
  • 网络mechanics experiment;Mechanical Experiments
  1. 电磁学实验器材配备优于力学实验器材配备。

    The electromagnetic experiment equipments equipment surpasses mechanics experiment equipments equipment .

  2. 力学实验加载条件的可视化研究

    Study on Visualization of Load Condition of the Mechanics Experiment

  3. 力学实验中的CAT研究与应用软件开发

    CAT technology in mechanical test and related softwares

  4. 基于VB的流体力学实验数据库管理系统

    A Data Base Management System for Hydrodynamics Experiment Based on VB

  5. Hopkinson压杆对准脆性材料的动态力学实验研究

    Experimental study of dynamic mechanical properties for Quasi-brittle materials using the split Hopkinson pressure bar

  6. 方法:利用DICOM数据建模法,建立下尖牙的三维有限元模型,模拟力学实验。

    Methods : A3-D FEM model of lower cuspid was established by using DICOMdata and stimulant mechanical experiment was carried out on the model .

  7. 对聚丙烯纤维和钢纤维增强水泥砂浆复合材料和混凝土复合材料进行了MTS准静态单轴压缩实验和压剪加载条件下的细观力学实验研究。

    Quasi-static uniaxial compression experiments and meso compression-shear experiments were carried out to investigate the failure properties of polypropylene micro-fiber and steel fiber reinforced cement and concrete composites .

  8. Maxwell模型可以很好地描述应力松弛实验和动态力学实验,也可以用分子理论对聚合物溶液的松弛时间进行计算。

    It is discussed that Maxwell model can be used to describe stress relaxation tests and dynamic mechanical tests , and the molecular theory may also be used to calculate the relaxation time of polymer solutions .

  9. 在优化的条件下制备出纯钛表面HA涂层,利用X射线衍射、能谱分析、扫描电镜等技术及力学实验对其微观组织结构、元素分布、物相组成和机械性能进行表征。

    Under the optimized parameter , the HA coatings on pure titanium were fabricated and the microstructure , the distribution of elements , the phase composition and the mechanical properties were characterized by the means of XRD , EDS , SEM and mechanical tests . 3 .

  10. 研究方法:在测试PHB理化性质的基础上,将PHB与HA共混改性,并制备标准力学实验试样和植入试样。

    Methods Based on the study of physicochemical properties of PHB , the PHB / HA composites were prepared by physical blending , and the standard samples for mechanical and transplant experiment were made in different ratios of PHB and HA .

  11. 本文介绍一种适用于水洞力学实验的采用乳化空气泡做为示踪粒子的PIV测速技术。流场定量实测结果令人满意。这亦表明乳化空气泡是一种品质较高且经济适用的PIV水流示踪粒子。

    One kind of particle image velocimetry ( PIV ), which is specially suitable for flow field velocity measurement in hydrodynamics , is presented . The measured results show that the emulsifying air-bubbles are of good quanlity and cheap tracers .

  12. 基于这一应变测量技术开展了极端环境下5T超导磁体的力学实验研究,有效地实现了其在低温、强磁场下线圈内轴向、环向应变测量。

    Based on this strain measurement technology , the hoop and axial strains of the LPT model superconducting magnet ( 5T ) under cryogenic temperature and intense magnetic field were also measured effectively .

  13. 文中阐述了在φ16&36mm单管和多管(塔径φ200mm)中水-空气系统的流体力学实验结果。

    The paper describes the experimental results of the hydrodynamics for tower in a single tube (φ 16 - φ 36 ) and tubes ( column φ 200 ) in water-air system at atmospheric pressure .

  14. 用岩石破坏过程分析系统(RFPA)对岩石材料的抗压、抗拉、抗剪等几个基本岩石力学实验项目进行了数值实验,通过数值实验再现了岩石材料的破坏现象和破坏过程。

    Numerical experiments are made on some basic rock mechanics project , such as the experiments of rock to be drawn , pressed , cut , and distorted model by using RFPA . Through numerical experiment destruction phenomena and failure process of rock material reappear .

  15. 模拟结果表明在切断电流进行力学实验时,整个试样中的温度仍是不均匀的,温差达到为200K,而且剪切区中仍存在14K/mm的温度梯度。

    The results showed that the temperature distribution was not uniform when the current was cut off and dynamic test started . The temperature difference reached 200K and a temperature gradient of 14K / mm existed in the shear zone .

  16. 基于物质间相互作用时存在的热能效应,几年来,本文用MS-80标准型Calvet微量量热计进行了一系列药物与人体细胞某些生物大分子相互作用的热动力学实验。

    According to the heating effect caused by interaction between matters , a series of experiments on the interaction between drugs and cells from human bodies , DNA and physiological saline have been carried out with a MS-80 standard Calvet microcalorimeter .

  17. 岩土力学实验课程的教学改革与实践

    Teaching Reform and creative practice Research of Soil Mechanics Test Course

  18. 旋流闪急干燥器的流体力学实验研究

    An experimental study on the fluid mechanics of spin flash dryer

  19. 岩石力学实验数据处理分析系统设计与实现

    Design and accomplishment of data interpretation system for rock mechanics testing

  20. 气垫导轨是一种多用途的力学实验设备。

    The air track is a multi-purpose laboratory equipment for mechanics experiments .

  21. 非手术治疗闭合性跟腱断裂的力学实验分析

    Experimental mechanical analysis of nonsurgical treatment of closed rupture of tendo calcaneus

  22. 电子计算机在岩土力学实验测试中的应用

    Computer Application on the Experiments and Tests of Rock and soil Mechanics

  23. 土力学实验教学改革与教学模式研究

    Study and Reformation on the Mode of Practical Teaching in Soil Mechanics

  24. 土力学实验课教学的几点改革措施

    Some Reforming Measures About the Experimental Teaching In Soil Mechanics

  25. 依托力学实验创新基地培养大学生的创新能力

    Training Students ' Innovative Ability Supported by Innovative Base of Mechanical Experiments

  26. 综合流体力学实验装置设计研究

    Study on the Equipment Design for the Comprehensive Experiment in Fluid Mechanics

  27. 夹杂物附近循环塑性应变场的细观力学实验研究

    Micromechanical Experiment Study for Cyclical Plasticity Strain Near by Inclusion

  28. 光测方法在岩石力学实验观测中的应用述评

    Review on Application of optical measurement methods to experimental inspection of rock mechanics

  29. 动态力学实验诊断应力松弛模量的研究

    Study to Diagnose Stress Relaxation Modulus on the Basis of Dynamic Mechanics Experiment

  30. 应用微管吸吮技术进行心肌细胞力学实验肠上皮细胞的粘弹性生物力学研究

    An experimental study of cellular mechanic properties of myocardial cells by micropipette aspiration