
  • 网络permanent plot
  1. 利用二类调查固定样地资料,分析了马尾松天然林上层木平均高、胸径与年龄三者之间的关系。

    The permanent plot survey data were used to analyze the relationship among the average height , DBH and age of overstory trees of Pinus massoniana natural forest .

  2. 设置固定样地6个,每年以固定样方调查植物,观测林下植被发育情况,共进行13a。

    The annual investigation has been made for 13 years on the development of undergrowth vegetation in the sample plots .

  3. 以明溪县森林资源清查体系的天然常绿阔叶林固定样地的初查、复查资料为基础,对间隔11a的天然常绿阔叶林的变化和转型进行分析。

    Based on the data of the initial investigation and reexamination of the natural ever green broad leaved forest for forest resources checking , this paper analyzed the dynamic of the natural ever green broad leaved forest during 11 years .

  4. 北京市森林资源固定样地调查体系研究

    Study on Beijing Forest Fixed Sample Plot Investigation System

  5. 全站仪固定样地测树原理及精度分析

    The analysis of Forestry mensuration principle and precision in fixed samples by total station

  6. 基于固定样地的县级森林资源动态监测技术方法

    A Technical Method of Dynamic Forest Resources Monitoring at the County Level Based on the Permanent Sample Plots

  7. 该模型具有较好的适应性,并可在今后若干个离散的时间点上预估同类林分的收获量,为研究在固定样地上两期林分自然生长规律提供较科学的理论和方法。

    The simultaneous models were well adaptive to estimate discrete data of stand yield and could describe the natural stand growth theoretically .

  8. 在不同生境条件下的固定样地内,观察分析了裂叶沙参种群的地上部分在一个生长季的生长过程和物候特点。

    In the fixed sample plot at different habitats , the growing process of an endangered species , Adenophora lobophylla Hong population was observed .

  9. 以固定样地观测和临时样地调查相结合的办法收集林分现实生长与经间伐或间伐设计后所保留群体的生长资料;

    Data of actual growth of stand and growth of stand after intermediate felling were obtained from the fixed sample plots and temporary sample plots .

  10. 在长白山林区通过野外调查、固定样地对比试验与分析,对水曲柳人工更新方式进行了研究。

    Artificial regeneration of Fraxinus mandshurica in forest range of Changbai Maintain was studied based on the survey and analysis of fixed plots in field contrast trial .

  11. 通过大量的省级固定样地资料,对林分生长转移概率模型和进界生长模型进行了参数估计,并对模型进行了比较和修正。

    With the data of permanent sample plots , the parameters of transition probability and ingrowth models were estimated , and some models were compared and partly modified .

  12. 对固定样地调查,采用伐桩的径、高度、萌芽的数量、萌芽的生长情况等指标,分析东北东部林区主要阔叶树种的伐桩萌芽更新规律。

    Based on the investigation of the large plots and typical samples , the environment and biodiversity of the desert grassland area in Xiangshan Mountain , Ningxia were analyzed .

  13. 通过工程实施资料和固定样地监测材料,对小自得林区云南松工程造林的成效进行了分析。

    Furthermore , it has analyzed the effects of the afforestation on the base of information implemented in the afforestation and material got from monitoring on the fixed sample plots .

  14. 以固定样地观测资料为依据,以林分平均胸径连年生长量及胸径离散度为指标,确定不同地位指数林分间伐的起始年龄;

    Based on the data collected from fixed sample plots , the intermediate felling age of stand with different site index was determined , which used the average annual - growth and discrete density of diameter at breast height as the indicator .

  15. 文中给出多种同时具有角规样地和固定样地优点的具体复合样地形式,并以贵州省的方形样地材料予以验证。

    In this paper , several complex plots are presented which can combine the advantages of both angle gauge plot and area-fixed plot , and an example is provided for demonstration and verification by using the data of square plots in Guizhou .

  16. 运用系统抽样样地(抽样精度达81%以上)和其他类型共计37块固定样地连续二十年的经营调查数据,分析林分恢复和生长状况。

    The restoration and growth of stands are studied making use of 37 plots , including systemic sample plots and some others . On sampling , the precision exceeds 81 % . The datas span 20 years , moreover , they are successive .

  17. 报道了一种新的野生花卉资源样地调查抽样方法,即利用县级森林资源抽样调查固定样地的调查成果,在固定样地中抽取并测设野生花卉资源调查样地。

    A new sampling method for investigating the resources of wild flowers and plants by sample plot is reported . The investigated sample plots for wild flowers and plants layout from permanent sample plots which were surveyed for forest resources in the county .

  18. 利用江西大岗山17~25年生杉木人工林的临时样地(44块)和固定样地(52块)材料,研究了立地、年龄和保留密度对杉木成材的影响。

    The data from 44 temporary plots and 52 fixed plots of 17 ~ 25 years old Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations in Jiangxi Province were used to study the influence of site , age and reserved density on the wood property of C. lanceolata .

  19. 文章分析了其种群数量变化趋势,提出了该地区野生动物资源保护和利用建议,并对固定样地调查技术在野生动物资源调查中的应用进行了探讨。

    In this paper , variation trends of population quantities was analyzed , protection and utilization suggestions regarding wild animal resources in this region were put forth , and application of investigation techniques of fixed plots on survey of wild animal resource were discussed .

  20. 对大量临时标准地和固定样地的调查研究表明:刺槐个体开花量主要受自身遗传特性制约,同时受光照等环境条件影响,其无花和少花个体所占比例约为20.3%;

    The investigation results for abundant temporary and permanent plots show that the flower mass of individual tree is mainly determined by its genetic factor , and also affected by environmental conditions such as sunlight . No flower or few flower trees are about 20 3 % in the population .

  21. 基于大量油松中幼人工林固定复位样地数据,选用林木大小、立地条件和林分竞争因子为自变量构建油松中幼人工林单木胸径生长的线性回归预测模型。

    Based on a lot of permanent sample data of Pinus tabulaeformis young-middle aged plantation , multi-linear regression function was used to simulate individual DBH growth of Pinus tabulaeformi .

  22. 土壤异戊二烯、α蒎烯、β蒎烯等的排放很小,分别占相近可见光辐射和温度条件下固定羊草样地排放的0.2%、0、3.0%。

    The emissions of isoprene ,α - pinene and β - pinene from soil are very small , with the ratio of 0.2 % , 0,3.0 % to a fixed ACSP at similar solar visible radiation and leaf temperature , respectively .

  23. 从动态角度用固定标准样地方法对三峡库区巴东县区段5种主要森林类型的林冠对降雨再分配特点进行了研究,结果表明生长季时期降雨林冠再分配特点因林型而异。

    The rainfall redistribution characteristics of canopy interception for five forest types in Badong county were studied by using fixed standard sample method . The results suggested that in different forest types , the rainfall redistribution characteristics of canopy in growing period were different .

  24. 用固定样方法调查了地上部分的生长发育动态。

    The growth dynamics of above-ground parts investigated by the method of fixed sample .