
  • 网络behavioral medicine;behavior medicine
  1. 这项研究发表在《转化行为医学》杂志上。

    The results appear in the journal Translational Behavioral Medicine .

  2. 从行为医学角度论身体运动的健康功能

    On the health functions of physical movement from the viewpoint of behavioral medicine

  3. 行为医学作为医学的三大体系之一,所整合的内容非常广阔,是一门综合性知识极强的体系。

    The behavioural medicine integrates wide scope of knowledge .

  4. 率的标准化与率差分解法在行为医学研究中的应用

    Standardization and Decomposition of Rates and its Use in Behavior and Health Studies

  5. 一种用于行为医学的新型红外检测器

    A New Type of Infrared Detector for Behaviour Medicine

  6. 周四她的研究由《行为医学年报》在网上进行了报道。

    Her study was reported online Thursday by the Annals of Behavioral Medicine .

  7. 行为医学、医学行为在医院管理中的地位和作用

    Behavior Medicine , Medical Behavior , Hospital Management

  8. 武术的健身功能与行为医学有着内在一致性,从行为医学的角度探讨了武术运动的健身功能。

    This paper explores the body-building functions of wushu from the perspective of behavioural medicine .

  9. 林肯大学的兽医行为医学专业教授、丹尼尔·米尔斯教授说,

    Professor Daniel Mills , Professor of Veterinary Behavioural Medicine at the University of Lincoln , said :

  10. 从行为医学的角度来探讨身体运动的健康功能不失为一种有益的尝试。

    Therefore it can be accepted as a beneficial attempt to study physical movement from the viewpoint of behavioral medicine .

  11. 该研究发表于《行为医学年刊》上,阐述了血压和婚姻之间的复杂联系。

    The study , published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine , paints the big picture about blood pressure and marriage .

  12. 联合使用流行病学、行为医学、健康教育学等学科的方法是开展和道路伤害预防相关研究和实践的基础。

    Combination of methods concerning epidemiology , behavioral medicine , health education and the like was the basis for road traffic prevention .

  13. 结论在针灸的基础上结合行为医学疗法治疗,纠正患者不良的行为习惯,对治疗重复使力损伤有很好的疗效。

    Conclusion Acupuncture plus behavior therapy for correction of the patient 's bad behavior habit has a good effect on repeated strain injury .

  14. 目的将率的标准化和率差分解法引入行为医学研究,调整因研究总体内部构成不同对率的影响。

    Objective To use standardization and decomposition of rates in behavior and public health studies for adjusting the impact of compositional factors on rates .

  15. 行为医学,心理测验,自虐行为学临床医师。现任任瑞典乌菩萨拉大学医学研究员。

    Lundgren is affiliated with the psychology department at the University of Uppsala in Sweden , and has conducted research in many developing countries .

  16. 这和身体健康有什么关系、根据新兴领域行为医学的发现,有很大的关系。

    What does that have to do with physical health ? According to findings from the burgeoning field of behavioral medicine , a lot .

  17. 基础医学、临床医学各类课程的教学内容应体现预防医学、行为医学、群体医学、社会医学的整体观;

    Teaching contents of various courses in preclinical medicine and clinical medicine should manifest themselves the integration of preventive medicine , behavior medicine , community medicine and social medicine .

  18. 结果针灸结合行为医学疗法与单纯针灸治疗在疗程与愈后复发率的差异均有非常显著性意义(P<0.01)。

    Results There were very significant differences in both the course of treatment and the rate of recurrence between acupuncture plus behavior therapy and simple acupuncture ( P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 除酒类以外的食物渴求或成瘾是近些年来国外心理、行为医学领域十分关注的公共卫生问题,也是颇多争议的问题。

    Objective Food craving and addiction , except alcoholism , has received much attention in the area of psychology and behavior medicine recently , which is a controversial public health issue .

  20. 林肯大学的兽医行为医学专业教授、丹尼尔·米尔斯教授说,我们选择了那些稳定的家庭还进行此项研究,研究结果的确出乎意料。

    Professor Daniel Mills , Professor of Veterinary Behavioural Medicine at the University of Lincoln , said : We chose stable households to look into this question and were quite surprised by the results .

  21. 宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)行为睡眠医学项目副主任菲利普•格曼认为,通常人们在夏天会感到更愉快。

    In general , people are more cheerful in the summertime , according to Philip Gehrman , associate director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the University of Pennsylvania .

  22. A型行为与医学生睡眠质量关系探讨

    Type A behavior and sleep quality of medical college students

  23. 医生组织公民行为与医学专业精神关系刍议

    Discussion on the Relationship between Doctors ' Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Medical Professionalism

  24. 防御性医疗行为既是医学问题,也是道德和法律研究的范畴。

    The defensive medical treatment can be classified both into the field of medical sciences , aswell as the ethical and legal circle .

  25. 无论是哲学基础、人体部位,还是经络腧穴、方剂药物,甚或病因病机、治法养生,均能体现马礼逊的医学观察行为和医学思考意识。

    And philosophical basis , body parts , meridians and acupoint , prescription and Chinese herbs , etiology and pathogenesis , treatment , all above can reveal Morrison medical observation behavior and medical thinking consciousness .

  26. 纽约蒙特费尔医疗中心的行为睡眠医学主任谢尔比弗里德曼哈里斯说,这项研究对于那些玩命工作,却还认为每天睡几个小时也能应付的人来说具有极其重要的警示作用。哈里斯没有参与这项新研究。

    It has critically important ramificationsfor anyone who works " crazy hours " and thinks they are performing fine with a few hours of weeknightsleep , said Shelby Freedman Harris , behavioral sleep-medicine director at New York 's Montefiore Medical Center , who was not involved with the new research .

  27. 目的探讨A型行为类型与医学生睡眠质量的关系。

    Objective To explore their relationship between Type A and sleep quality .

  28. 家庭环境和行为因素对医学生学习成绩的影响

    Influences of Family Environment and Behavior Factors on the Study Performance of Medical Students

  29. 把社会科学和行为科学融入医学本科生课程&旧金山加州大学的基础核心课程

    Integrating the Social and Behavioral Sciences in an Undergraduate Medical Curriculum : The UCSF Essential Core

  30. 目的了解家庭环境和行为因素对医学生学习成绩的影响,找出对医学学生学习不利的一些行为因素,为进一步进行健康教育提供可靠的依据。

    Objective To study the influence of family environment and behavior factors on the study result of medical students .