
  • 网络medicine management
  1. 介绍了一种用VFP开发医药管理系统的方法。

    The paper presents a method of developing medicine management system .

  2. 基于C/S的医药管理系统模块。

    Basing on C / S pharmacy medicine management system module .

  3. 随着加入WTO,我国医药管理体制逐渐与国际接轨,制药行业对内对外全面放开。

    With the entry to WTO , management systems of medicine of our country are more and more near to the international . The medicine industry unlocked to nation and world .

  4. 为确保病人安全,欧洲医药管理处(EMA)有必要尽快报告他们的调查结果。

    It is imperative for the EMA to report their findings as soon as possible to ensure patient safety .

  5. 美国食品和医药管理局(FDA)早已准许臭氧作为一种添加剂应用于食品的处理、储藏和加工过程。

    Food and Drug Adiministration ( FDA ) has already approved of ozone as a direct food additive for the treatment , storage , and processing of foods .

  6. 因此,基于SaaS模式医药管理软件安全性的研究,对推广SaaS模式的软件具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , the safety studies of medical management software based on SaaS model , to provide security for the SaaS model to promote the software is of great significance .

  7. 依中医药管理局发布的《中医病证诊断疗效标准》为主分析,治疗前两组症状评分比较无显着性差异(P0.05)。

    According to the analysis based on 《 The Standard for TCM Diseases and Syndromes therapeutic results 》 published by Chinese TCM Authority , there was without significant difference ( P0.05 ) for the syndrome scores of the two group .

  8. 几个月来,我们一直要求欧洲医药管理处(EMA)作出决定,为了对病人给予明确的指导,敦促他们尽快作出决定。

    We have been calling on the EMA to make a decision for many months in order to give definitive guidance to patients and would urge for decisions to be made more swiftly .

  9. 医院医药管理系统历史数据的挖掘及应用研究

    Hospital Medicine Management System History Data Excavation and Application Research

  10. 中国的医药管理部门正在试图让中药更加可持续发展。

    Authorities in China are trying to make traditional medicine more sustainable .

  11. 美国食品医药管理委员会批准了对食品的放射性检查。

    Food irradiation has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration .

  12. 辽代设有专门的医药管理机构。

    Special administration institutions for medicine were established .

  13. 学术界对元代行医管理和医药管理的研究需要加强。

    It needs to be strengthened on the medical practice and medical management research in Academic circles .

  14. 本机曾获国家医药管理局优质产品奖。

    The machine was awarded with High Quality Product issued by State Medicine Administrative Bureau of China .

  15. 与美国食品与医药管理局目前的数据相比。更多的患者能从阿司匹林中获益。

    There is a far wider range of patients who would benefit from Aspirin than FDA indications currently show .

  16. 国家医药管理局新药研究管理中心天津药代动力学与临床药理研究室

    Tianjin Laboratory of Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Pharmacology , National Centre of New Drug Research , State Pharmaceutical Administration of China

  17. 简介欧盟医药管理局的肺动脉高压医药产品临床研究指导原则

    Introduction the European Medicine Agency guideline on the clinical investigations of medical products for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension

  18. 贾鹤鹏报道了许多因素正在增加抗生素的耐药性,医药管理部门、医生和患者在对付耐药性的战役中都要发挥作用。

    Many factors are increasing antibiotic resistance , and authorities , doctors and patients all have a role in fighting it , writes Jia Hepeng .

  19. 减轻了人工管理的工作量,使其变得更具有条理性,科学性,为解决医药管理行业的各种问题做出了巨大的贡献。

    Reduce the workload of manual management to become more structured , scientific , in order to address various aspects of medical management industry has made tremendous contributions .

  20. 医院医药管理系统在大中型医院中得到了广泛应用,目前不少的历史数据没有得到很好的利用。

    The hospital medicine management system has been widespread applied in the large and middle scale hospitals , at present , much historical data has not been used well .

  21. 作为元代医政的最高管理者,他们直接参与相关医药管理制度的制定与执行。

    As the supreme chief executives of medical affairs in different periods of Yuan Dynasty , they were directly involved in the institution and implementation of relevant medical management regulations .

  22. 此外本文还对基因资源提供者的法律地位和利益分享提出了一些建议,对基因药物的医药管理有关条款的完善也进行了简单的介绍。

    Besides , the thesis also includes the legal status and benefit sharing of provider of genetic resources . Besides , the writer improved some recommendations on the provision about management of genetic medicine drug .

  23. 精神药品的原料和第一类精神药品制剂的年度生产计划,由卫生部会同国家医药管理局联合下达。

    The annual production plan for raw materials of psychotropic drugs and for the psychotropic drugs of category I shall be made jointly by the Ministry of Public Health and the State Administration for Medicine .

  24. 东三省暴发鼠疫后,清政府制定各级防疫条例十五件,涉及交通管制、消毒、尸体处置、公共场所医药管理多个领域。

    Northeast outbreak of plague , the Qing government at all levels enacted Prevention of Disease Ordinance 15 , traffic control , disinfection and disposal of the bodies , public places medical management in many fields .

  25. 2008年国务院机构调整中将食品药品监督管理局重归卫生部管理,医药管理体制的十年变迁,折射出我国药品监督管理体制构建的困难重重。

    In 2008 , in the agency and adjustments , the food and drug administration , return to the department of health management , medical management system , which reflects our ten years vicissitude drug supervision and management system construction of difficulties .

  26. 为探讨新时期军队医院建设的新问题,本文阐述了军队医院建设面临的新的形势是:国家医药管理体制改革的影响;

    To probe into the new problem of the military hospital construction in new period , it is expounded in this article that facing the new situation to the military hospital is : the influence of the country medicine management system innovating ;

  27. 今年登上榜首的是美国医药福利管理公司SXCHealthSolutions。

    US pharmacy benefit management company SXC Health Solutions takes the top spot .

  28. 随着计算机技术及网络通信技术的高度发展,开发基于Web技术的医药销售管理信息系统将能够大幅度提升医药流通企业的管理效率。

    With computer technology and a highly developed network of communications technology , developing Web-based technology pharmaceutical sales management information system will be able to greatly enhance the management efficiency of pharmaceutical distribution companies .

  29. 目的推广个人数字助理(PDA)应用于临床医药信息管理与服务。

    OBJECTIVE : To promote the application of Personal data assistant ( PDA ) in the management and service of clinical medical information .

  30. 结果PDA因具有独特的便携、快捷和准确的信息服务优点,故在国外临床医药信息管理与服务中应用广泛。

    RESULTS : PDA was widely used in overseas medical infor-mation management and service for its distinct virtues of portability , speedy and accurate information service .