
  • 网络Circulating fluidized bed combustion technology;CFBC
  1. NERC在循环流化床燃烧技术领域的研究与开发

    R & D activities of circulating fluidized bed combustion technology in NERC

  2. 大型循环流化床燃烧技术的最新进展

    The Latest Development of Large Scale Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Technology

  3. 循环流化床燃烧技术的现状及完善措施

    Present situation of circulating fluid bed combustion technique and its perfection measures

  4. 循环流化床燃烧技术在煤矿坑口电厂的应用

    Application of Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Technology at Mine Mouth Power Plant

  5. 循环流化床燃烧技术的发展

    Development of Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Technique

  6. 循环流化床燃烧技术在改造DG35/3.82-114B型沸腾床锅炉中的应用

    Application of Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion in Reconstructing the DG35 / 3.82-114B Fluidized Bed Boiler

  7. 应用循环流化床燃烧技术对这些常规锅炉进行改造是解决这些问题的一个很好的途径。

    One of solutions to above problems is to retrofit those boilers to CFB ones .

  8. 叙述循环流化床燃烧技术的应用与发展在我国具有特殊的意义;

    The application and development of circulating fluid bed combustion technique have special significance in the state .

  9. 生物质循环流化床燃烧技术作为一种新兴的生物质直燃发电技术,在我国已经到了工业推广阶段。

    As a brand-new biomass direct combustion technology , biomass circulating fluidized bed combustion technology has come to the popularization and extension stage .

  10. 循环流化床燃烧技术是清洁煤技术中商业化程度最好、投资和运行费用最低的技术之一。

    Circulating fluidized bed ( CFB ) combustion technology is one of best commercialized clean coal combustion technologies with lower investment and operating cost .

  11. 拥有循环流化床燃烧技术和二段往复式炉排燃烧技术,其自主开发能力位居行业第一。

    The company has the technologies of garbage incinerated CFB boiler and2-stage reciprocating Martine grate firing and has the best independent developing ability of this industry in China .

  12. 在能源危机日益严重的今天,循环流化床燃烧技术作为新一代清洁、高效的燃烧技术,在我国得到了迅猛的发展。

    In the increasingly serious energy crisis , the circulating fluidized bed combustion technology as a new generation of clean and efficient combustion technology developed rapidly in China .

  13. 针对我国油田的油污泥情况,提出一种采用异密度循环流化床燃烧技术处理油污泥的方法。

    With an eye on the oily sludge in Chinese oil fields , a kind of differential density circulating fluidized bed combustion technology for treating oily sludge is proposed .

  14. 作者认为,应大力发展喷钙脱硫技术和循环流化床燃烧技术。还应加强无烟煤燃烧技术的开发。

    The author suggests that desulfurization by spraying Calcium , and the circulating fluidized bed combustion technology should be vigorously developed as well as technologies concerning the firing of anthracites .

  15. 循环流化床燃烧技术作为一种新型高效低污染燃烧技术,在环保和劣质燃料利用等方面显示出极大的优势。

    As a kind of newly high efficiency and low pollution combustion technology , the circulating-fluidized-bed combustion technology takes great advantages to others in fields of environmental protection and burning inferior fuels .

  16. 节能和环保是我国的两个重大问题,循环流化床燃烧技术因其较高的环保性能,受到了广泛的关注。

    Energy saving and environmental protection are two major issues in China , combustion technology of circulating fluidized bed ( CFB ) has received the widespread attention as a clean coal combustion technology .

  17. 循环流化床燃烧技术在我国得到迅速发展,然而循环流化床电站锅炉大型化的进程却较为缓慢,究其原因是目前大容量循环流化床锅炉的设计还不很成熟。

    The CFB combustion technology develops fast in China , but the progress of improving boiler capacity to even larger is slow . The reason is that the design technology of large - scale boiler is not mature .

  18. 利用循环流化床燃烧技术对35t/h抛煤机锅炉进行技术改造,使用户能燃烧当地热值为3000kcal/kg左右的劣质燃料,企业收到了很好的经济效益和社会效益。

    T / h Spreader-stoker-fired boiler is transformed by using the CFB technology to make it fire poor fuel which the thermal value is about 3000kcal / kg , So that the enterprise can receive the better economic and social benefit .

  19. 根据目前技术发展现状,在详细比较的基础上选择习水无烟煤作为燃料,循环流化床燃烧技术作为关键工艺技术进行项目生产,确定了适宜的生产规模。

    According to the technological development , XISHUI blind coal is chosen as the fuel and circulation fluidized bed combustion ( CFBC ) technology is chosen as the key technique on the basis of comparison in detail and the suitable production scale is confirmed .

  20. 循环流化床燃烧技术是近年来在国际上发展起来的新一代高效、低污染清洁燃烧技术,我国近几年来也有近千台循环流化床锅炉投入运行或正在制造当中。

    Circulating fluidized bed combustion technology is the new generation of highly effective , low pollution clean combustion technology is fairly recent development in the international arenas . Our country also has nearly thousand circulating fluidized bed boilers are in operation or producing in recent years .

  21. 循环流化床燃烧技术是一种高效、清洁的新型燃烧技术,具有独特的燃烧特性和良好的污染控制特性,是一种适合西南地区的清洁燃烧技术。

    The combustion technology of circulating fluidized bed is a new-style combustion technology , which has the characteristic of higher efficiency and cleanness . Because of the particular combustion and good pollution control characteristic , it is a suitable cleanness combustion technology for the South-west region of China .

  22. 考虑到我国对环境保护的问题越来越重视,循环流化床燃烧技术作为一种高效、低污染、燃料适应广的洁净煤燃烧发电技术必将在我国得到迅速的发展。

    Taking into account that our country will more and more regard environmental problem , Circulating fluidized bed ( CFB ) combustion is a new technology of coal cleaning combustion , and CFB boiler can burn wide range of low grade fuels in an efficient and clean way .

  23. 研究表明,应用循环流化床洁净燃烧技术,可经济、高效地控制燃煤工业锅炉SO2污染。

    It is shown by research that sulfur dioxide pollution of industrial coal-fired boiler can be controlled economically and high-effectively .

  24. 新一代节能型循环流化床锅炉燃烧技术

    The New Generation Combustion Technology for Energy Saving Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers

  25. 石油焦燃料及其循环流化床燃烧的技术

    Petroleum coke and its circulating fluidized bed combustion technology

  26. 循环流化床秸秆燃烧技术的开发和应用

    Development and Application on the technology of straw burning in a circulating fluidized bed

  27. 正确认识循环流化床燃烧新技术

    About New Burning Technology of Circulated Fluid Bed

  28. 循环流化床洁净燃烧技术,是燃煤工业锅炉大气污染控制的理想替代技术。

    Clean combustion technology of CFB is ideal alternative technology for air pollution control of industrial coal-fired boiler .

  29. 循环流化床锅炉燃烧技术在商业应用中具有清洁的特点,被认为是目前商业化程度最好的洁净煤技术;

    Circulating Fluidized Bed combustion shows excellent environment emission characteristic in commercial application , which is believed to be the most commercial clean coal combustion technology ;

  30. 浙江大学在深入研究秸秆燃烧特性的基础上,结合国内外相关开发运行经验,自主开发了拥有完全知识产权的循环流化床秸秆燃烧技术。

    Based on deep research in straw burning characteristics and combined with relative experience in and abroad , Zhejiang University developed circulating fluidized bed burning technology .