
  • 网络mechanical tests;mechanical experimentation
  1. 采用力学试验、动态热流变试验等方法,研究了EPTM/PP共混型TPV的配方组成、熔融共混温度与性能的关系,并探讨了TPV配方设计机理。

    Relationship between the composition of TPV and melt blending temperature and properties was studied by mechanical tests and dynamic rheological tests . Principle of composition design of TPV was probed .

  2. 金川1号力学试验巷道的设计与施工&喷锚网支护结构在金川高应力破碎岩体中的应用

    Design and Construction of Gallery No.1 for Mechanical Tests in Jinchuan Mining

  3. 结果:比较测试组和标准组试件材料力学试验测得的弹性模量的结果,无统计学意义(P)0.05)。

    Result : The difference of Young 's modulus between two groups has no statistics signification ( P > 0.05 ) .

  4. 无铅BGA封装可靠性的力学试验与分析

    Mechanical Test and Analysis on the Reliability of Lead-Free BGA Packaging

  5. 在力学试验中,采用了倒V型绝缘子串的横担侧挂点固定、导线侧加力的方法。

    In the mechanic testing , the method of backward V insulators with the side fixing of cross-arm and adding force on side of wire was adopted .

  6. 通过金相观察、SEM、XRD及拉伸力学试验对钎料的金相组织、相结构、熔化温度及力学性能进行了分析测试。

    The metallurgical structure , phase structure , melting temperature and mechanical property of solder are investigated by OM , SEM , XRD and mechanical property test .

  7. 着重研究了机械冲击和应力对无铅BGA封装焊点可靠性的影响,介绍了BGA封装的可靠性力学试验(跌落、弯曲试验)及其分析方法。

    The methodologies for free drop test and bending test are introduced , considering the important effect of mechanical stress on the reliability of lead-free BGA packaging .

  8. 动态力学试验结果也证明了LLDPE-g-GMA与PET有较好的相容性,LLDPE-g-GMA可以作为PET/LLDPE体系的反应性增容剂。

    The DMA test proved a better compatibility between LLDPE-g-GMA and PET . LLDPE-g-GMA could be used as compatibilizer of PET / LLDPE .

  9. 在万能力学试验机上测试由高频热压方法制造的桦木和椴木单板层积梁的密度、静曲强度(MOR)、弹性模量(MOE)和水平剪切强度等力学性质;

    Mechanical properties including the density MOR , MOE , shearing strength of birch and basswood LVL beams made by the high-frequency hot press were tested by universal strength testing machine .

  10. 为了研究影响粘性土CBR值的主要因素,结合在建高速公路15组填料进行了物理、力学试验。

    In order to study the main influence factors of the CBR value of clay , the physics and mechanics tests of fifteen groups subgrade materials from the Qing ( Dao ) Yin ( Chuan ) expressway in Hebei province are done .

  11. 通过地质调查及大量岩土力学试验,对巴东新城区中三叠统巴东组二段T2b2紫红色泥岩工程地质性质进行了综合研究。

    Based on geological investigation and rock and soil experiments , the engineering geological characters of aubergine mudstone ( T2b2 ) is studied synthetically .

  12. 采用自由活塞薄壁取土器自地表至深度70m取得不扰动原状粉质土样,通过一系列物理力学试验,对比分析了天然沉积粉质土与天然沉积粘性土的异同。

    A free piston thin wall sampler was used to obtain undisturbed specimens of natural sedimentary silty soils from ground surface to the depth of 70 m. A series of tests were performed on both the undisturbed and the remolded / reconstituted samples .

  13. 使用RMT–150B型岩石力学试验系统,在轴向应变率保持为常数的条件下,对雅安大理岩进行常规三轴压缩破坏试验,得到不同围压下岩石的应力–应变全过程曲线。

    Taking the axial strain rate as a constant , a series of triaxial conventional compress failure tests of Ya ′ an marbles were performed by RMT – 150B rock mechanics test system ; and the complete stress-strain curves of rock specimens under different confining pressurees were obtained .

  14. 在岩石的三轴受压响应描述问题中,应用理论拟合红砂岩常规三轴受压试验全过程应力-应变关系曲线,其相应的试验是在RMT-150B岩石力学试验系统下完成。

    On the triaxial compressive response depiction method of rock , DSC gives qualified fitness of stress-strain softening phase of red sandstone under regular triaxial compressive test . Steady entire phase of the stress-strain curve shows the ability of RMT – 150B rock experiment instrument .

  15. 卸荷状态下岩爆岩石力学试验

    Research on the experimental rock mechanics of rockburst under unloading condition

  16. 国外农业生物材料研究中的力学试验

    The Mechanics Experiments in Study on Agrobiological Material of Foreign Countries

  17. 真三轴软岩非线性力学试验系统研制

    Development of nonlinear triaxial mechanical experiment system for soft rock specimen

  18. 小浪底水利枢纽岩石力学试验研究回顾

    Review on Testing Study of rock mechanics for Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Project

  19. 非标准岩样室内力学试验的几种处理方法

    Several processing methods in indoor mechanics tests of the non-standard rock samples

  20. 岩石力学试验中的声发射源定位技术

    A summary on acoustic emission source location methods in rock mechanics experiment

  21. 动态力学试验法评判弹性体改性聚丙烯的蠕变行为

    Predicting Creep Behavior of Elastomer Modified Polypropylene by Using Dynamical Testing Procedures

  22. 铣削钢纤维力学试验研究与性能比较

    Mechanical test research and performance comparison to milling steel fiber

  23. 尾砂胶结充填体力学试验及损伤研究

    Mechanics Test and Damage Study on Cemented Tailing Filling

  24. 土力学试验数据处理方法

    The method in analyses on data from soil tests

  25. 岩土力学试验中的两个问题讨论及其应用

    Discussion on two problems in rock and soil mechanics tests and its application

  26. 岩石力学试验及工程应用

    Experiments on Rock mechanics and Their Engineering Application

  27. 丹江口水利枢纽岩石力学试验研究

    Test study on rock mechanics for Danjiangkou Project

  28. 低碳钢的单向拉伸试验是力学试验的一项重要内容。

    The single tensile test of low carbon steel is an important content of mechanics tests .

  29. 水稻秧苗抗拉力学特性及穴盘拔秧性能的力学试验研究

    Experimental research on tensile strength of rice seedlings and force of pulling out seedlings from trays

  30. 水下结构数值计算中面体单元连接技术及力学试验研究

    The connect-technique of shell-solid element and mechanics experimental research in the numerical calculation of structure under water