
  • 网络Psychological risk factors;Morale Hazard
  1. 门多萨告诉医疗网站表示,病人和医生需要更多地了解心理风险因素,可以提高风险猝死。

    Mendoza tells WebMD that patients and doctors need to be more aware of the psychological risk factors that can raise the risk of sudden death .

  2. 研究人员玛萨·麦克林托克说:“我们需要利用这些发现结果确定潜在的干预目标,以便降低癌症发病率,并降低它的心理及社会风险因素。”

    The researchers Marsha , frank McLintock said : " we need to use these findings identify potential intervention targets , to lower cancer incidence , and lower the psychological and social risk factors . "