
  • 网络laboratory accreditation;CNAS;Accredited Laboratories
  1. ISO9000质量体系检验部如何获取实验室认可

    The way for Testing Dept. to Obtain the Laboratory Accreditation

  2. 可在认可的范围内使用CNAS国家实验室认可标志和ILAC国际互认联合标志;

    Can be recognized using CNAS within the National Laboratory Accreditation logo and the ILAC mark of international recognition of joint ;

  3. 法庭科学DNA实验室认可与质量控制

    The accreditation and quality control for forensic DNA profiling laboratory

  4. 法庭科学DNA实验室认可是整个实验室认可活动的一个组成部分,是对法庭科学DNA实验室的质量管理水平和技术能力的一种国家及国际间的正式承认。

    The accreditation provides the forensic DNA profiling laboratory a domestic and international proof of quality management and technical ability .

  5. 我国进入WTO后,形势也要求各检测机构必须进行实验室认可后,方能进入市场化的国际、国内检测市场。

    Especially with the entry to WTO , all check agencies enter into international and national check markets under the circumstances of passing " Lab licence " .

  6. 欢迎塞尔维亚认证委员会(ATS)成为国际实验室认可合作组织的准成员。

    Accreditation Board of Serbia ( ATS ) is welcomed as an Associate member of ILAC .

  7. “中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)”是经国家质量监督检验检疫总局授权唯一在我国进行实验室认可的权威组织。

    " China National Accreditation ( CNAS )" by the State Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and quarantine authorized only in our laboratory accreditation authority .

  8. 凡正式通过国家实验室认可(CNAL)的实验室都可以对外开展检测和校准工作。

    Those laboratories officially recognized by China National Accreditation Board for Laboratories ( CNAL ) can undertake the work of measurement and calibration .

  9. 实施国家实验室认可实现环境监测站持续发展

    Implement National Laboratory Accreditation for Sustainable Development of Environmental Monitoring Station

  10. 实验室认可与计量认证的二合一评审

    Two Reviews combine into One of Laboratory Accreditation and Metrology Certification

  11. 环境监测站实验室认可的实践与思考

    Practice and Thought about the Laboratory Accreditation of Environmental Monitoring Station

  12. 推行实验室认可制度,提高管理和技术水平

    Promote the Laboratory Approbation System , Raise the Management and Technique Levels

  13. 理化检测工作贯彻实验室认可准则的实践

    The Practice of Implementation of Guides to Accredit Laboratory for Testing Laboratories

  14. 英国临床病理学实验室认可&医学实验室标准的修订及内容

    UK Clinical Pathology Accreditation : The Medical Laboratory 's Revision and Content

  15. 阐述了实验室认可的文件化质量体系的建立过程。

    The establishment of documentary quality system for laboratory accreditation was introduced .

  16. 标准物质和实验室认可

    Standard important role of reference materials and laboratory accreditation

  17. 本标准将有助于我国实施临床实验室认可。

    The standards is useful for implementing of accreditation of clinical laboratory in China .

  18. 实验室认可中的国际互认

    On the international mutual recognition in laboratory accreditation

  19. 实验室认可中档案管理的实践

    Practice about the Archives Management in Laboratory Accreditation

  20. 计量和实验室认可的国际互认

    International Mutual Recognition about Metrology and Laboratories Accreditation

  21. 如何进行军用实验室认可

    How to Certificate Military Lab A LABORATORY PELLETER

  22. 实验室认可基础、评审方法与发展趋势

    Principle technique and developing trend for laboratory accreditation

  23. 基于实验室认可制度下的高校实验室建设

    University Laboratory Construction Based on Laboratory Accreditation System

  24. 关于在实验室认可前的准备和现场评审的几点说明

    Concerning Preparation and the Spot Judge in the Laboratory Milky Way of What Time Elucidation

  25. 法庭科学实验室认可工作发展状况与启示

    The development of forensic science laboratories accreditation

  26. 环境监测计量认证和实验室认可合并评审的思考

    The Thought in the Joint Assessment of Authentication of a Measure and Accreditation on Laboratory

  27. 实验室认可的发展与体会

    Development of laboratory accreditation and Realization

  28. 实验室认可与管理

    Laboratory Authorization and its Management

  29. 派驻制财务管理浅析理化检测工作贯彻实验室认可准则的实践

    ON THE ACCREDIT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT The Practice of Implementation of Guides to Accredit Laboratory for Testing Laboratories

  30. 国家实验室认可对实验室管理的启示

    Enlightenment after National Laboratory Accreditation