
  • 网络psychological diagnosis;psychological diagnose;psychodiagnosis;Psychodiagnostik;psycho diagnosis
  1. 两种范式在人性观、心理诊断、治疗关系、治疗方法和治疗目的等方面存在着明显的对立。

    Two paradigms differ in such thing as the view of humanity , psychodiagnosis , relation of counselor and client , methods and aims of therapy .

  2. 高校学生厌学体育的心理诊断与对策

    College Student s ' Sport-weariness : Psychological Diagnosis and the Solutions

  3. 罗夏墨迹技术对人际关系构念测量与心理诊断有效性研究

    Rorschach Ink Technology on Inter-Personal Relationship Construct Validity of Measurement and Diagnostic Research

  4. 青少年竞走运动员的心理诊断

    Mental diagnosis for teenage walking race athletes

  5. 心理诊断可能太主观了。

    Psychological diagnosis can be really subjective .

  6. 他们的作用体现在心理诊断(如筛选病人、针对性心理护理等),以及作为美容医学的治疗手段。

    The effect of psychiatry and psychotherapy is to help cosmetic person overcome the problem of body image ;

  7. 就这么着过了好些日子,最后将军安排他去做个心理诊断。

    This went on for some time , until the general arranged to have the soldier psychologically tested .

  8. 兰州旅游学校学生厌学形体课的心理诊断与教学对策

    The Psychological Diagnose and Teaching Countermeasures for Lanzhou Travel School Students ' Being Disgusted to Study Body Lesson

  9. 班主任要树立新的德育观、学生观、价值观,不断学习现代教育思想和德育理论,提高自身的教育科研能力、心理诊断和辅导能力。

    Of a class will set up new moral education sight , student 's sight and the sense of worth , education scientific research ability of self , mentality diagnosis and guidance ability .

  10. 加强大学生心理诊断和咨询,最大限度地克服大学生的各种心理障碍,将成为高校思想政治工作越来越紧迫的任务。

    It will be increasingly urgent for the ideological and political work of colleges and universities to strengthen psychotherapy and mental consultation among university students and reduce their mental disorders to a minimum .

  11. 根据部队思想政治工作的实际需要,提出了一种基于模糊数学的心理诊断及疏导专家系统。

    According to the practical requirements of ideological work in the army , a kind of expert system based on fuzzy mathematics , which is used to diagnose the recruits ' mentality and guide the recruits ' psychology , has been proposed .

  12. 方法:按II型心理创伤诊断标准筛选患者。

    Methods : 5 out-patients with II type psychological trauma ( according to II type psychological trauma diagnostic criteria ) were treated with psychodrama therapy .

  13. 本文采用心理健康诊断测验(Ⅱ)(又称不安诊断测验CAS),对80名体校高中一年级以上学生进行了测查。

    This paper adopts mental health test (ⅱ)( CAS ) to test and analyze 80 students in physical training schools .

  14. 医专新生UPI测查结果分析医学院新生心理健康诊断研究

    Investigation of Mental Health of College Freshmen by UPI in Medical Freshman Study on the assessment of mental state in medical freshman

  15. 方法应用心理健康诊断量表(MHT)对郑州市城乡1994名中学生进行学习焦虑诊断测试。

    Methods Mental health testing was used to assess anxiety about learning among 1994 middle school students in Zhengzhou city and suburbs .

  16. 采用心理健康诊断测验(MHT),在重庆市选取4~6年级小学生共829名进行了调查。

    With Mental Health Test ( MHT ), the authors investigated a Sample of 829 pupils from grade 4 to 6 in Chongqing .

  17. 方法选用心理健康诊断测验(MHT)对某市一中高一普通班和尖子班共94名学生进行心理健康状况调查。

    Methods Used MHT to investigate 94 students in general and advanced class on Grade 1 of senior high school of a certain city .

  18. 采用内隐联想测验(IAT)和心理健康诊断测验(SCL-90)研究了聋生内隐自尊及与心理健康的关系。结果表明:(1)聋生也存在内隐自尊效应;

    The Implicit Association Test ( IAT ) and Symptom Check List , 90 ( SCL-90 ) are employed to investigate the relationship between deaf students ' implicit self-respect and mental health .

  19. 方法:136名中学生完成了Rosenberg自尊量表、内隐联结测验、青少年生活事件量表和心理健康诊断测验。

    Methods : 136 middle school students were tested with Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale ( SES ), Implicit Association Test ( IAT ), Adolescent Self-rating Life Events Checklist ( ASLEC ) and Mental Health Test-CR ( MHT-CR ) .

  20. 本文使用锻炼感觉量表(EFI)和心理健康诊断测验(MHT)研究工具,通过实验比较的方法,旨在研究中、小学生参与不同项目锻炼的心理效应及其与心理健康之间的关系。

    In this paper , the author uses the exercise induced felling inventory ( EFI ) and mental health test to study the psychological effects of primary and middle school student participating in different exercise events and its relation with mental health .

  21. 方法:采用小学生心理健康诊断测验(MHT)和家庭环境量表(FES)对柳州市四所小学三、四年级1781名小学生的心理健康状况及其家庭环境进行调查。

    Methods : Mental Health Tests ( MHT ) for schoolchildren and Family Environment Statistics ( FES ) were used to investigate the mental health and family environment of 1781 schoolchildren of Grade Three and Grade Four of four primary schools in Liuzhou city .

  22. 使用心理健康诊断测验(MHT)和心境状态量表(POMS)等研究工具,通过实验比较的方法,旨在研究民间传统体育锻炼与心理健康之间的关系。

    In the study , the Mental Health Test ( MHT ) and the Profile of Mood State ( POMS ) are used to research the psychological effects of Chinese folk exercise relation with mental health through the method of experimental control .

  23. 为了对新课程的教学效果进行评价,使用锻炼感觉量表(ETI)和心理健康诊断测验(MHT)等研究工具,对新课程实施前后大学生的心理健康状况进行了评价。

    In order to evaluate the teaching effects of the new course , the authors applied the exercise-induced feeling inventory ( EFI ) and the mental health test ( MHT ) to evaluate college students ' mental health condition before and after implementing the new course .

  24. 重剑运动员的心理能力诊断及心理训练对策

    Diagnosis of Epee Fencers ' Mental Power and Countermeasures of Mental Training

  25. 中学生心理健康诊断问卷的构建及施测

    The development of the questionnaire of mental health of middle school students

  26. 医学院新生心理健康诊断研究

    Study on the assessment of mental state in medical freshman

  27. 心理素质诊断模型的建立与应用

    Building and Application of the Diagnosis Model of Psychological Quality

  28. 本文用心理健康诊断测试问卷对某大学462名学生进行心理健康测试。

    Testing Questionnaire Was used to evaluate 462 students ' mental health condition .

  29. 方法运用心理健康诊断测验(MHT-Rc)进行问卷调查。

    Methods Using mental health diagnosis test ( MHT Rc ) via questionaire .

  30. 结果形成中学生心理健康诊断问卷;

    Results The questionnaire of mental health test for middle school students was formed .