
  • 网络Mental Health Standards;psychological health standard
  1. 心理健康标准研究的争鸣综述及其思辩

    A General Comment and Further Disputation on Contention of Psychological Health Standard

  2. 了解当代大学生的心理健康标准,把握大学生的心理健康状况和常见的心理问题,卓有成效地实施心理健康教育,是当代大学生健康、快乐成长并成才的基本保证。

    Being clear of university students ' psychological health standard , understanding common psychological problems , successfully implementing psychological health education are the basis for contemporary college students to grow up healthily and happily and become useful people .

  3. 方法运用大学生心理健康标准和西部地方性大学学生被测试SCL-90各因子分与全国常模和大学生历年综合样本比较找出成因和差距。

    Methods Compared the factors of SCL-90 of the regional college students in the west with that in the whole country and the example of the students in the past years by the healthy standard of the students ' psychology to find out the reasons and the differences .

  4. 心理健康标准的分析与建构

    An Analysis on the Criteria of Psychological Health and Its Construction

  5. 建构中国文化视野下的本土心理健康标准

    Construct Native Psychology Healthy Standard under Chinese Culture Field of Vision

  6. 硕士研究生的心理健康标准与心理教育

    Standard of Mental Health and Psychological Education for Postgraduate Students

  7. 包括两个方面:大学生心理健康标准;

    It includes two aspects : The healthy psychology standard of university students ;

  8. 心理健康标准一般有三种依据:医学标准、社会标准、统计学标准。

    Mental health is judged by three standards , ie.

  9. 论适应与发展的心理健康标准

    Standards of Mental Health and their Adaptability and Workability

  10. 从心理健康标准的局限性看高校心理健康教育问题

    Psychological Health Education in College Based on the Limitations of Psychological Health Standard

  11. 心理健康标准新议

    New Opinions on the Standards of Psychological Health

  12. 心理健康标准是心理健康领域中十分重要的理论问题。

    The mental health standard is a very important theoretic issue in mental health field .

  13. 心理健康标准探析

    An Analysis of Mental Health Standard

  14. 对心理健康标准的解析

    Analysis of mental health standards

  15. 心理健康标准应当是卫生学角度的标准,心理素质标准应当是教育学角度的标准,心理学可以分别制定心理健康标准和心理素质标准。

    Mental health standards should accord with hygiene standards , while psychological diathesis standards should accord with educational perspective .

  16. 文章认为,心理健康标准应分为卫生学标准和教育学标准;

    The paper holds that mental health standard should be divided into two dimensions : hygiene standard and education standard ;

  17. 大学生心理健康标准及健康心理导控十、心理健康的指导者;

    The Direction of the Psychological Healthy Standard of the College Students and the Healthy Psychology 10 . Guider for psychological health .

  18. 心理健康标准在乐群性、聪慧性、稳定性、忧虑性和心理咨询及升学就业指导应用的三个因素上(除创造能力因素外)均表现出非常显著的差异;

    The mental health standards showed extremely distinguished differences on the three factors of application on entering higher school and obtaining employment .

  19. 心理健康标准研究的现状可归纳为六种依据、两种思路与两种倾向。

    The current research about mental health criterion could be summed up to six bases 、 two trains of thought and two inclinations .

  20. 但是,我国关于大学生心理健康标准的研究起步较晚,尚处于初级阶段。

    However , the study on the standards of mental health of university students had a late start in China ; it is still in the primary stage .

  21. 在心理健康标准和心理素质标准测验的编制和具体测量中,要以心理健康标准和心理素质标准为依据,分别编制心理健康测验和心理素质测验。

    Psychology could respectively develop mental health standards and psychological diathesis standards and based on them , the compiling mental health test and psychological diathesis test could be carried out .

  22. 论文首先对铁路工程建设员工的心理健康标准及其评价方式进行了探索,提出了心理健康的动态监测方法。

    Firstly , the mental health standard of railway construction staff and its evaluation method were explored by this paper , and then the manner of dynamic mental health monitoring was presented .

  23. 为了验证和示例此范式,本文构思、设计和实施了扬州市高二学生心理健康标准研究。

    One experiment , the research on the criterion of psychological well-being about the Grade 2 's students of Senior High Schools in Yangzhou city , is projected , designed and carried out under the paradigm of integrated research .

  24. 本文分析了当前理论界对心理健康标准探讨的现状,初步探讨了学生心理健康的标准,并论述了教师把握学生心理健康标准对素质教育的现实意义。

    The paper analyzed the present status about probing into standards of mental health on the theory kingdom , and discussed standards students ' mental health . For teacher to master standards of students'mental has realistic signification in the qualitative education .

  25. 马里兰大学(UniversityofMaryland)的精神病学家迈克尔·布罗迪(MichaelBrody)提醒说,意念控制游戏只有在走出初尝阶段,成为病人心理健康疗法标准化的组成部分之后才会发挥作用。

    Michael Brody , a psychiatrist who teaches at the University of Maryland , cautions that mind-controlled games are useful only if they move beyond the novelty stage and become a standard part of patients ' mental health regimens .

  26. 心理健康的标准到底是什么?

    What are the criteria of mental health ?

  27. 理性分析学校体育中心理健康教育标准及实施途径

    Rational Analysis of Standard Establish and Apply Channel about Psychological Health Education in Physical Training

  28. 弗洛伊德判断心理健康的标准。

    Freud 's criteria of mental health .

  29. 浅谈心理健康的标准及内涵

    On Criteria and Contents of Mental Health

  30. 文章还阐述了教师心理健康的标准,最后提出了提高教师心理素质的对策。

    Some standards of teachers ' mental health and certain measures to improve it are proposed .