
xún jīng qǔ xué
  • selecting acupoint along channel;selecting the acupoints according to the channel
循经取穴[xún jīng qǔ xué]
  1. 循经取穴水针治疗过敏性鼻炎的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis by Along-meridian Selected Point injection

  2. 循经取穴针刺治疗偏头痛的临床随机对照研究

    A Randomized Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for Treating Migraine with Selecting Acupoints Along Meridian

  3. 不同循经取穴治疗不安腿综合征疗效比较

    Comparison of therapeutic effects of acupoints selected along different meridians on restless legs syndrome

  4. 以循经取穴和辨症取穴相结合,可使绝大多数耳鸣患者症状缓解。

    Combining taking acupoints along channel and differentiation of signs can relieve most patients of tinnitus on symptoms .

  5. 观察组用循经取穴水针疗法,对照组用口服药物疗法。

    The observation group was treated by along-meridian selected point injection and the control group , with oral drugs .

  6. 循经取穴针刺治疗血管性头痛126例疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of 126 Cases of Vascular Headache Treated by Acupuncture with Selecting Acupoint along Channels

  7. 结果:电针夹脊穴治疗相对循经取穴治疗来说,有更好的治疗效果和简单的取穴方法。

    Results : The therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture Jiaji therapy was more better than that of selection of points along the meridians therapy .

  8. 方法对78例采用局部取穴与循经取穴针刺相结合治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods A retrospective analysis was made of the clinical data on treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion by combining local selection and along-channel selection of points in 78 patients .

  9. 目的:观察对比电针夹脊穴与电针循经取穴治疗神经根型颈椎病的临床疗效,并探讨电针夹脊穴的作用机理。

    Objective : To observe and compare te therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture Jiaji therapy and selection of points along the meridians therapy on nerve root cervical spondylosis , and explore the mechanism of electroacupuncture Jiaji therapy .

  10. 试验组采用电针配合穴位放血疗法,电针循经取穴(以足阳明经穴为主穴):五枢、气冲、髀关、伏兔、足三里、解溪、内庭。

    The treatment group used the electro-acupuncture and bloodletting method ; the acupoints for electro-acupuncture were mostly along the stomach meridian , which include : wushu , qichong , biguan , futu , zusanli , jiexi , and neiting .

  11. 目的:观察针刺配合穴位按摩治疗弹响指的临床疗效。方法:27例弹响指患者均先接受穴位按摩的治疗,以阿是穴为主穴,并根据患指循经取穴。

    Objective : To observe the Clinical Effects of Treating Trigger Finger by Acupuncture and Points MassageMethod : 27 cases of Trigger Finger patients were treated with acu-points massage first , ouch point and point selection according to the channel .

  12. 与特异针刺相比,传统的循经取穴针刺对急性损伤症状改善也有一定的作用,但是从短期来看,其在减轻疼痛,促进功能恢复上存在一定的局限。

    The specific acupuncture compared to traditional acupoints along meridians of acupuncture improved symptoms of acute injury to a certain extent , but the short term , there are certain limitations in the treatment of pain , and promote functional recovery .

  13. 结果:研究结果证明,特异针刺组和循经取穴组在3次治疗后与治疗前通过疼痛、关节活动度、肌力、肿胀程度等指标进行比较具有统计学意义,治疗后均优于治疗前。

    Results : The findings show that specific acupuncture group and the acupoints along meridians group three times after treatment and before treatment through the pain , range of motion and swelling degree of statistically significant after treatment than before treatment .

  14. 2.3治痛周老师善治疼痛,主要根据疼痛部位和虚实论治。治疗以临近取穴、循经取穴、特定经验穴相结合。

    Zhou specializes in the treatment of pain , mainly based on the location of pain and differential diagnosis of deficiency and excess . Treatment to nearby acupoints , acupoints along meridians , and in combination of acupoints based from experience .

  15. 特异针刺组优于循经取穴组。结论:①特异针刺疗法对于各具体的临床症状均有明显的改善作用,特别是在减轻疼痛方面明显优于常规循经取穴组,短时间内镇痛效果明显。

    Specific acupuncture group was superior to the acupoints along meridians group . Conclusion : ① specific acupuncture have shown improvement and the role of specific clinical symptoms , especially in reducing pain significantly better than conventional acupoints along meridians group , a short period of time analgesic effect .

  16. 治疗组(40例)按经络辨证理论,采用循经远端取穴进行治疗。

    The treatment group ( 40 examples ) according to the channels and collaterals dialectical theory , use the far-end acupoint selection to carry on the treatment .

  17. 结论:“宁失其穴,勿失其经”是强调循本经取穴,而且只有在四肢部完全适用。

    Conclusion : The theory " rather missing the acupoint than missing the channel " stresses the corresponding channel acupoint selection , and can be applied only in the four limbs .

  18. 方法:将60例神经根型颈椎病患者随机分为2组,治疗组采用穴位注射结合循经远端取穴加行动法,对照组采用常规针刺。

    The control group was treated with the common acupuncture method , the treatment group was treated with the point injection , acupuncture point selection along the meridian and the neck exercises .

  19. 结论:1、穴位注射结合循经远端取穴加行动法能改善神经根型颈椎病患者的症状与功能、疼痛症状。

    The symptoms and functional scales of nerve root type cervical spondylosis were significantly improved by the point injection in combination with the methods of acupuncture point selection along the meridian and the neck exercises 2 .

  20. 针药组:药物治疗同上,术后麻醉药性消失时加用电针(疏密波)治疗,按包扎范围循经分组取穴,每日1次,计7次。

    Acupuncture group : drug therapy Ibid , after the disappearance of anesthetics increase of electric acupuncture ( dense wave ) treatment , according to group acupoints along meridians dressing area , 1 day , total 7 times . 3 .