
gù shā
  • Sand fixation;stabilization of sands
固沙[gù shā]
  1. 在此基础上,导出化学固沙结皮的弹性模量E和蠕变函数公式,并数值模拟了沙床上的结皮在集中载荷作用下的变形。

    Then the crust deformation of on sand bed is simulated under concentrated load .

  2. SH为新型高分子固沙材料。

    The SH is a new polymer material for sand fixation .

  3. SH固沙机理的微观探讨

    Microstudy on mechanism of sand fixation with SH

  4. SH固沙剂固化沙体的强度特征

    Strength characteristics of sand fixated by SH

  5. ABT生根粉在固沙造林中的应用

    A Research on ABT Root-inducing Powder Application in Sand Fixing Afforestation

  6. 本文选取了提高农民健康水平、减少二氧化碳和二氧化硫排放量等要素建立计量模型;将保护森林的效益分为涵养水源、水土保持、制造氧气、吸收CO2和SO2、防风固沙和净化大气效益等。

    Divided the benefits to water-holding , soil and water conservation , oxygen-making , carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide absorbing and atmosphere purification benefit .

  7. 经过反复比较实验,科学家们终于选定了高模数硅酸钾,即PS,为最理想的固沙剂。

    After repeated comparisons and experiments , scientists have at last chosen the high-modulus potassium silicate , or PS , as the ideal sand fixing agent .

  8. 认为LD系列化学固沙剂、超高强吸水保水剂等固沙植被用新材料及低成本制备技术,将在沙漠地区的公路、铁路建设中具有更为广阔的应用前景。

    It is thought that new materials and low-cost techniques such as LD series and super absorbent for sand fixation have a wide prospect in highway and railway construction in desert .

  9. 结果表明,4种固沙植物均能明显改善土壤C、N、P、K和微生物量C、N含量,提高土壤水解酶和氧化还原酶的活性,尤其是对土壤表层0~10cm的改良效果更加明显。

    The results showed that all the 4 plant improved greatly the content of organic matter , N , P , K , microbial biomass C , N and the activities of hydrolase and oxido-reductase in soil , especially at 0 ~ 10 cm depth .

  10. 生物质固沙材料的固沙强度与木质素C5位交联程度呈现良好的线性关系。

    It shows a good linear relationship between the sand stabilization strength of the biomass sand stabilization material and the cross-link degree of lignin C5 position .

  11. 对SH固沙的强度、抗风蚀能力、耐水性、耐老化性、抗冻融稳定性进行了室内试验,并开展了现场固沙试验研究。

    Strength of SH-fixated sand , resistance to wind erosion , water resistance , resistance to ageing , freezing-thawing resistance were tested in an indoor experiment . The experiment of SH-fixated sand was also conducted in the field .

  12. 基于Lysimeter的人工固沙林地生态需水量计算方法与应用不同类型沙松人工林产量及生长预测

    Calculation Method for Ecological Water Requirement of Artificial Forestland in Sand Area Based on Lysimeter and Its Application Prediction for the yield and the growth of different types plantations of Abies holophylla

  13. 未除草有结皮时固沙试验区0~80cm各层平均含水率均比对照区高,其中土层平均含水率比对照区高76.27%。

    Besides , the average moisture content of the soil layer between 0 ~ 80 cm in the unweeded experimental area was 76.27 % higher than that of the control one .

  14. 通过田间小区取样,研究了科尔沁沙地小叶锦鸡儿(Caraganamicrophylla)人工固沙林0~50cm土层在0、5、10、22年的时间序列上土壤有机碳动态。

    A field study was conducted to study soil organic carbon dynamics in Caragana microphylla stands in an age sequence of 0 - , 5 - , 10 - , and 22-yr plantations in the Horqin Sandy Land , north China .

  15. 不论黄土还是风沙土,喷播turf-mulch材料后,植物密度大于其它的固沙固土措施,而且对边坡具有明显的保水和防止水蚀的效果;

    After sprayed the turf mulch material , either loess or sand-blown soil , the plant density is heavier using the other fixation sand measure . And it has the obvious effect on retaining water and preventing water erosion .

  16. 分布在大西洋沿岸的海岸沙丘植被具完整的沙丘演替系列和重要的固沙防海潮作用。

    The sea - coast dune vegetation along the Atlantic coast .

  17. 阻沙栅栏和草方格固沙带也影响沙丘的移动。

    Dune movement can be restricted by fences and reed checkerboards .

  18. 植物柔性坝固沙机理的试验研究

    Sand-binding Mechanism of Vegetation " Flexible Dam " Based on Experiment

  19. 一年生农作物与多年生沙生植物混播网格的固沙作用

    Sand fixation effect of annual crops mixed with perennial ammodyte cross-line

  20. 岩黄芪属3种固沙灌木或半灌木生物量蓄积特性研究

    Study on Biomass Accumulative Characteristics of 3 Sand-Fixing Species of Hedysarum

  21. 草原化荒漠带人工固沙植丛区土壤水分动态

    Soil moisture dynamics in an artificially re - vegetated desert area

  22. 本文着重讲了防风固沙造林的具体办法和措施。

    Concrete methods and measures have been discussed in this paper .

  23. 土壤凝结剂沙障固沙机理及流沙控制的研究

    Study on Sand-fixing Mechanism and Shifting-sand Control of Soil Coagulant Sand-barrier

  24. 几种固沙植物根际土壤微生物特性研究

    Microbial characteristics of rhizospheric soil of some sand - fixing plants

  25. 荒漠人工固沙植被区浅层土壤水分动态的时间稳定性特征

    Temporal Stability of Surface Soil Moisture in Artificially Revegetated Desert Area

  26. 固沙用新材料及野外固沙综合技术研究

    Study of New Sand-Fixing Materials and the Field Integrated Sand-Fixing Technology

  27. 沙障成林的固沙工程及生态效益研究

    Sand fixation project with forest sand barrier and its ecological benefit

  28. 6种常用固沙植物的生态经济价值比较

    The Comparison Study of Eco-economy Value on Six Fixing Sandy Plants

  29. 不同水分条件对主要固沙植物成株生长的影响

    Effects of Soil Water Content on the Growth of Dominant Sand-binders

  30. 沙丘地植物固沙灌溉单元及其计算公式

    Irrigation Unit and its Calculation Formula for Plant Sand-fixation on Dune