为量表各因子得分存在差异,且大部分均有统计学意义(p0.05)。

    The factors that influence behavioral health of junior middle school students . ① Single-variable analysis The Junior middle school students with different home environment and family relation have different scores in the Child Behavior Checklist ( CBCL ), the difference have statistic significance ( p0.05 ) .

  2. 健康提供商随后为其提供治疗和行为健康方面的建议。

    Health providers subsequently offer them medical and behavioral health suggestions .

  3. 对男男性接触者AIDS高危性行为健康干预研究

    Study on interventions targeted to AIDS high risk sex behaviors among MSM

  4. 农村居民卫生行为健康教育干预效果评价

    The Evaluation on Intervention Effects of Behavior Health Education in Rural Areas

  5. 农村地区安全注射行为健康促进策略

    Strategies of Health Promotion on Safe Injection in Rural Areas

  6. 公司即将推出包括牙科保健计划和行为健康的服务。

    Offerings that cover dental plans and behavioral health are in the wings .

  7. 社区流动青少年心理行为健康服务模式研究进展

    Research progress on psychological behavior health service model for floating youths in community

  8. 中国城镇居民自我药疗行为健康风险水平评估

    Health risk of self-medication in Chinese urban residents

  9. 农村医护人员安全注射行为健康促进效果研究

    Effectiveness evaluation of health promotion of safe injection behavior among rural doctors and nursing staff

  10. 这是香港大学行为健康教研中心的网站。

    This is the website for Centre on Behavioral Health The University of Hong Kong .

  11. 同伴教育在理工科大学生艾滋病/性病/安全性行为健康教育中的应用研究

    Application of Peer Education in AIDS / STD / Safer Sex Health Education among Science and Engineering Students

  12. 未成年人健康成长可以从生理健康状况、心理健康状况和行为健康状况三个方面进行测量。

    Healthy growth of minors can be measured from three aspects & physical , psychological and behavioral fitness .

  13. 和谐的亲子关系是影响青少年平稳度过动荡期、促进其心理与行为健康发展的重要因素。

    Parent-adolescent relationship has been considered as one of the key factors in adolescents ' behavioral and mental health .

  14. 此番言论是她在一次主题发言上做出,在华盛顿召开的行为健康国家委员会的会议上。

    She made the remarks during a keynote speech at the National Council for Behavioral Health meeting in Washington .

  15. 如东县流动人口的血防知识、态度和行为健康教育干预效果

    Knowledge , Attitudes , and Behavior about Schistosomiasis among Floating Populations in Jiangsu Province before and after Health Education Intervention

  16. 安阳县农村社区人群慢性病综合防治知识与行为健康教育干预效果评价

    Evaluation on the Effect of Health Education Intervention to Comprehensive Knowledge and Behavior of Chronic Diseases in Rural Community of Anyang County

  17. 目的了解高中生的心理和行为健康状况,探讨高中生心理和行为健康的影响因素。

    Objective To investigate and study the mental health status and smoking behavior status as well as its ' influential factors of high school students in Huainan .

  18. 家庭干预可以提高初中生的行为健康水平,并且可以改善他们的父母关系、亲子交流及亲子关系状况。

    The family intervention is an effective way to improve the behavioral healthy condition of junior middle school students , and it can improve junior middle school students ' parenthood , parent-child communication and parent-child relation .

  19. 结果:1.初中生行为健康状况描述初中男生比较常见的行为问题是不成熟、强迫性、敌意性;初中女生比较常见的行为问题是分裂样、不成熟、攻击性。

    The description about behavioral health status of junior middle school students The common behavior problems of junior middle school boys are immature , obsessive and hostile ; but about junior middle school girls are schizoid , immature and offensive .

  20. 低氧(Hypoxia)是生物体在自然活动中可能受到的主要应激之一,它对包括人类在内的生物的发育、行为和健康状况等有着重要影响。

    Hypoxia is one of the main stresses that creatures may encounter in their natural activities , the ability that creatures including human beings response to hypoxia are essential for postnatal development , behavior and health .

  21. 围绕这一问题,本课题以调研和实验为手段对VDT办公人员的坐姿行为、健康展开了系统研究。(1)本文调研共分两个阶段进行。

    Around this problem , this subject took investigated and experiment as the main methods for the systematic study on VDT office staffs ' sitting behavior and health . ( 1 ) The investigation in this paper contains two stages .

  22. 居民健康行为和健康环境需进一步改善。

    The health behavior of residents and health environment need further improvement .

  23. 对使用病人自控镇痛泵患者自我护理行为的健康教育

    Propaganda and Education of Patients Using Self-controlling Analgesia Infusion Pumps

  24. 第三部分是基于健康用水行为的健康龙头研究。

    The third section is health faucet research based on health water-use behavior .

  25. 肾移植受者自我管理行为及健康状况调查

    Self-management behaviors and health status of kidney transplantation recipients

  26. 信息权数在行为方式健康效应综合评价中的应用

    Application of weight of information in comprehensive evaluation of behavior and health effect

  27. 应激和健康相关行为与健康:神经质的调节作用

    The Effect of Neuroticism on Health : the Role of Stress and Health Related Behaviors

  28. 此外,还可以包括确定组织的行为对健康和安全的影响,以及对环境风险评估。

    It can also include identification of health and safety impacts , and environmental risk assessment .

  29. 这是暴力行为的健康疏导还是在培养我们实施残忍行径的力量?

    is that a healthy outlet for violent behavior or is that training our cruelty muscles ?

  30. 目的探讨社区糖尿病病人的遵医行为及健康教育对糖尿病病人遵医行为的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of community health education on the compliant behaviors in patients with diabetes .