
  • 网络Powerlifting
  1. 其中,地滚球、盲人门球、力量举重和轮椅橄榄球是残奥会上的四个独特项目。

    Among them , boccia , goalball , powerlifting and wheelchair rugby are the four unique Paralympic sports .

  2. 据悉,他能举起175公斤(386磅)的重量,这可比他的体重还要重。他参加过力量举重类的比赛,还代表伊朗参加过健美大赛。

    He can lift up to 175 kilogrammes ( 386 lbs ) , which is more than he weighs and he takes part in the powerlifting category of competitions . He has also participated in bodybuilding competitions representing his country .

  3. 力量举重的起源现状与发展

    On the Origin , Present Situation and Development of Weight Lifting

  4. 他的力量是举重队的财富。

    His strength is a great asset to the weight lifting team .

  5. 竞争:据称甘瑞比参加了力量型举重。

    Competitive : Gharibi reportedly takes part in the powerlifting category of competitions .

  6. 因此,发展最大力量是举重运动员最重要的运动素质。

    So developing the maximum strenth is the most important making of the weight lifting athletes .

  7. 力量训练,即举重,也可能有助于消除内脏脂肪堆积的大腹便便。

    Strength training , meaning lifting weights , may also help get rid of visceral belly fat .

  8. 研究还发现,先进行有氧运动(比如跑步,骑自行车,游泳,跳绳等)再做力量训练(如举重和抗阻训练),似乎是最有益的。

    The study also found that performing cardio exercises ( running , cycling , swimming or jumping rope , for instance ) before strength training ( think weightlifting or resistance exercise ) appears to be most beneficial .