
  • 网络Medical kit;medical chest;Med Kit
  1. 玻璃钢医疗箱电缆分接箱

    Glassfibre reinforced plastic medical kit cable branch box

  2. 玻璃钢屋顶风机玻璃钢医疗箱

    FRP roof fanner glassfibre reinforced plastic medical kit

  3. 一种实用的基于MS-DOS6.2上的软件医疗箱

    A Practical Based MS - DOS 6.2 Software Physical Box

  4. 野战医疗箱参数化实体建模及动态模拟研究

    Parametrized solid modeling and dynamic simulation research on the field medical chest

  5. 野战医疗箱旋转模塑工艺条件下着色研究

    Study on pigmentation of field medical chest by rotational molding

  6. 医疗箱缓冲包装设计方案评价

    Project Evaluation of the Field Medical Kits Buffering Package Design

  7. 谁听说过阿特金斯低碳睡眠法或者阿特金斯低碳医疗箱呢?

    Who ever heard of an Atkins bedroom or an Atkins medicine cabinet ?

  8. 世卫组织建议旅行者在其医疗箱中包括口服补液盐。

    WHO recommends that travellers include oral rehydration salts in their medical kits .

  9. 飞机医疗箱对肺萎陷没有多大用处。

    Aircraft medical kits aren 't much help in dealing with a collapsed lung .

  10. 拿一条毯子和我的医疗箱来。

    Bring a blanket and my medical bag .

  11. 欢迎你到我们挂在墙上的医疗箱看看。

    You are welcome to what we have in the medical container on the wall .

  12. 负责医务室及医疗箱的药品进货及管理。

    Responsible for applying of medicine of clinic and first aid box and management of medicine .

  13. 黄师父:快跑去车里拿条毯子和我的医疗箱。

    Master Huang : Run to the car ! Bring a blanket and my medical bag .

  14. 这些供给包括:食物、紧急医疗箱和额外的衣服以保证温暖和干燥。

    These include food , emergency medical supplies , and extra clothing to stay warm and dry .

  15. 箱装物资搜寻系统主要用于野战医疗箱组以及箱组内所携带物品的快速搜寻、查找、定位。

    Case material search system is mainly used in the rapid search , tracing and location of field medical cases including all material in it .

  16. 分述了部队用医疗箱箱体材料性能、箱体的结构设计及箱体防护性能试验情况。

    The material performance of the military medical case , the characteristics of the box structural design and the testing to its protective performance are also described .

  17. 通用医疗箱缓冲包装设计指导医疗箱内装物,特别是易碎品的安全装箱、运输与使用。

    In this paper , safe encasing , transporting and using of contents in medical chest , especially the fragile products were instructed by designing of buffered package of general medical chest .

  18. 医生:携带好医疗箱赶赴员工疏散集合点(酒店南侧花园停车场),做好受伤人员的救护工作。

    Hotel Doctor : Go to staff evacuation gathering place ( The hotel southern garden car parking area ) with the medical box to help any injured person at the fire scene .

  19. 通过分析和综合,拟定了4种可行方案,建立了医疗箱的递阶层次结构,并运用层次分析方法对可行方案进行排序和一致性检验。

    Through analysis and integration , the author studies out four feasible projects , then builds a kind of hierarchy structure of medical case , and also makes a sort and consistency test of feasible projects with the usage of AHP .

  20. 文章介绍了一种实用的基于MS-DOS6.2上的软件医疗箱&文件保护系统的结构和基本原理,并给出了具体的使用方法与实现方法,最后讨论了其优越性或特色。

    This article is about the problem of the file protection system or the Physical Box . It analysis the structure of the system and the basic principle of the system . It discusses the realized method of the system and running method of the system .

  21. 厂、站设医疗急救箱。

    First-aid medical box shall be prepared in the plant and station .

  22. 医疗器械:医药箱、B超机、电子仪器、医用器具及零部件、按摩健身器具等。

    Medical Appliances : medical kit , B supersonic diagnostic set , electronic instrument , medical equipment and components , massage and fitness machine .