
  • 网络stationary furnace
  1. 在小型上吸式固定气化炉上对典型固体废弃物进行富氧气化实验,依据多个实验分析了实验物料、气化温度和氧气流量变化时对气化产气特性的影响。

    Typical solid wastes were studied on gasification with oxygen-rich air in pilot fixed gasifier , On the basis of experimental results , the influence of factors including experimental samples , gasification temperature and oxygen flow rate about properties of gas were analyzed .

  2. CO2作为固定层煤气炉气化剂的应用

    Application of CO_2 As a Gasification Agent in Fixed Bed Coal Gasifier

  3. 本论文采用已经在国内推广应用的XFF-1000型下吸式固定床气化炉气化。

    The gasification process adopted the XFF-1000 downdraft fixed-bed gasification furnace in this paper , which was used in our country .

  4. 对各煤种在100mm加压固定床气化炉内进行纯氧气化,进行各项气化指标分析,总结各煤种加压固定床纯氧气化的一般规律。

    The pure oxygen gasification for all kinds of coal samples is conducted in a gasifier with 100 mm pressure fixed-bed , the gasification indexes are analyzed , and the general rule of pure oxygen gasification in pressure fixed-bed for all kinds of coal samples is summed up .

  5. 中氮厂固定床煤气炉流程改造技术研讨

    Process Modification of Fixed-bed Gasifier for M-sized Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plants

  6. 固定床气化炉烧废木料运行特性的试验研究

    Experimental Study of the Running Characteristics About Wood Chips in Fixed Beds Gasifier

  7. 固定层煤气炉系统的技术改造

    Technical Transformation of Fixed Bed Coal Gasifier System

  8. 变压吸附法富氧用于固定床煤气炉连续气化工艺技改方案的技术经济分析

    Tech-economic Analysis on Enriched-oxygen by PSA Used in Continuous Gasification Process for Fixed-bed Gas Furnace

  9. 固定床氯化炉炉体材料及结构的探讨新型焦炉的炉体设计

    Study on Materials and Construction of Fixative Bed Chloride-furnace New Type Coke Oven Proper Design

  10. 固定层煤气炉的工艺调节优化

    Process Optimization of Fixed Zone Producer

  11. 云南铜业股份有限公司在固定式阳极炉上使用煤基还原剂获得很好的效果。

    Yunnan copper company has attained notability effect by the use of coal-radicle reductant in fixed anode furnace .

  12. 分别在转式垃圾焚烧炉和固定床加热炉中,研究了水分对垃圾焚烧及钙基脱氯效果的影响。

    The paper discusses the moisture effects on efficiencies of combustion and dechlorination in a fix-bed and a rotary incinerator .

  13. 对固定床气化炉来说,煤的热稳定性是影响正常气化操作的重要因素。

    For a fixed bed gasifier speaking , thermal stability of coal gasification is affect the normal operation of important factor .

  14. 但气化煤气中焦油含量高是制约固定床气化炉快速健康发展的重要因素。

    But high tar content of the gas is a important factor that constraints rapidly and healthy development of fixed bed gasification .

  15. 介绍了在实际工作中总结的一些有关固定层煤气炉工艺调节优化的具体实践经验。

    In the product of chemical fertilizer , some practical experiences of process controls and optimizations on the fixed zone producer were introduced .

  16. 本文提出了分解燃烧的实验方法,采用固定管式炉快速加热的方式对无烟煤、烟煤、普通水煤浆和黑液水煤浆的挥发分和半焦分别进行研究。

    Anthracite , bituminite , coal water slurry and black liquid CWS ' volatiles and half-char were studied using rapid heating in fixed tube furnace .

  17. 高硫型煤常压固定床气化炉内固硫效果研究(Ⅰ)不同因素对固硫效果的影响

    An investigation of in-situ desul-furization during the gasification of high-sulfur coal briquette in a fixed-bed reactor under atmospheric pressure part (ⅰ) various affections of desulfurization

  18. 在转式垃圾焚烧炉和固定床加热炉中,研究了有机垃圾焚烧过程中温度、水分、无机氯及有机氯对几种重金属分布的影响。

    The study investigates the effects of temperatures , moisture , chlorine during waste incineration both in a fix bed and in a rotary incinerator .

  19. 在截面为710mm×345mm的固定床气化炉内,采用空气作为气化剂,对垃圾、木块等生物质进行了气化试验研究。

    The material pretreated is put into a fixed bed gasifier with a size 710 mm × 345 mm . The air is used as gasifying agent .

  20. 固定床气化炉是一种技术成熟、应用最广的高热效率和高碳转化率的反应器。

    Fixed bed gasification is a reactor that has mature technology , high heat efficiency and high carbon conversion . And it is the best widely used .

  21. 回转式阳极炉采用新型煤基炭制还原剂,对精炼渣物化性能的要求不同于固定式阳极炉。

    The rotary anode furnace using a novel carbonaceous reductant is different from the fixed anode one in their requirements for the physicochemical properties of the refining slag .

  22. 这些工艺包括氧焰熔炼工艺、瓦纽科夫熔炼工艺、固定式顶吹炉熔炼工艺和可倾炉熔炼工艺。

    These processes include : oxygen-flame smelting process , the Vanyukov smelting process , smelting in a stationary unit with top blowing and smelting in a tilting furnace .

  23. 利用煤、焦及其混合物在固定床气化炉中与二氧化碳进行气化反应,并探讨无烟煤在焦炭气化反应过程中的作用机理。

    Base on the gasification reaction of coal , coke and mixtures in the fixed bed gasifier with CO ( 2 ), the paper discussed the action mechanism of anthracite coal in coke gasification reaction processing .

  24. 阐述了固定床煤气化炉采用富氧连续气化技术的进展情况,并作了技术经济分析。术后吸氧72h及TPN支持以恢复正氮平衡。

    The paper elaborates the development of the fix bed gasifier use rich oxygen continuous gasification , the advantages and disadvantages , techno economic analysis . 〔

  25. 本文还通过固定床管式炉试验,结合XRD和EDS等分析方法,重点研究了温度、氧化气氛与燃料含水量对秸秆燃烧过程中Cl迁徙特性的影响。

    Through the fixed-bed tube furnace experiments , as well as XRD and EDS analysis methods , the article focused on the influence of temperature , excess air ratio and fuel moisture content to the migration of chlorine in rice straw combustion .

  26. 固定床煤气化炉富氧连续气化的技术经济分析

    Techno-economic Analysis of Rich Oxygen Continuous Gasification in Fix Bed Gasifier

  27. GB/T9143-88常压固定床燃气发生炉用煤质量标准

    Quality standard of coal for fixed-bed gas producer at atmospheric pressure

  28. 固体废物在固定床式热解炉内热解产气特性的实验研究

    Experimental study on pyrolysis gas characteristics of solid wastes in fixed pyrolyzer

  29. 常压固定床煤气发生炉自动控制研究

    Study on automatic control over the fixed-bed coal-gas generator at normal pressure

  30. 利用固定床煤气发生炉处理甲醇废水

    Methanol Wastewater Treatment with Fixed Bed Gas Producer