
  • 网络Solid Content;solid concentration
  1. 研究小型暗河式沼气池以猪粪和青草为发酵原料,在适当pH值、总固体含量和碳氮比的条件下,沼气产量和单位池容产气率与温度之间的关系。

    The study was carried out with pig manure and green grass as fermented raw materials , under the condition of proper pH value , total solid content and C / N ratio to find out the relationship between the methane yield and temperature .

  2. 给出了现场分析数据&总固体含量(TSC)、门尼粘度(ML)和苯乙烯结合量(st%)的计算方式,使得模拟结果很方便地和现场分析数据进行比较;

    Field analytical data including total solid content ( TSC ), Mooney viscosity ( ML ) and styrene combining weight ( st % ) are calculated in this paper . So it is convenience to compare the simulation results with actual data .

  3. 人们还要求水的硬度及固体含量都低,无腐蚀性,不生成水垢。

    The public desires water which is low in hardness and total solids , noncorrosive , and non-scale-forming .

  4. 结果表明:影响酸奶活菌数的主要因素是总乳固体含量和菌种加量,其次是pH值和加糖量。

    The results showed the milk solid was the major effect factor , the next was pH and sucrose content .

  5. 并以调整浆料的流变性为重点,研究了pH值、分散剂、固体含量、高温粘接剂、颗粒度对浆料粘度的影响。

    The effects of pH value , dispersants , solid loading , high temperature binder , particle size and distribution of the starting powder on the viscosity of slurries were investigated .

  6. 利用正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)做为无机前驱体,采用溶胶-凝胶(SolGel)法,制备了SiO2含量一定,固体含量不同的聚酰亚胺/二氧化硅(PI/SiO2)纳米杂化薄膜。

    Polyimide / silica nano-hybrid films of different solid content were prepared via the sol-gel route using tetraethoxysilane ( TEOS ) as inorganic precursor .

  7. 以亚硫酸盐废液为物料,研究了蒸发器中流速、加热表面温度、溶液温度、固体含量、硫酸盐添加量及溶液的pH值等操作变量对结垢速率的影响。

    The effects of possible operating variable such as flow rate , surface temperature , bulk temperature , solids contents , sulfate addition and pH on the fouling of sulfite spent evaporators were studied .

  8. 针对废水池中含油污泥的油含量、COD(Cr)及Cr~(6+)含量大大超标,固体含量较高,采取固化法进行处理。

    The oil-bearing sludge , with high content of oil , COD_ ( Cr ), Cr ~ ( 6 + ) and solid , in the sewage pool could be handled by solidification .

  9. 单一菌种发酵试验表明,St发酵酸奶工艺条件:温度42℃,接种量3%-5%,乳固体含量11.5%以上。

    Single bacteria spawn fermentation test shows the condition of St fermentation yogurt technology as : temperature 42 ℃; the inoculation dosage is 3-5 % ; the total solids are above 11.5 % ;

  10. 根据遥感影像灰度值与水体反射率和水中悬浮固体含量之间的相关关系,运用SPOT影像和实测数据将基隆河悬浮固体含量分为4级。

    According to the relations between the reflectivity of water and its suspended sediment concentration , band 1 and 2 of SPOT image were used to classify the concentration of suspended sediment into 4 grades on base of the in field measured data .

  11. 介绍了高固体含量乳液、粉末乳液、交联型乳液、非水介质乳液及IPN型乳液等的发展动向和我国聚合物乳液的现状。

    The world trend of high solid emulsion , powdered emulsion , cross-linking emulsion , non-water emulsion and IPN emulsion is reviewed and the status of polymer emulsions in China is described .

  12. 用Haake流变仪研究了高固体含量丁羟推进剂的混合均匀性,提出了用复合粘度和复合模量作混合均匀性表征参数的评价方法。

    The mixing uniformity of HTPB based propellants with high solid content was studied using Haake viscometer . A evaluation method for judging the mixing uniformity was suggested .

  13. 结果:以115℃,0.7kg·cm-2压力下比较适宜,总固体含量高,吸收度A值大。

    Results : The suitable condition is under the temperature of 115 ℃ and the pressure of 0.7 kg · cm - 2 , the total solid contents and the absorbance are high .

  14. ECP对颗粒的结构和稳定起重要作用,其含量占颗粒中悬浮性固体含量的0.6%~20%,主要成分为蛋白质和多糖。

    The extracellular polymers in granular sludge are imPOrtant for the structure maintenance of granules . Its content varies between 0 . 6 % and 2 . 0 % of the volatile suspended solids and consists mainly of protein and polysaccharides .

  15. 实验研究制得的65%固体含量的BAMO/THF(1:1)含硼固体推进剂的基础燃速、压强指数较低;

    AP / B / [ BAMO / THF ( 1 : 1 ) ] propellants with solid loading of 65 % have been made , the sample has slower burning rate and lower pressure exponent .

  16. 基于有机物转化率的垃圾填埋气产量预测模型,采用挥发性固体含量Xt作为计算参数,通过定义生活垃圾有机物转化率η,为填埋气产量的预测方法学作出了新的探索。

    Based on the conversion rate of organic matter of MSW , a new method for calculating LFG production has been proposed , in which the conversion rate of organic matter was estimated just by volatile solid content of MSW which can be measured easily .

  17. 高固体含量阳离子丙烯酸树脂乳液的合成研究

    Synthetic Research of Cationic Acrylic Resin Emulsion with High Solid Content

  18. 高固体含量丙烯酸聚合物改性醇酸树脂涂料的研制丙烯酸酯改性聚氨酯研究进展

    Studies on Acrylic Polymer Modified High Solid Content Alkyd Resin Coatings

  19. 少烟高固体含量丁羟推进剂配方研究

    A Study of Reduced Smoke HTPB Propellants with High Solid Content

  20. 胶粘剂、涂料固体含量的测定方法探讨

    Discussing the Measurement of Solid Content of Gooey and Dope

  21. 直接用于金属底材的100%固体含量的脂肪族聚脲涂料

    Aliphatic Polyurea Paint with 100 % Solid Applied Directly on Metallic Substrate

  22. 能输送高固体含量的介质。

    Be able to transfer high-solids content of the media .

  23. 将该式应用于杭州湾水域悬浮固体含量调查中取得了成功。

    The equation has been applied to the experimental data with success .

  24. 混合堆肥过程中挥发性固体含量的层次效应及动态变化

    Stratification of Volatile Solid Content and Its Dynamics in the Process of Co-composting

  25. 固体含量对PI/SiO2纳米杂化薄膜聚集态结构的影响

    Influence of solid content on aggregation structure of PI / SiO_2 nano-hybrid films

  26. 脲醛树脂黏度和固体含量的关系

    Relationship between Viscosity and Solid Content of UF Resin

  27. 高固体含量丁羟推进剂性能研究

    Characteristics of HTPB Propellant with High Solid Contents

  28. 新型无苯无铅高固体含量硝基铅笔漆

    New benzene and lead-free high-solid nitro pencil paint

  29. 水域悬浮固体含量的遥感定量研究

    A study on Determination of concentration of suspended solids in water by remote sensing

  30. 曝气-石灰碱化法除铁除锰、降低水的硬度和溶解性总固体含量的研究

    Fe-Mn Removal and Hardness TSS Reducing in Water