
  • 网络solid insulating material
  1. 用固体绝缘材料代替高压气体来绝缘静电发电机的建议

    A suggestion of using solid insulating material in electrostatic generator in place of compressed gases

  2. 对水分、杂质等破坏变压器油、固体绝缘材料绝缘性能的因素进行了总结,提出了在大修中恢复绝缘性能的措施。

    The factors which do harm to insulating properties of the transformer oil and solid insulating material are summarized by analyzing the transformer insulation structure . The measures that can effectively restore the insulating properties in the overhaul are proposed .

  3. 固体绝缘材料空间及表面电荷测量方法

    Measurement of Space Charge and Surface Charge Accumulated in Solid Dielectrics

  4. 固体绝缘材料真空干燥的瞬态湿分迁移

    Transient Wet Diffusion in Vacuum Drying of Solid Insulation

  5. 固体绝缘材料绝缘电阻测量的不确定度评定

    Uncertainty Evaluation of Solid Insulation Materials Insulation Resistance Measurement

  6. 介绍了影响固体绝缘材料在变压器油中沿面放电特性的主要因素。

    In this paper , main influential factors on dielectric surface discharge in transformer oil are discussed .

  7. 温度(热)、氧和水分是影响纤维固体绝缘材料老化速率的三个主要因素。

    Temperature ( heat ), oxygen and water are the three important factors affecting the aging rate of solid fiber insulation .

  8. 文章全面介绍了采用高温固体绝缘材料的液浸式变压器,并将它与传统的油漫式变压器进行了比较。

    This paper introduces the liquid-immersed transformer using high temperature insulation materials , and gives the comparison with the conventional oil-immersed transformer .

  9. 固体绝缘材料是电气行业的主要原材料,真空处理工艺是改善其性能的关键技术之一。

    Solid dielectric is the main raw and processed materials for electric industry . Vacuum process technique is one of the pivotal techniques to amend its performance .

  10. 近年来,国内外学者对固体绝缘材料内部及表面电荷测量方法进行了大量的研究,并取得了一些有意义的进展。

    Recently , many researchers have carried out considerable investigations on the measurement of charges inside or at the interface of dielectrics and got some significant results .

  11. 介绍一种以开放式谐振腔的谐振标定曲线工作的新型固体绝缘材料介电常数传感器的工作原理、结构及特点。

    The operating principle , construction and features of the new type sensor used to measure permittivity of solid insulation based on resonant calibrated curve of the resonant cavity-opened are introduced .

  12. 超高压固体复合绝缘材料的电击穿研究

    Researches on Electrical Breakdown Behaviour or EHV Solid Composite Insulation Materials

  13. GB/T1411-1978固体电工绝缘材料高压小电流间歇耐电弧试验方法

    Solid electric insulating materials & Test methods of high-voltage small-current intermittent arc resistance

  14. 固体核径迹对绝缘材料抗反射性能的影响

    Effect of Nuclear Track on Reflectivity for Insulating Material