
  • 网络Medical accident appraisal;The Malpractice Appraising
  1. 我国医疗事故鉴定制度改革的再探索

    Re-investigation of reform in identification system of medical accidents in our country

  2. 上海5所医院医疗事故鉴定情况分析

    Analysis of medical accident arbitration in 5 hospitals of Shanghai

  3. 医疗事故鉴定的证据作用

    The Evidence Function of the Expert Testimony in Medical Accident

  4. 关于医疗事故鉴定结论作用的几个误区

    The effect of medical accident appraisal conclusions in civil procedure

  5. 医疗事故鉴定体制改革的思考

    Reform of the System on Testimony of Medical Negligence

  6. 69例医疗事故鉴定病案分析

    Case analysis of 69 cases of medical negligences identification

  7. 目的研究医疗事故鉴定中责任程度的判定。

    Objective To study how to judge duty degree in medical malpractice expertize .

  8. 非医疗事故鉴定案例中医患沟通障碍因素分析

    Factors Analysis of Doctor-patient Communication Obstacles in Technical Appraisal Cases for the Non-medical Negligence

  9. 我国医疗事故鉴定体制的弊端与改革之管见

    Malpractice of identification of medical accidents in China and our humble opinion on its reform

  10. 医疗事故鉴定结论是应对举证责任倒置的有效手段;

    It is also an effective means of responding to the inversion of evidential burden .

  11. 调整医疗事故鉴定委员会的结构和职能;

    The structure and function of the identification Committee of Medical Accidents should be revised ;

  12. 完善我国医疗事故鉴定法律制度的若干思考

    Several Considerations on the Perfection of Legal System of Technical Appraisal for Medical Accidents in Our Country

  13. 医疗事故鉴定涉及到千家万户的切身利益,应有其相应的客观标准。

    The appraisal of malpractice should be based on objective standards as it involved with people 's benefit .

  14. 目的调查上海5所医院医疗事故鉴定趋势及原因。

    Objective To find out the tendency of medical accident arbitration in 5 hospitals of Shanghai and the causes .

  15. 本文结合作者一年来参加医疗事故鉴定的实践,对影响鉴定质量的因素进行了探讨。

    In this paper , it probes the factors that influence the appraisement quality according to the author 's experience .

  16. 论如何有效发挥医疗事故鉴定的证据作用浅析涉及患者死亡的医疗事故技术鉴定

    On the Effective Use of Technical Evaluation of Medical Malpractices as Evidence On the Technical Expert Testimony of Medical Malpractices Related to Death

  17. 医疗事故鉴定是医患纠纷处理的重要证据,对医患双方的利益都至关重要。

    The report of MMI , important evidence for resolving the medical dispute , is of great importance to both doctors and patients .

  18. 现行的医疗事故鉴定办法与社会客观要求存在着不少差距,公平性、公正性及独立性受到社会的广泛关注。

    There was a big gap between graduation of malpractice and demand of society , which made the public focus on its impartiality and independence .

  19. 目的通过对某市过去的医疗事故鉴定结果分析,找出预防医疗纠纷的工作重点和防范机制。

    Objective To find the work focus and prevention mechanisms to prevent medical disputes through analyzing the past medical identification results in a certain city .

  20. 完善医疗事故鉴定专家辅助人及医疗事故鉴定人应出庭质证。

    Second , we should consummate the assist rules for authentication experts of medical accidents , and authentication appraiser of medical accidents should appear to testimony .

  21. 现行医疗事故鉴定体制的反思及重构医疗纠纷诉讼中的医疗鉴定机构应当统一为医学会。

    Review and Reconstruction of the Malpractice Identification System in China ; The author thinks the forensic organizations in medical lawsuits should be integrated as medical association .

  22. 作者在分析了现行医疗事故鉴定体制的弊端后,提出几点改革思路:医疗人员加强法制观念;

    Having analysed the malpractice of the present evaluation system of medical accidents , the author of this paper propose the following thinking for reform in this field .

  23. 第三部分介绍美国、英国等国家医疗事故鉴定与医疗纠纷处理的现状,提炼出值得我国借鉴的先进经验。

    Part Three . The author introduced the present situation of medical disputes and medical malpractice identification in the United States , Britain and other countries and extracted advanced experience for reference .

  24. 这些加大了人们对医方的不信任感,激化医患矛盾。第三部分对医疗事故鉴定制度的提出改进的方法。

    These reasons all increase the sense of no confidence on treatment and intensifies the doctor-patient conflicts . Chapter ⅲ puts forward some improving methods for technical authentication system of medical accidents .

  25. 医疗事故鉴定结论在医疗事故罪的认定中有着重要的作用,但是医疗事故鉴定的程序、规则、组成人员等方面亟待改革。

    Although the identification conclusions of medical accidents play an important role in the determination of this crime , the aspects about procedure , regulation and staff of medical identification should be reformed .

  26. 在医疗事故鉴定中医患双方发生的种种争议,究其原因:①医患双方信息不对称导致患方对医疗行为存在误解;

    Various disputes between doctor and patient arisen during malpractice appraisal may be caused by the following reasons : ( 1 ) the dissymmetry of medical information for both sides makes patients misunderstand medical conducts ;

  27. 医疗事故鉴定程序是医疗事故处理整个环节的核心,笔者从启动程序,鉴定体制和重新鉴定等方面说明现行程序的不足和改进。

    The fact appraises procedure is the core of the whole link of medical malpractice crash handling , I start this part with the starting procedure , determining system to prove current deficiency of procedure .

  28. 吉林省医疗事故鉴定委员会2002年共受理来自省内9个市、州的医疗事件86起,对其中的60起医疗事件进行了省级鉴定。

    The Medical Accidents Appraisal Committee of Jilin Province handled 86 medical accidents from 9 cities and prefectures in Jilin Province in 2002 , and 60 cases of the medical accidents being appraised at provincial level .

  29. 通过对医疗事故鉴定主体、医疗事故鉴定权、鉴定对象、鉴定效果及鉴定行为的单方性等的分析,笔者认为医疗事故鉴定完全符合具体行政行为的基本特征,是一种具体行政行为。

    By analyzing the subject , right , object , effect and unilateral property of malpractice regulation , the author thinks that malpractice regulation is a specific administrative behavior , which coincides entirely with the basic characteristics of administrative behavior .

  30. 结果①15年间一级委员会医疗事故鉴定数为295例,后期5年的年均鉴定数比前期10年的上升51%。

    Results ① During the 15 years the number of cases involving medical accident arbitration by class 1 commissions was 295 , with the average number per year in the latter five years rising 51 % as compared with the first ten years .