
  • 网络solid solubility
  1. 超临界CO2中固体溶解度的逆向传播人工神经网络模拟

    Simulation of the solubility of solids in supercritical CO_2 using the back-propagation artificial neural networks

  2. 共溶剂-SCCO2中固体溶解度的小波神经网络关联与预测

    Prediction and correlation of the solubility for solid in SC CO_2 with cosolvent using the optimized wavelets neural networks

  3. 超临界流体中有机固体溶解度的研究溶质在超临界流体中的溶解度数据是研究超临界流体技术的基础。

    The solubility data of solid solute in certain supercritical medium is the fundament to the development of supercritical fluid technology .

  4. 温度对于固体在液体中溶解度的影响&吕·查德里原理的应用

    Effect of Temperature on the Solubility of Solid in Liquid Use of Le Chatelier 's principle