
  1. 滑槽式固体流量计便是其中之一。当前,采集和控制设备中普遍采用专业仪表和PLC两种方式。

    Chute is one of solid flow meter . Currently , the acquisition and control devices commonly used by professional instrumentation and PLC in two ways .

  2. 智能冲板固体流量计的研制

    Research and Development in Intellect impact Plate Solid Flux Meter

  3. 冲板式固体流量计的设计

    The design of clashing - plate type solid flowmeter

  4. 介绍一种固体流量计的设计方法。

    A design method for solid flowmeter applied to powder or pellets was presented .

  5. 冲量式固体流量计原理及应用

    The Principle and Application of Impact Solid Flowmeter

  6. 智能冲板固体流量计由测量传感器和显示控制器组成。

    The intellect impact plate solid flux meter is Composed of measuring sensor and display controller .

  7. 智能固体流量计

    An Intelligent Solid Flowmeter

  8. 冲板式固体流量计的检测对象是粉末或者颗粒状的固体.在分析完它的具体功能后,给出其硬件结构和软件编制方案,最后给出结论。

    Based on the analyses of its practical functions , the hardware structure and software programming of the flowmeter were given . Some conclusions were also reached .

  9. 本文简述了冲板固体流量计的工作原理,测量传感器的显示控制器的构成及流量计的工作程序框图。

    The paper describes principle of intellect impact plate solid flux meter , structural parts about measuring sensor and display controller , test program diagram of flux meter .

  10. 固体质量流量计在PTA装置的应用

    The application of powder mass flowmeter in PTA plant

  11. 光电式固体微粒流量计的理论模型与试验研究

    Theoretic model and experiment research of optoelectronic granular solid flowmeter

  12. 基于ARM和uCOS-II的固体科氏流量计测控系统

    A Solid Coriolis Mass Flowmeter System Based on ARM and uCOS-II