
  • 网络Substantial Loss
  1. 但多数分析师认为,这种“调降”过程目前尚处于早期阶段就已知数据而言,意味着次贷违约尚未对许多证券投资者造成实质损失。

    But most analysts think that this " downgrade " process is still at a very early stage and in tangible terms , that means that subprime defaults have not yet delivered tangible losses for many security investors .

  2. 不过,虽然这位球市新宠从东海岸转会到海湾地区,但两只当事的球队都没有实质性的损失。

    In the transfer of marketing dollars from east coast to the Gulf , neither team really loses .

  3. 中国承担了17个展馆的建设费用,其中许多展馆将容纳多个国家。另外中国还建造了42个展馆用于出租给另一些国家,价格之低将令其承受实质性的损失。

    China is footing the bill for 17 pavilions , many of which will house multiple countries , and building 42 others that it will rent to countries at a substantial loss .

  4. 倘若仅仅是对合同基本条款轻微的违反,承包方应仅对合理的、可预见的、合同实质上的损失承担责任。

    In the case of a slightly negligent a condition which goes to the root of the contract , Contractor shall be liable only for reasonably foreseeable damage which is intrinsic to the contract .

  5. 金融风险管理的实质是寻求风险损失与风险收益的平衡。

    Financial essence of risk management to seek risk between loss and risk balance of income .

  6. 财产损害是指整体的或实质上的经济损失,不是指特定财产的丧失。

    The property damage is the substantial or whole economic damage , not the coss of certain property .

  7. 没有那些真正承受联合国在实质性改革上损失其利益的国家的支持,这种过时的设计不可能改变。

    Yet this flawed , anachronistic set-up cannot be changed without the say-so of the very nations who would stand to lose most from any genuine reform .

  8. 尽管农民不能实现个人利益的绝对最大化,但农民会追求一种相对最大化。这种利益相对最大化实质体现为相对损失最小化。2、推广生物农药的效益由经济效益和社会效益构成。

    Although fanners do not maximize the private-profit from the process absolutely , they have to pursue a relative maximization of the benefit , which , in fact , means minimizing the relative loss . 2 The benefit of bio-pesticide adoption consists of economic benefit and social benefit .