
qǔ dì
  • Banning;ban;outlaw;suppress;prohibit;clamp down;forbid
取缔 [qǔ dì]
  • [outlaw;ban;suppress;forbid] 明令取消或禁止某事

  • 取缔赌博

取缔[qǔ dì]
  1. 众议院两个重要委员会的这项提案,将推动多数衍生品进入交易所或清算所,但没有解决是否取缔买方无需持有基础资产的无实体CDS的问题。CDS是一种规避债券违约的保险。

    The proposal by key committees of the House of Representatives would push most derivatives on to an exchange or clearing house but leaves open the issue of whether to outlaw CDSs a type of insurance against bonds defaulting in which the buyer does not own the underlying asset .

  2. 规范分配秩序,合理调节少数垄断性行业的过高收入,取缔非法收入。

    We should standardize the order of income distribution , properly regulate the excessively high income of some monopoly industries and outlaw illegal gains .

  3. 取缔学校!

    Down with school !

  4. 反种族主义活动家正在力促政府取缔所有极右组织。

    Anti-racist campaigners are urging the Government to ban all far-Right groups .

  5. 英国的健康专家正努力争取取缔任何形式的香烟广告。

    Britain 's health experts are pushing for a ban on all cigarette advertising

  6. 地方政府拒绝取缔其规定。

    The local government refused to waive its rules .

  7. 走私必须取缔。

    Smuggling must be suppressed .

  8. 这就是为什么政府并没有说要“取缔汽车”,而是说要取缔燃油车。

    Which is why the government isn 't saying ' get rid of cars ' – just the engines .

  9. 本月,欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)投票决定:到2016年取缔所有漫游收费。

    This month , the European parliament voted to end roaming charges entirely by 2016 .

  10. cds是一种毁灭性工具,应予以取缔。

    CDs are instruments of destruction that ought to be outlawed .

  11. 你也许可以标注你想要的,但是Facebook有权删除内容并取缔您的帐户。

    You might be able to post what you want , but Facebook is free to take it down and cancel your account .

  12. 不能仅仅因为全能银行所固有的利益冲突就取缔它们,或者重新采纳美国的《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(Glass-SteagallAct)。

    The conflicts of interest inherent in universal banks are not enough to forbid their existence or to go back to the US Glass-Steagall Act .

  13. 上月呼吁叫停闪电交易的batstrading表示,“对纳斯达克能够响应我们关于取缔闪电指令的呼吁感到满意”。

    Bats trading , which last month called for an end to flash trading , said it was " pleased that NASDAQ is heeding our call to eliminate flash orders " .

  14. Abhisit在法院取缔几位拥护Thaksin政府的部长后,组建了一个联合政府。

    Mr. Abhisit formed a coalition government after court decisions banned several ministers in a pro-Thaksin government .

  15. 麦格理证券(MacquarieSecurities)分析师刘易斯(JanetLewis)说,缓和污染问题更多地在于取缔老旧车辆并改善交通拥堵状况。

    ' Mitigation of the problem lies much more in getting rid of old vehicles and improving traffic flow , ' said Janet Lewis , an analyst at Macquarie Securities .

  16. 这是财新给大家展示的来自昌平政府的文件,文件上称近日,昌平区南部的20家私立幼儿园中有8家被政府检查人员评为C级,这就意味着这些幼儿园没有达到标准,必须要对其进行取缔。

    A document from the Changping government that Caixin has seen shows that eight of the 20 private kindergartens in the southern part of the district have been rated C by government inspectors recently , meaning that they do not meet standards and must be closed .

  17. 首尔政府表示,它正在考虑取缔Uber这样的服务,因为它们没有在当地经营业务所需的许可证。

    The local government in Seoul has said it was considering outlawing services like Uber because they did not have the licenses required to operate there .

  18. 据多名律师称,2012年中国商务部草拟了一份提议取缔VIE架构的备忘录。

    In 2012 , according to a number of lawyers , China 's ministry of commerce drafted a memo suggesting the VIE structure be abolished .

  19. 这两类观众反复无常:政府监管部门毫无征兆地取缔了节目,而观众轻易就关掉电视,上网或用dvd看盗版视频。

    Both of their audiences are fickle : regulators clamp down on shows with little warning , whereas viewers are liable to switch off and watch pirated videos online or on DVD .

  20. 巴拉克奥巴马总统(barackobama)昨日呼吁对银行实行自上世纪30年代以来力度最大的监管打击,建议对金融机构的规模施以严格限制,并取缔自营交易和内部对冲基金等高风险活动。

    President Barack Obama yesterday called for the biggest regulatory crackdown on banks since the 1930s , proposing strict limits on the size of financial institutions and a ban on risky activities such as proprietary trading and internal hedge funds .

  21. 那么现在您应该清楚日志文件系统针对的是哪类人群了,但是他们是如何取缔fsck的呢?

    So , now you know for whom journaling file systems were created , but how do they obviate the need for fsck ?

  22. 现用的黑色人发漂白工艺的氯化前处理过程中会产生可吸收的有机卤化物AOX(absorbableorganichalogencompounds),因而该氯化工艺正受环境立法的限制并面临着最终被取缔的压力。

    This tendency promotes the improvement of bleaching and dyeing technology of human hair . However , the chlorination pretreatment of existing bleaching technology of black human hair may produce absorbable organic halogen compounds ( AOX ) .

  23. 但迄今为止,这一切似乎并未促使有关方面迅速采取任何行动,部分原因在于:这些报告的出炉,促使相当数量的银行家开始游说,反对取缔ETF。

    But this does not appear to have produced any rapid action so far , partly because the release of these reports prompted a veritable army of bankers to start lobbying against any clampdown .

  24. 他们才不管这项法令是在法西斯统治下颁发的,由痴迷于取缔“鸡尾酒”和“三明治”等词语的贝尼托·墨索里尼(BenitoMussolini)推动。

    Who cares if the decree was issued under fascism and driven by Benito Mussolini 's obsession with banning words like " cocktail " and " sandwich " ?

  25. 欧特克公司(AutodeskInc.)的首席执行长巴斯(CarlBass)承认,工厂自动化已取缔或减少了许多制造业岗位,而且未来这一情况将会继续下去,这将导致劳动力市场发生巨大转变。

    Carl Bass , the chief executive of Autodesk , acknowledged that workplace automation has eliminated or reduced many manufacturing jobs , and will continue to do so in the future , leading to major shifts in the labor market .

  26. 为此建议在摩托车电路总成中取缔不科学的6V电压方式,推广直流供电,逐步实现总线制和提高接插件质量,对配套元器件升级换代。

    It is suggested in this part that 6 V voltage should be taken away from the electrical circuit assembly and electricity supply by DC be popularized .

  27. 相比降水量,人类对地下水位影响较小:小流域人口数量翻倍、发展农业节水灌溉和取缔养鸡场可使地下水位分别下降0.9m、上升0.2m、上升2.4m。

    Comparing to precipitation , human impacts the groundwater level less : doubling population , developing the agricultural water-saving irrigation and banning poultry farm influences the water table dropped 0.9 m , increasing 0.2 m and 2.4 m respectively .

  28. 许多金融产品,即使不取缔的话,也应当对其进行严格的监管。

    Many financial products should be strictly regulated if not banned .

  29. 警察取缔了城里的赌博活动。

    The police put the lid on gambling in the town .

  30. 但是在1978年,一个新的启示取缔了种族歧视。

    But in 1978 a new revelation revoked the colour bar .