
  • 网络Orientation Distribution Function;ODF
  1. X射线二维衍射数据与晶体取向分布函数的关系研究

    Relationship between X-ray two-dimensional diffraction data and crystal orientation distribution function

  2. 取向分布函数(ODF)在材料织构研究中的应用

    Application of orientation distribution function ( ODF ) in materials simulation

  3. 论文介绍了X射线面探测器系统及其在测量极图、计算取向分布函数中的应用。

    A diffraction system based on X-ray area detector and its applications on pole figure measurement as well as corresponding computation of orientation distribution functions are described .

  4. 多晶织构材料的取向分布函数分析法(ODF)

    Texture Analysis of polycrystalline Materials by Orientation Distribution Function ( ODF )

  5. 应用取向分布函数(ODF)研究和分析了微量Sr对AlMgSiCu合金板材织构的影响。

    The effect of microelement Sr on the textures of Al-Mg-Si-Cu based alloy sheets is studied by means of orientation distribution functions ( ODFs ) .

  6. 本研究采用织构分析的三维取向分布函数法(ODF)研究了Cu-Zn-A1形状记忆合金的织构与弹性各向异性。

    In this paper , texture analysis and elastic anisotropy have been studied by using ODF method .

  7. 用晶体取向分布函数(ODF)研究了Zr-4合金冷轧板的退火织构。

    The annealing texture of Zr-4 alloy cold rolling plate is studied with the crystal orientation distribution function ( ODF ) .

  8. 用三维取向分布函数(ODF)和φ扫描曲线研究了织构,用金相显微镜研究了截面显微组织。

    The texture of tapes was studied using Orientation Distribution Function ( ODF ) and φ - scans .

  9. 应用TEM和晶体取向分布函数方法研究和分析了预变形和退火工艺对高纯铝箔立方织构的影响。

    The effect of pre deformation and annealing on cube texture of high parity aluminium foils has been investigated by means of TEM and method of orientation distribution functions ( ODFs ) .

  10. 采用取向分布函数(ODF)研究了纯铝板材单轴拉伸过程中的织构演变规律。

    Texture changes of aluminum sheet after different uniaxial tensile deformations were investigated with the aid of the experimentally determined orientation distribution functions .

  11. 应用取向分布函数(ODF)研究了3104铝合金经不同温度固溶及时效处理后的冷轧织构组态。

    The cold rolling textures of3104 aluminium alloys after solution and aging were studied by means of orientation distribution functions ( ODFs ) .

  12. 通过对3104铝合金冷轧板的三维取向分布函数(ODF)的测算,研究和分析了该材料的织构类型与分布规律。

    The textures types and distribution rule of 3104 aluminium alloy during cold rolling has been investigated by means of orientation distribution functions .

  13. 研究表明,利用Roe级数展开方法来计算丝织构试样取向分布函数对测量和处理极图数据方面很有优势。

    For fiber texture , Roe 's method was better than that of Bunge in measurement and treatment of pole figures for fiber texture .

  14. 利用极图测试、ODF三维取向分布函数计算和回算极图方法,研究了Bopp晶态膜的择优取向特征。

    The preferred orientation characterize of Bopp Crystalline film has been studied by using pole figures to determinate the ODF and recalculation pole figures .

  15. 利用多晶材料织构取向分布函数(ODF)对单晶性质进行加权平均可有效预估其宏观磁性各向异性。

    The magnetic anisotropy of polycrystalline materials can be predicted by averaging the properties of monocrystals weighted by using orientation distribution function ( ODF ) .

  16. 运用取向分布函数(ODF)研究了每个轧制道次的剪切变形特征对高纯铝箔轧制织构的影响。

    Effect of direction change of shear deformation on the rolling textures in high purity Al foils was investigated by orientation distribution function ( ODF ) .

  17. 用X射线衍射、光学显微镜和取向分布函数计算分析了95%冷轧奥氏体不锈钢板γ相在900℃加热时的转变和α相体积分数的变化。

    The orientation transformation of γ phase as well as the volume fraction change of α phase in 95 % cold rolled austenitic stainless steel during annealing at 900 ℃ were analyzed by means of X ray diffraction , optical microscopy and ODFs .

  18. 作者采用三维取向分布函数(ODF)研究了二次挤压对铸锭冶金(IM)和快速冷凝粉末冶金(RS-PM)Al-Li合金挤压制品的织构及力学性能的影响。

    The effects of double-extrusion processing on the extrusion textures and mechanical properties of both IM and RS-PM Al-Li extrudates have been investigated using ODF .

  19. 应用取向分布函数(ODF)和透射电镜(TEM)分析研究了预回复退火对3104铝合金再结晶织构及显微组织。

    Thus , the effect of pre-recovery on recrystallization textures and microstructures of 3104 aluminium alloy were investigated by means of orientation distribution functions ( ODF ) and transmission electron microscope ( TEM ) .

  20. 从应用角度介绍了取向分布函数(ODF)分析的原始数据采集方法、分析原理和图谱解释方法。

    The collection method of original data , the analysis principle and the figures explanation about orientation distribution function ( ODF ) were introduced from application point of view .

  21. 本文利用取向分布函数(ODF),取向线分析和纤维织构定量分析研究了工业纯铁和超深冲钢板冷轧织构的变化过程;

    The rolling texture developments in commercially pure iron and deep drawing steel sheets were investigated by means of orientation distribution function ( ODF ) and quantitative fibre texture analysis .

  22. 采用取向分布函数(ODF)分析并研究了6111铝合金在冷轧过程中织构的演变及轧制工艺对冷轧织构的影响。

    The texture evolvement of aluminum alloy 6111 and how the rolling schedule affects the texture during cold rolling were investigated by means of the orientation distribution function ( ODF ) .

  23. 在本文中,晶粒取向分布函数(ODF)w(R)用来描述多晶体中的晶粒取向为R的可能性密度,给出了弹性本构与织构系数之间的关系表达式。

    In this paper , we use the ( ODF ) w ( R ) ( the orientation distribution function ) to describe the probability density of finding a crystallite with orientation R and find relations between elastic constitutive tensors and the texture coefficients .

  24. 通过IF钢铁素体区的轧制、退火、拉伸试验和塑性应变比r值的检测,结合取向分布函数图定量分析及其显微组织分析,对其深冲性能与轧制工艺参数的关系进行了研究。

    The relation between the deep stamping property and rolling process parameters of IF steel sheet is studied through the test of rolling , annealing and drawing of it and based on the determination of plastic strain ratio , combined with quantitative orientation distribution function analysis and the microstructure analysis .

  25. 通过对半镇静钢气瓶用热轧钢板的三维取向分布函数(ODF)的测试与其反极图的分析,研究厂终轧温度和终轧道次变形量对HP255b热轧板织构和深冲性能的影响。

    The effect of the finishing temperature and finishing pass reduction on the texture and drawability of hof rolled plate of semi-killed steel is studied with an analysis of ODF and inverse pole figure .

  26. 通过分析合金取向分布函数(ODF)及其反极图,研究了塑性加工率与时效处理过程对Cu-Cr-Zr合金线材织构组分及其择优程度的影响;

    Texture variation of Cu-Cr-Zr alloy during the drawing and aging process was studied by analyzing the orientation distributing function ( ODF ) and the inverse pole figure of the Cu-Cr-Zr wire .

  27. 采用显微硬度测量、取向分布函数(ODF)分析及显微组织观察,研究了在不同退火温度以及掺硅与未掺硅条件下钽丝的再结晶行为。

    The recrystallization textures of the tantalum wires with silicon additives ( 0.01 % ) after annealed at different temperatures were investigated by ODF , and the recrystallization mechanism was studied by microstructures and hardness measurement .

  28. 借助于三维取向分布函数(ODF)分析,研究了IF深冲钢板在750℃和800℃退火时不同保温时间对其再结晶织构的影响。

    The effect of annealing time on recrystallization texture of IF steel sheet annealed at 750 ? ℃ and 800 ? ℃ with different holding times was studied by means of three-dimensional orientation distribution functions ( ODF ) analysis .

  29. 采用TEM和ODF(取向分布函数)等手段对IC-218合金再结晶过程中的晶界迁移行为进行了研究,发现小角晶界的活动相当活跃,而一般大角晶界失去了明显可动性。

    The grain boundary migration during recrystallization in IC 218 alloy was studied by means of TEM and ODF . It was found that the small angle boundary migration plays principal role while the large angle boundary loses mobility .

  30. 用三维取向分布函数(ODF)研究了轧制织构和再结晶织构,通过扫描电镜EBSD的观测,分析了晶粒取向分布和立方织构晶界微取向角分布。

    This rolled texture of tape was studied using orientation distribution function ( ODF ) . Orientation mapping , content of the cube texture and grain boundary distribution were conducted through an EBSD system mounted on a LEO-1450 SEM .