
  • 网络psychological distress;psychological problems;psychological disturbance;mental disturbance
  1. 在过去的一周里自己是否经历了重大的心理困扰。

    whether they experienced significant psychological distress in the previous week .

  2. 美国成人严重头痛患者的人群研究:心理困扰和共病

    Population-based U.S. study of severe head-aches in adults : Psychological distress and comorbidities

  3. 微软Windows系统智能机的开发者着实被消费者欲购不够的矛盾心理困扰了好几年。

    Consumer ambivalence has plagued Microsoft 's Windows phones for years .

  4. 目的:了解中学生互联网过度使用倾向(IOT)与学业成绩、心理困扰、家庭功能、管教方式等的关系。

    Objective : To explore relationship between Internet overuse tendency and academic achievement , mental problems and family function in middle school students .

  5. 高校贫困生心理困扰和对策探讨

    The mental harassment and counter plan research on college straitened students

  6. 目的探讨大学新生心理困扰的性别特点。

    Objective To investigate the gender traits of university freshmen in psychological perplexity .

  7. 大学新生心理困扰的性别特点

    The Gender Traits of University Freshmen in Psychological Perplexity

  8. 在面对心理困扰时,大部分大学生会采取积极的应对方式。

    Most of students would take positive measures to cope with psychological problems .

  9. 解决大学生性心理困扰的有效方法&认知疗法

    The Effective Method to Solve Sex Psychology Puzzle of College Students & Cognitive Therapy

  10. 体育运动:消解大学生心理困扰的有效途径

    Sports : the Effective Way of Dispelling the Psychological Block of the University Students

  11. 大学新生的心理困扰与教育对策

    Freshmen 's Psychological Disturbance and Educational Countermeasures

  12. 本文旨在探讨大学新生心理困扰的表现、产生原因和教育对策。

    This thesis is to investigate freshmen 's psychological disturbance and main causes and educational countermeasures .

  13. 进入大学,各种心理困扰、心理问题日渐突出。

    After entering college , all kinds of mental puzzles , mental problems become increasing day by day .

  14. 参加体育活动,并获得日常身体活动显示了牢固的纽带,以较少的心理困扰。

    Taking part in sports and getting daily physical activity showed the strongest link to less psychological distress .

  15. 道德观念的冲突,是大学生陷入心理困扰的深层次原因。

    The conflict of moral concept is the deep cause of the psychological troubles of the college students .

  16. 在实际援助的社会工作中,运用心理学的方法,对受助者因地震灾害带来的心理困扰进行疏解。

    Applying the psychology method to relief the psychological troubles of post-disaster people during the social work practice .

  17. 在一年的时间里,有四分之一的人会经历心理困扰。

    One in four people will experience some kind of mental problem in the course of a year .

  18. 首先,分析大学生在面对心理困扰时一般应对方式和求助对象。

    First we analyzed college students how to cope and from whom seeking help when they encounter psychological problem .

  19. 他们简单地要求受试者来报告在过去的一周里自己是否经历了重大的心理困扰

    where they asked respondents simply to tell them whether they experienced significant psychological distress in the previous week .

  20. 责任归因中的可控性归因对求助行为有显著预测作用,即个体知觉到的造成自己心理困扰的原因越是可控的,就越倾向于不求助。

    If the students perceived the reasons resulting in mental problems can be controlled , he would like not pursuing help .

  21. 一些研究发现,尽管存在较严重的心理困扰,但许多人并未充分利用心理咨询或精神卫生服务。

    Study found that people did not make use of psychological counseling or mental health services despite they had many mental problems .

  22. 结构方程模型分析显示,个体在遇到心理困扰时决定是否寻求心理咨询帮助的决策过程是一个受到各个因素共同影响的过程。

    Result from SEM indicate that the decision of whether seeking help from professionals when encounter mental health problem was affected by many factors together .

  23. 结果(1)男女同学最集中的心理困扰是学习压力,自我认识偏差,情绪起伏敏感;

    Results ( 1 ) The psychological perplexity among male and female freshmen occurred mostly due to learning stress , self-conceptual deviation , and mood instability .

  24. 大学生面临来自学习、生活、就业多重压力与挑战,难免会产生一些心理困扰。

    Confronted with manifold pressures and challenges from studying , life , and employment , university students are apt to be troubled by some psychological perplexities .

  25. 通过心灵关爱、精力激励、常识分享等友善的人际沟通,帮助人们战胜因为物资贫乏、疾病损害、心理困扰等所造成的苦楚。

    To help reducing human suffering from poverty , illness , injury , mental stress and etc. , through friendly communications with emotional support and knowledge sharing .

  26. 结论:1.结直肠癌术后康复是一个长期的动态的过程,在此期间,患者会出现诸多生理、心理困扰。

    The rehabilitation from colorectal cancer surgery was a long-term and dynamic process , and patients would face kinds of physical and psychological troubles during this period .

  27. 研究发现,童年经历过心理困扰的孩子“比较没有责任心”,而且个人关系“不太稳定”。

    The study found those who suffered childhood psychological problems are likely to be " less conscientious " and tend to have " less stable " personal relationships .

  28. 仁和医院高级精神科医生高立仁是个仁心仁术的好医生,他诊治的病症包括严重的精神分裂和轻微的心理困扰。

    Ko Lap Yan , Senior Psychiatrist of Yan Wo Hospital , is a competent and kind-hearted doctor who specializes in severe schizophrenia and even minor mental illness .

  29. 结论:大学新生心理困扰存在突出的性别特点,近5年呈现连续、一致的模式。

    Conclusion Remarkable gender traits of psychological perplexity are shown among the university freshmen , and the pattern of perplexity remained continuously and consistently in the past five years .

  30. 结果:94.2%的受术女性主要动机均与其恋爱、婚姻、性心理困扰有直接、密切的关系。

    Results 94.2 % of 87 females took the operation with the motives directly and closely connected with either their respective love , marriage or their troubled sexual psychology .