
  • 网络bench;test bed;test rig;RACK
  1. 微钻实验台是检测技术、计算机技术、机械技术与钻探技术相结合的高科技成果。

    Micro-drilling rack is an advanced scientific research outcome , which combines computer techniques with drilling technology , and involves monitoring techniques , mechanical techniques .

  2. 微钻实验台的研制与应用

    The developing and applying of micro-drilling experimental rack

  3. 为了加速科学从实验台到市场的发展,加利福尼亚大学将自己的资金投入自己的好想法中。

    To hasten the development of science from the lab bench to the market place , UC is investing our own money in our own good ideas .

  4. 远程虚拟实验台的JAVA实现

    Development of a remote virtual laboratory with JAVA

  5. 基于Visualc++的机械传动综合实验台优化设计研究

    Visual C + + Based Research on Optimal Design of Test System with Multipurpose of Mechanical Transmission

  6. PLC控制的多功能液压教学实验台的研制

    Development of PLC controlled multifunctional hydraulics teaching experiment plateform

  7. 地铁制动实验台PWM信号转换器的研制

    Research and Development of PWM Signal Converter for Underground Railway Braking Testing Platform

  8. 液压教学实验台的CAT

    CAT of Hydraulic Education Test Stand

  9. 在这个虚拟实验台架上,异地的实验者可以通过Internet/Intranet远程访问,完成液压系统节流调速实验,基本上达到了远程教学的要求。

    In this virtual experiment , the remote operators can do their experiment through the Internet / Intranet .

  10. CSP生产线液压实验台CAT改进

    The CAT Improvement on CSP Line Hydraulics Testing Stand

  11. HEV实验台监控系统设计研究

    Design and Research on Supervisor System of HEV Experimental Station

  12. 混合动力HEV实验台制动系统的研制和制动性能的实验研究

    Development and Experiment Research on a Friction Type Brake System of HEV Test Rig

  13. 教学用CNG发动机实验台架的开发

    The Development of CNG Engine Test-bed for Teaching

  14. 基于AdμC812芯片的转子实验台闭环控制系统

    Research on Closed-loop Control System for Rotor Workbench Based on Ad μ C812 CMOS Chip

  15. NISSAN千里马轿车故障诊断实验台与软件设计

    Design of Fault Diagnosis Test-bed and Software on NISSAN MAXIMA

  16. 设计开发了一种新型教学用气动实验台,该气动实验台可采用全气动控制方式、继电器控制方式以及PLC控制方式。

    A new-type pneumatic test rig was designed for teaching . This pneumatic test rig can be controlled by pneumatic control , relay control or PLC control .

  17. 利用现有的机械实验台、加速度传感器、信号采集箱、工控机,结合Matlab软件,建立了能模拟轴承故障,不平衡故障,不对中故障的旋转机械故障诊断实验系统。

    Using mechanical experiment table , accelerometer , data acquisition instrument , industrial computer , and Matlab , an integrated fault diagnosis system of rotating machinery is established .

  18. 建造了小型多功能实验台,并用模拟烟气在该实验台上研究了HCl对煤燃烧后烟气中的氧化态Hg和单质态Hg分布比例的影响。

    A bench-scale experiment was conducted to study the effects of HCl on the mercury speciation distribution in coal-fired flue gases .

  19. 基于虚拟电子实验台(EWB)的电子实验教学改革

    Teaching Transformation of Electronics Experiment Based on EWB

  20. IET短周期涡轮实验台

    IET Short Duration Turbine Test Rig

  21. 在瞬态过程重复性良好的柴油机实验台架上,利用自行开发的采样机构和计算机测量系统,测试了某型号涡轮增压柴油机在突加速、突加载等瞬态过程中的NOx排放规律。

    An experimental study of turbocharged diesel engine transient NO x emissions was conducted with a self developed gas sampling and measuring system .

  22. 为配合液压课程的教学改革,我校和南京工程学院合作研制了一种利用PLC控制并具有多种功能于一身的新型液压教学实验台。

    For teaching reform of hydraulics course , our college co-operated with Nanjing Industrial Engineering College to develop a new type of hydraulics teaching experimental plateform which is multifunctional with aid of PLC controlling .

  23. CODAD物理模拟实验台运行控制器设计

    Design of operating controller based on CODAD physical simulation station

  24. 本文结合珠钢CSP液压实验台改进的实例,系统地论述了采用CAT技术对一般液压实验台进行改进的方式方法。

    Combining with the experiment of CAT improvement on hydraulics testing stand on CSP in Zhu Steel , the basic way for CAT improvement on hydraulics testing stand was discussed .

  25. 通过在主程序中增加代码和修改生成的二进制文件,使获得的由C语言编译的程序能在TSC51实验台上运行。

    Through adding codes and modifying compiled binary executive file , the programs made by C language can run on the TSC51 device .

  26. 因此,除了理论研究以外,此次研究还在实验室建立了热态的烟气循环PDA实验台,对气固两相流流动特性进行了实验测量。

    Besides the theory study , experimental study under the hot condition is necessary , so there is the cold smoke circulating test unit with PDA system set up in the laboratory .

  27. 本文对高宽比等于1的大尺寸封闭空间实验台用水作为对象进行了实验研究,获得了急需的高Ra数条件下封闭空间内换热的实验数据。

    An experimental investigation has been carried out in a large size enclosure of aspect ratio equals to 1 . Much needed experimental data up to RaH of 3.61 × 1010 have been obtained .

  28. 同时,作为重要的基础研究平台,短周期涡轮实验台在机理研究领域也有所拓宽,开始被应用于新设计理念的验证、CFD设计分析软件的校验等新的领域。

    As an important basic study platform , short-duration turbine testing platform has developed in the mechanism research field and has now been applied to validation of new design concept and check of CFD software .

  29. 研制了以单片机为核心转子实验台闭环控制系统,该系统具有转速测量和PID控制、振动信号采集、过流保护、电机励磁与驱动、串行通信等多种功能。

    A close-loop control system based on microcontroller for rotor testbed is developed . The system is endowed with speed signal acquisition and PID control , vibration signal acquisition , over current protection , motor excitation and drive , serial communication , etc.

  30. 在一个固定床燃烧实验台上对这种复合蜂窝煤的燃烧特性进行了研究,对燃烧过程的SO2浓度进行了在线检测。

    Experimental study was conducted of the combustion characteristics of this type of honeycomb briquette in a fixed-bed furnace . SO 2 emission during the combustion process was analyzed on-line with a gas analyzer .